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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Religious/National bans are from Midnight to midnight and election bans are from 6pm the day before to 6pm on the election day, wither local or national!
  2. So your problem is obviously not an emergency so why the anguished post? Re-arrange for another day!
  3. Off his rocker, more than likely but NOT Trans or a pedo!
  4. Bob's new dream medication certainly seems to be doing something for him! Unfortunately we have to suffer the resulting posts!
  5. What a sad, spiteful and unwarranted post!
  6. I no longer work so I do not have a Job! You seem to have elected yourself the "smell expert" commentator! Does it pay well or do the job and the wages stink, like your nonsensical posts?
  7. You are the one spouting on and on about "smell experts" not me! I suggest you give it a rest as it is starting to stink! 😁
  8. Look in the mirror and you will find them!
  9. Like all your post under all your names!
  10. Most likely because they can't stand (any of) you!
  11. Isn't that in the script given to all MAGAlomanics along with the total obliteration of any "fact" contrary to that ideology?
  12. And enjoy the sight of it being flushed away, never to be seen or heard of by you again!!
  13. I am not that corrupt so couldn't be accepted or do it!
  14. That must explain why it seems to be OK to those in the left etc!
  15. A pointless post by you! You have NOT "been there from the start" You are funneling aid from afar with no boots on the ground.
  16. Since you are now talking about your dollars being spent in your country why bore the rest of us here on AN with it?
  17. If it looks like cr@p, acts like cr@p then I can assure you that you do NOT need to be a "smell expert" to know you are smelling cr@p!
  18. All non MAGAlomanicas know the smell that emanates from that pile of stinking cr"p!
  19. I did not say that I did not watch or know anything about it! I just said I don't care! Jumping to conclusions without facts as usual!
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