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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. I think you misheard them. What they said was that "You are a Snowflake"!
  2. Bob is waiting for the Thai Kra canal to be built so he can sail through it!
  3. The biggest and worst lie in the world. Just how deranged does someone have to be to make such a crass statement?
  4. I do not have any Euro and never have! As usual it shows your TOTAL lack of knowledge regarding the people you insult! BTW what is the connection if any between between your two sentences above and what slogan are you referring to with "Yeah like our slogan: "Winning", I have never heard of it and have no idea what it or your comment is refering to!?
  5. The day Bob re-joined as Colin!
  6. Do I really have to say this; READTHE TITLE IN THE OP!
  7. And you will STILL be an ALIEN, PR or not! 😄
  8. Does that mean you will stop posting then?
  9. He cannot as no group will accept Bob as a member as they would not know what name to enrol him under!
  10. Sorry Bob but I just quoted you reality from the dictionary! Telling someone to "Dip your toes into reality sometime - It may actually benefit you" is hilarious coming from you! Come down to earth someday and join the real world, if you can!
  11. But you own your land! A true Socialist! 🤣
  12. As the word "Alien" describes what all foreigners are I can see no objection, if I cared, to it's use! It is a just a word as explained here; From the Oxford English Dictionary; alien n adjective 1 belonging to a foreign country.naturalized. 2 unfamiliar and distasteful. 3 relating to or denoting beings from other worlds. n noun 1 a foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where they are living. Øan alien plant or animal species. 2 a being from another world. ORIGIN Middle English: via Old French from Latin alienus 'belonging to another', from alius 'other'.
  13. Bob you are an Alien as you live in a totally different world to the rest of us!
  14. Which I assume you or your friends/family bought? Ot like a good commie did you just take them over?
  15. It helps if you actually read the article! It says; "Students at the school will have the opportunity to propose new names, which will then be put to a vote. The selected name will be submitted to the Portfolio Advisory Board for final approval. "
  16. But most of the rest of the world, except Russia and China do agree with me. What that idiot does inside America is your and America's problem. What he does outside of it is the world's problems!
  17. It's OK! It won't do them any harm as MAGAs don't ever understand facts or even the brainwashed slogans they keep spouting forth!
  18. Just because education was obviously wasted on you is no reason to stop others in the USA from getting their much needed education!
  19. Explain that to the people still fighting and dying in both sides of the conflict!
  20. Typical response from someone who has no KNOWLEDGE of my background or political leanings if any! Please note I have never said anything against any political party in the USA. I only criticize Trump for the dangerous and incompetent nincompoop that he is!
  21. Why do you keep describing your self on here?
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