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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Russia, China, North Korea and those he has/is borrowing money from! PS; I missed out his son's Saudi friends!
  2. What? I have given you the numbers! But forget that! They are two very simple questions. If you consider yourself to be not liable for tax after considering your "information" above do you have to do either of the following; (hint answer yes or no!) a) Do you have to obtain a TIN? b) Do you have to file a tax return? There is a third answer! Just say either; You don't know or nobody knows yet!
  3. Why did you ask me questions which I answered and then spout forth with the above non answers?
  4. I answered all your questions and if that is the best you can come up with then all I can say is that you deserve this confused emoji from ME! What a waste of time and effort!
  5. Sorry I am confused as you seem to be answering yourself! I did not post that confused emoji, (especially after out last exchange) Honest it was not me and would have been self defeating. I thought my question was fairly simple. I was not talking specifically about myself but about the average single UK OAP on full UK pension with no dependents! Why the extra questions? What I am asking is If in the above case and ALL the UK pension was remitted to Thailand would the same two questions arise? How much do you receive, in Baht, each year or monthly, (approx is OK). In my case I only bring into the country approx. 25,000per month as my partner has a business and my 800,000 has been here for years! Are you married in Thailand? No Children? No Do you pay for health or life insurance in Thailand? No
  6. Thanks for that but do you actually have an answer to my specific two questions? a) Would tax be liable? b) if not would a TIN and a return be required? Answers might just get some other nationalities to respond in like!
  7. Where I believe you belong and hope you remain!
  8. I know you cannot answer everyone's queries as they are too far ranging! But what about a format for the major countries that answers the basic single OAP/retiree with no other income from their home country? In the following case; Would a basic single OAP/retiree with no other income from UK using the 800,000 (already in the bank pre 2024) in the bank method be liable for tax and if not would he need to obtain a TIN and file a tax return. An answer to the specific question above would be much appreciated! I also think that guide with a quick change of country with the above same same info would be a great help to the many expat retirees who meet the above and do not have any additional income! Those expats with more complicated financial situations are in a different league to those poor mortals who no longer pay tax in their home countries!
  9. I think you have posted the wrong picture it should be something like this;
  10. Not sure which is worse, her woeful ignorance or the fawning media and sponsors that slavishly wait pay her for her every dull utterance.
  11. You seem to have no problem about making many comments on many forums about peoples' mental ability without ever meeting them!
  12. Everything Nothing I say is baseless.
  13. I suggest that you "Go a little deeper into it. The Nation" are referring to; Historian Linda Gordon explains—her new book is The Second Coming of the KKK: The Ku Klux Klan and the American Political Tradition.
  14. The Trump Family’s History With the KKK | The Nation Fred Trump, the president’s father, was arrested as a young man at a Klan march in New York City. Historian Linda Gordon explains—her new book is The Second Coming of the KKK: The Ku Klux Klan and the American Political Tradition.
  15. I wonder how long before we find out if our previous exchange was/is correct!
  16. How many lawyers does it take to change a lightbulb? The jury's out on that one.
  17. The father of a bright young son went to a wise friend for advice as to what profession the youth should be fitted for. The sage was brusque. "Let the boy choose for himself," he said. "But," protested the father, "he's too young." "Well," responded the wise man, "put him in a room alone with a book on theology, an apple, a knife, and some small change, and see what he makes of it. If he chooses the book, make a minister of him, if he takes the knife, make him a surgeon; if the apple, he will make a farmer, and if he chooses the money a banker." Much relieved, the father went away, but returned in a few days complaining the plan hadn't worked at all. "Why not?" demanded the wise man. "What did he do?" "When I went in," said the father, "he was sitting on the book, with the knife in one hand and the money in his pocket, and eating the apple." "Ah!" said the sage, "that's easy. The boy is a natural born lawyer."
  18. Did you hear about the cannibal who would only use a group of businessmen to make a batch of chili? He insisted on using only seasoned professionals.
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