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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. They probably run away because of your anti social behaviour in that you believe you should have special treatment rather than the colour of your passport.
  2. BS! Search the web and you will find many contenders for the title of "most powerful passport in the world"! Japan is usually the No1! The UK came in joint No6 along with France, Ireland, Portugal! 2023 Henley Passport Index: The world's most powerful passports (cnbc.com)
  3. And when you are caught for breaking the law what will you do? There are big signs in all Immigration departments stating that it is illegal to use any cameras on the IO premises!
  4. That comment should be in the joke section. In what way can a Military appointed court installed after a coup be in any way described as "proper"?
  5. Do you know what you are thinking? In fact do you actually think as most BOTS don't!
  6. Is English your native language. If so could you maybe try using it in your posts instead of the last two gobbledygook posts which make no sense!
  7. You seem to forget that it is not meant to keep you or your left/right hand happy but your human partner happy!
  8. I have just thought of a really brilliant idea! Let us create an AN Data base of all the posters who are on an ignore list and who put them on it. An even better idea is to conduct a poll/vote on who should be put on such a list and by whom! I know it is against the rules but the idea of just such a utopian idea really excites me! Any takers?
  9. From the OED (Oxford English Dictionary) irony1 noun (plural ironies) the expression of meaning through the use of language signifying the opposite, typically for humorous effect. Øa state of affairs that appears perversely contrary to what one expects. Ø(also dramatic or tragic irony) a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the significance of a character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character. ORIGIN C16: via Latin from Greek eironeia 'simulated ignorance', from eiron 'dissembler'.
  10. Could you please rephrase your statement "this is the hand basket you’re riding on" so that it can be understood and responded to in an appropriate manor!
  11. Recently someone made a post (Poster B) which had a completed quote from an earlier poster (poster A) as part of his response. I copied and quoted a phrase from that original earlier poster (Poster A) from inside Poster B's response but my quote showed it to have come from Poster B and not the original Poster A. Poster B quite rightly was not happy that I had attributed the original quote to him (Poster B) to Poster A's post! Is this something new or have I just been doing it wrong all along!
  12. If it is "safe enough' or suitable or whatever on that day to drink/stay open till 6AM why is not suitable etc on any other day of the year?
  13. I thought BOTS got switched on or activated rather than wake up from a settled nights sleep!
  14. Are you trying to say that it would be easy for China to invade Taiwan? There is little point in China taking over a completely obliterated Taiwan by invasion! First it would be very difficult to hide the build up of the forces required to carry out such an invasion and the west would react! Secondly Taiwan does not have many "Normandy/D Day" type of landing beaches! Taiwan has rugged and indented shorelines, mountainous topography, and a populace with intimate acquaintanceship with its strategic features. Its armed forces will turn them to maximum effect along with many anti sea and air invasion defences including pre-laid remote controlled anti ship sea mines on the approaches to the few suitable beaches and harbours! The most dangerous and costly form of warfare is an assault from the sea! Taiwan’s Geography Will Greatly Complicate a Chinese Invasion | The National Interest
  15. I hope to hell for the sake of the whole world and not just the USA that that never happens!
  16. I think I will just sign wave this away now as I do not Excel at this and see no point, decimal or otherwise in, trying to spread or score points off this table! To sum up I believe I have had some Excellent responses from the usual above average responders.
  17. I do not know of a French bar with parrots but there is an Arabic bar in Anusarn Market where the owner keeps two Parrots! It is called "Aisha Thai Food" next door to O'Malley's Irish Bar!
  18. 55555! Is that from first hand experience and if so how much was the hospital bill?
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