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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. If you have had a drink you are intoxicated to some extent! Don't be a prat! Don't drink and drive!
  2. Since you do not know me from Adam your two sentences(!) when put together make no sense to me! Is this your most pointless and incomprehensible post you have ever made on this forum or do you, unfortunately, have an even more excruciating example? PS; If you have such an example please do not quote it!
  3. Voted for what and whatever the vote was how would you know whether I voted and if I did vote which way I voted! What a stupid post!
  4. Or just remove the only brain cell that it might have!
  5. Apart from the adult, and not so adult, males carrying and using weapons! PS; That does not include those males who have used their d!cks as weapons to rape the hostages!
  6. Don't forget to add a very small dash of lime to get your essential vitamin C!
  7. Seriously? Do you not have Grab/Bolt, etc. a brain cell in there?
  8. What a stupid post! DON"T DRINK AND DRIVE! End of discussion!
  9. Neither of us are English! although we will admit to being British or "from the UK" if forced to say it! PS; We do not want to be united! 🥊
  10. Pointless post! How was it when you renewed it about 5 years ago?
  11. I assume you speak from personal experience regarding your top-heaviness! PS' I do not wish a rerun of your cr@p broken toilet experience!
  12. Order what you want online and have them delivered, if they are legal, to your UK address! All problems solved!
  13. I have no time for Trump but even I have never heard of, or would accuse him of, committing two actual murders!
  14. If the agent does not take you to get a photo taken at the Immigration Office (IO) then it is a dodgy extension! PS; I am talking CM IO but I assume the photo at the IO is a requirement at all IOs
  15. Who gave Netanyahu Hamas the bombs and Billions of dollars to use them?
  16. I thought Putin was the dictator in charge of the Russian Invasion of an independent sovereign nation called Ukraine! I also thought that President Biden, along with many other democratically elected Governments, are/have tried to assist the oppressed Ukrainians despite the objections of the megalomaniac MAGA Trump!
  17. Hindsight is a great gift - to those who do not like or understand the facts or the truth!
  18. Then why do you keep appearing on these types of shows?
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