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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Don't worry the idiot will get round to Thailand shortly!
  2. Which persona would that be under Bob/Colin etc?
  3. I hope you are just a TROLL and do not actually believe in the dangerous cr@p you spout forth!
  4. That will be the few that will be left after the rest come to their senses when they see the incredible damage he is doing around the world, including the USA!
  5. Knowing how turncoat 2teir works he will commit the UK to some all binding non exit treaty.
  6. Why people post about it or watch the videos is beyond me! Get a life! Oops, just realised this is a post by Bob!
  7. Thanks for yet another of your less than helpful posts!
  8. Which is all non MAGA supporters and most of the western world. Russia and China just love his stupidity!
  9. The Iranians who do NOT support the Iranian regime will object, those that survive that is!!
  10. So you support an inarticulate so called world leader who is totally unable to state what he really means? That is the road to ambiguity, misunderstanding and dangerous actions by those who do not get/understand his so called message!
  11. You are right he has been a complete disaster in that two weeks!
  12. Except that clowns and circuses provide enjoyable entertainment unlike the dangerously deranged lunatic MAGAlomaniac Trump!
  13. I think only the ladyboys receive Bob's tip!
  14. Seems as you never give up. Just like the man you so despise adore.
  15. His MAGAlominia is behind it all!
  16. Where did you get that denial from? "The First Minister insisted he has ‘no intention’ of following through on the proposals, despite the idea coming in a Scottish Government report." From the Daily Mail, MSN and others!
  17. I wonder whose photo Bob would use and claim to be him? Any guesses!
  18. You sign financial documents without knowing anything about them?
  19. How come you claim to know so much about people you know nothing about? Why don't you stick to facts, difficult for you I know, and give the insults a rest!
  20. That is if he even thinks or cares about his many brainwashed supporters at all!
  21. I do love your self assessments! They are so accurate! Do you look in the mirror before posting them?
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