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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. But will he accept any judgement against him, without breaking the gag order?
  2. There’s a right time for everything. doing the right thing!
  3. Most MAGA nuts believe in alternative facts. What do you expect considering their source of or disinformation!
  4. Does not seem to have worked in your case as you are still posting! (unfortunately) Please try using a larger condom again as being such a bighead you are probably trying to use a size that is too small for your supersizes cranium (in your opinion)!
  5. Why the caveat about time? The Supreme Court is supposed to be "Supreme" at all times!
  6. They may just be firing their about to go out of date war stock which has to be replaced whether fired or not!
  7. I thought he was not particularly attracted to any women!
  8. That of course will be determined by the date that someone kills him! PS; DISCLAIMER I am not of course (55555) recommending such an action!
  9. The number of usernames = number of times banned + 1 Ps; I forgot to multiply the above by the number of alternative names in use at the same time. PPS' Don't they know how to change their posting habits to match their posting (lack of) persona?
  10. I suggest you read the two separate posts from two separate posters regarding the stupid sign and collate my responses in your mind!
  11. "were you a juror, you'd swear you could be unbiased and just sit through the trial waiting to vote to" find him not guilty! Your so called argument works both ways!
  12. I don't care what the sign says! Only an idiot drives their car with them intending to drink and subsequently drive home! There are lots of safe transport options for both the intoxicated (now) non driver and the rest of the population! There is no reason and no excuse to drink and drive!
  13. Why can posters not stick to the topic in hand? It has nothing to do with corruption in other countries! DragonFire has been tested in real time! The article is about the weapon system and the potential speeding up the horrendously lengthy UK military procurement procedures!
  14. Another fvcking stupid post from the drunk driver condoner! What sign and what does it say? I suggest you follow what I posted! Do not drink and drive! No matter what your interpretation of a (an imaginary) sign is! PS; I suggest you also stop drinking and posting dangerous drivel!
  15. Where is the consulate annexe? I do not have access to Israeli intelligence data!
  16. There is only ever one Embassy in a country but there can be many Consulates! An Embassy may be treated as Sovereign territory but a consulate is just an office for diplomats (often part time) to work in.
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