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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. I hope and pray that the Gabling Gob takes your advice but unfortunately the idiot will start up again spouting forth it's usual garbage! PS; Have a look at "it's" posting times! They do not equate to those of a normal human being that claims to be presently living in CM.
  2. I will take a photo of the tuning screen tomorrow and post it for your advice! Thanks in advance!
  3. Thanks for the suggestion but it will not let me retune even though I get a moving picture the system does not show "broadcast tuning" as being available! The signal with this latest (2/3 days) aerial does not seem to be the correct one. I am happy that this is an aerial problem and not a TV problem!
  4. Thanks! I have a spec at last! I assume you get ch7 in CM?
  5. Utter rubbish! Tube launched yes but not from surface ship deck mounted torpedo launch tubes! Harpoon has never been launched from deck mounted torpedo launch tubes. From surface ships they are always launched from either twin, 2x2 or quad canister launchers in ALL the navies that have installed them! Please see the 2x2 harpoon launchers on the upper deck of HTMS Sukhothai!
  6. That looks similar to what I had but what does "This piece will not have an RG6 antenna ***"" as the link states" I bought something that "looks" like that two days ago but all I get is picture, no sound, so I went to Amori, see above, and they could not help! PS; I get sound out of the HDMI & USB inputs from non TV sources so I do not believe it is a TV sound problem more an input problem! PPS; I have also reset the TV sound settings to factory with no result!
  7. Thanks, A bit late in the day for me to take all this info in. I will look at it all tomorrow and get back to you all. Well done and thanks to all who have responded!
  8. Since when was Harpoon launched from a surface based torpedo tube?
  9. Thanks! I know that when they turned off whatever it was back in 2018 we bought a new aerial and bits and pieces. I now know, thanks to you that I can ignore all reference to analogue. Do you happen to know what the aerial specs I mentioned earlier mean? I have looked on Lazada and google but get very confused with different Aerial/booster specs like "Orbit D, QID, D7A, D2A D9A & D6E etc!
  10. The problem with your link is that it only goes to someone saying Trump said those comments re the constitution and then the link "quotes" his rebuttal" I am no Tumpeteer but please link to where he actually made those comments and NOT where someone said he said!
  11. I don't believe that posters like "it" would know what honour meant!
  12. Yes I switched to something like this which was taped to my window and it worked but it got blown away recently and I have no picture/specs of the actual aerial I had. Amori had at least 6 different types of areal but nobody seemed to know which one did what! I saw three that looked identical, even down to the colours but the "salesman" said they were for different system!! This is similar but seems much bigger and not the same as the one I had;
  13. Thanks! Will look into that! I am not really into android boxes etc but thanks for the option!
  14. I was not implying anything to do with English Grammar or punctuation! My remark, including the party time emoji, should have clearly indicated to yourself that I was commenting on your obvious pre knowledge regarding porn sites! I suggest you lighten up, get a life and possibly stay away from the porn sites!
  15. That is my problem! I do not understand the "Lots of choices available", hence my asking for help to identify which choices meet my requirement! To put it in simple terms I don't really understand the phrase "Assuming your TV isn't digital - an analogue" wrt my problem. Please all of you are discussing this with myself, who is a self confessed troglodyte when it comes to Thailand and TV reception out with cable/satellite! Please bear with me and a technical description, preferably in English of what to ask for would be greatly appreciated! I believe that a "smart TV' can connect to the internet itself without other connections just like a laptop! If so my TV is NOT a Smart TV. It has HDMI (2 sockets) USB and the standard RCA video/Audio type inputs if that helps. When I get home I will see if I can find it's specs and post them. Thank you all for your patience with me!
  16. Thanks. They appear to have some laptop options which I will also look into. I will post my results as I get them. Thanks to all so far!
  17. That is part of the problem! I went to Amorn yesterday expecting to walk out with the gear I needed but even with a Thai (her indoors) with me but between them they did not know the answers! Hence my pleading for info here where I hopefully can go to Amorn/Lazada/ etc with a shopping list or maybe some very helpful poster provides another software solution. @Crossy has already provided one such solution which I will look at.
  18. I don't have a smart TV but I can connect my computer to my TV via HDMI and have access to Wi-Fi! I will give that option a look at but it is not my number one solution as I would prefer to keep the computer out of the loop but as a last resort it could solve the problem. Thanks!
  19. About what? 😆 Oops I have just remembered, see my post re Trump above. Is that back on topic enough for you?
  20. Yes Please! I wonder which Musk(y) Space(X) MEGA rich person could we get to do the transporting?
  21. What an attitude! You have just given myself, and possibly others, a very strong reason to use Revolut in future!
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