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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Please define what "supremacist" in the above means in simple English if one is just opposed to something/someone on purely political grounds?
  2. Is this true that "resident expatriates who do not remit assessable income don't need to file returns"?
  3. How else would they say the above or if it if it is written in English on their document or 90 day report! Do you want them to say it in Swahili?
  4. And between posters and "so called experts" who obfuscate when replying to simple questions!
  5. That is not a spoon but either a brain tumour (if it has a brain) or it is just pissed again as usual!
  6. if you do not need to go that route it is probably best not to put your head above the parapet and ask questions regarding illegal activities! Using an agent to avoid the queues etc is totally legal and acceptable provided you actually attend your local IO in person, with your agent, for the obligatory (5min?) photo take!
  7. You are most certainly NOT my mate!
  8. I would have thought it was "smart" enough to turn brown just in case it was only a pre warning of the sh!t to follow!
  9. Where is the magic button? Her skirt does not lift in my screen!
  10. Yet more BS from the master BSer!
  11. Thank you for the compliment! Maybe you can now take in and learn something to your advantage!
  12. All of the above as it is total BS! PS; What is most worrying is that you, and people like you, with the same (lack of) mentality do not understand just how much you are being taken for suckers! PPS; Are you going to recommend another riot when your MEGA GOD is defeated yet again?
  13. I am so pleased to see that you appreciate your superior's talents!
  14. Or if in the are anywhere near where you are eating just ignore them! Simple! Enjoy the food!
  15. And I would use the whole of my foot/leg to emphasise it!
  16. With attitude I am glad that I (and I assume many others) live nowhere near where you are liable to be turning your nose up at!
  17. Irrespective of the type of property it is not a reason for assault!
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