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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. Depending on where you are going in the US the two most reasonable carriers are T Mobile and ATT (T Mobile is better but not available everywhere) - If you have a phone that works here and only need a sim just go to any T Mobile/ATT store and ask for a sim (About $25) and pop it in you phone... refill minutes can be bought anywhere and are all priced the same... If you do not have a phone or don't want to go thru the complicated store route then go to any Walmart or Target store... and buy a phone with a prepaid plan (You can get the phone and the sim for as little as $19.99!)... you can remove the sim and put it in your phone or just use the new phone... If you want internet access like EDGE you will be out of luck... carriers in the US do not provide it to prepaid accounts :<


  2. "I thought the current one was EDGE."

    mine keeps flashing up "Edge not availible" so the phones got it, im on true and i think true are getting it soon, they just bin busy what with sonkran and voting etc!!!

    Funfun... You can stop that from popping up by going into settings/general/network roaming and turn off data roaming :o

  3. If you've an paid account by Skype, use Skype for to send SMS, is even more cheap than AIS if you send in Thailand. Overseas is more cheap.


    Skype is great!... But understand if you send someone a sms thru Skype and then log off the sms recipient will get an error when trying to reply to you... the sms will bounce back to them saying the Skype user is not online to accept your sms.

  4. What is the increased cost differential?... 500 Baht or so... Seems like a small investment... If you choose to go cheap do not whine 2 years from now when you can not get the upload speeds to watch streaming video and such... Look at the biggest complaint and reason for having to buy a new computer... usually it is because the machine is too slow due to the specs of the thing... Buying N may save you a year or so before you have to buy another machine... "This computer sucks! the modem is only 56K... I need at least 128K..."

  5. When i recently visited thailand for 6 months i did so on a 1 year multi entry visa which i obtained from the thai consul in hull for about £100 this allows you to stay for up to 90 days, so basically to stay for 6 months you have to do 1 border run.

    This was very easy to obtain.

    Depending on your circumstances you could maybe apply for a retirement visa, but i know nothing about this

    What purpose did you state on you visa application?

  6. Are there any countries where we haven't heard iPhone launch rumors at this point? Yes, yes there are, but the list is getting shorter by the minute. The latest to get scratched off the iPhone rumor-free sheet is Thailand, where number one carrier AIS says that negotiations are well underway with revenue sharing details being a large part of the discussion (surprise, surprise). AIS holds a commanding 50 percent of the Thai market, so if Apple were to launch there, that particular carrier certainly seems like the right one to go after; a carrier spokesman gave no indication as to when it might wrap up talks, though, so it's far from a done deal. We assume they've done more than pay a single visit to Cupertino here?


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