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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Only if the Helo and the crew (ground and airborne) are on "alert 5"!
  2. Basically, this is a win win for Israel. Well played Bibi Iran and it's leaders have let Israel off the hook. They have let Israel off the hook provided Israel does not respond too heavily!
  3. It is what he does all the time to just stir things up!
  4. Not the use of the words "alleged acts" in your quote" Not a single statement by an alleged victim! “Taken together, these alleged acts may constitute grave violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, and amount to serious crimes under international criminal law," the experts said.
  5. This thread is over two years old! Has nothing improved in that time or are you just moaning for the sake of of it?
  6. Like a rat! PS; I just wish it was exterminated like all Rats should be!
  7. Unfortunately you keep posting the most puerile cr@p under the delusional idea that the posts (read drivel) that you make are entertaining! PS; Simple translation; Your post are only entertaining in your so called mind!
  8. So the best bit, if any, of you was thrown away!
  9. They incarcerated him/it in the well know mental institute called AN where he is allowed to spout forth unchecked!
  10. I think that by stripping off completely and strutting about in the nude he is the one who has made himself clearly identifiable!
  11. I disagree! I believe that ALL dictators should be murdered ASAP!
  12. Fvcking stupid and idiotic comment! Do not drink and drive!
  13. I think you mean that whatever visa/permission of stay you had at that time applied to your circumstances and not everyone else's!
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