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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Why not? Especially when it comes from such a fake persona(s) as all of yours! When, as usual, you fake it I will "call you out" with my comments! This is an open forum and if you wish to continue being the multi person you post as then just accept the consequences'! You post B.S. and I cannot stand it whether you are Bob or any other @rsehole you pretend to be. You stopped being funny, if ever, a long long time ago. I suggest you get a real life/persona and start on AN again as a real person if that is possible!
  2. I don't care too much what that idiot does internally to his own country. They voted for him and they can suffer the consequences but I do worry about the damage the idiot is doing/potentially doing to the rest of the world.
  3. Record needle stuck yet again! Buy a new record player and album or better still get a brain transplant! Assuming the can find one to replace! This is getting so boring even you must realise that your Yap Yap Yapping is pointless, just like most of your posts!
  4. I don't really like either chips or beef! What point , if any, are you trying to make?
  5. What was the point, if any, of that post apart from boosting your post count and showing how totally insular you are? PS; And you posted about Me following you! 🤣 It seems to be the other way round given your last (all!) nonsensical posts!
  6. He is more damaging to the rest of the world than last time! I don't care what crap he creates inside the USA the MEGAlomanicas voted for him! It is his deranged and very dangerous policies that harm the rest of the world that worry me!
  7. Says you! If anyone is being, as usual, hysterical with most of it's responses it is you! Do you have anything substantial to post, just for a change? PS; I doubt it, as it would make a major shift in/to your boring and predictable record needle broken posting habits!
  8. What is all the fuss about? Smokers cannot smoke in public/non smoking places so put them in non public/smoking places! No problem! Smokers go to smoker places where they do not interact/annoy Non smokers and Non smokers then don't care as they don't smell/interact with them! A "Song and dance about nothing" IMO.
  9. But someone has to call out his dangerous posts to those who do not know about his scaremongering!
  10. You are seriously DELUDED/DERANGED if you think, that of all the people around that I am "following" you as I have posted above! You are a total non-entity as far as I am concerned with a single track mind(?) with repetitive broken record nonsensical responses! As I have posted above I can only believe that you keep on replying to my posts with your nonsense as you are trying to increase your post count!
  11. Did you take her of his hands? If so all I can say is "what a gentleman" you are sir!
  12. Needle still broken on that YaP yap yap record. Why keep posting such crap? Do you have a post count target you have to meet?
  13. Read the Judge/jury statements from his guilty trial!
  14. You complain about being followed but then respond with your usual stuck and boring record. The solution is simple enough even for you to understand; Don't reply and I won't reply either! Better still stop posting your Trump rubbish concerning his dangerous threats about things outside of the USA!
  15. What is the point of that comment, if any? PS; On 2nd thoughts, please don't bother replying as you will wear what is left of your stubbly little fingers away and you probably need them for something more pleasurable!
  16. Oh no! I need to find some idiot to vent my frustrations on/with and Bob is oh so gullible and idiotic!
  17. Another Yap Yap Yap record needle stuck response! Please do not delude yourself! I don't follow anyone either on the internet or in real life unless I find them interesting and that is one category you will NEVER fit into! You may not know but there is a thing on this forum called "all activity" which shows a the first few lines of all posts posted in the past few hours. All posts, including your posts, unfortunately, are included and when I see something that I feel I should respond to I do so. That is NOT following anyone and especially NOT you!
  18. So you are an hour out when the clocks switch between summer/winter time!
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