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Everything posted by Henryford

  1. 4.30 am they must have both been smashed
  2. I like the Moose cider, can buy in most supermarkers, 53 baht a small bottle at Friendship or can buy by the case.
  3. What's the marathon got to do with Terminal21? It's always held at 4 am so no one gets to even see it. Except maybe the drunks leaving Walking Street.
  4. That will change nothing. The Thais will just think you are an idiot, One time it will end up in a fight and you will end up in hospital.
  5. I think they should do away with zebra crossings in Thailand. They are a death trap for anyone who thinks the traffic will stop.
  6. 240 baht - high rollers. Have the Police nothing better to do?
  7. I used to like the Cave, and went a lot, when it was an open bar with the band at the back. Not so good with the new owners and closed in.
  8. Margaret Thatcher was the UK's best Prime Minister. Then it went downhill fast.
  9. They should look opposite the Grand Caribbean on Thappraya Road. There is a whole homeless city being built out of cardboard and plywood.
  10. Couldn't have been much of a helmet if it came off in the crash. Or did he have one but wasn't wearing it.
  11. Fractured skull, obviously not wearing a helmet., riding a powerful bike !!
  12. Buriram has only 3 hotel rooms within 50km. That's why no one can get to see the MotoGP race.
  13. I never use anything but cash in Thailand and will continue to do so.
  14. You don't need to invest anything. Anyone with a half decent house in London can sell it for $1 million and live like a king here.
  15. OK Celcius tell us where you can find a nice 3 bed house in Canada for 125,000 CAN$ or rent it for 600 CAN$ a month.
  16. The driver did a runner after after the crash. That says it all about their approach to safety.
  17. The last time i tried to withdraw a refund it asked for a PIN number. What PIN number. In the end i just spend it.
  18. Those retiring now with a full pension would get about 40,000 baht a month. Most get far less than that.
  19. NI (National Insurance) is just another word for tax. Has nothing to do with the "benefits" you might get.
  20. It won't be long before the UK State pension is means tested. So anyone with a half decent private pension will get nothing. So all this talk of frozen pensions will be pointless.
  21. The cars stop but the motorbikes accelerate to catch you half way across.
  22. That's a joke. I pass Pattaya Court every day and the hi-sos are parked on the pavement in their Mercs blocking the path and nothing is done.
  23. Wait till they try to sell. You couldn't give a Buy You Die EV away.
  24. The polls are always rigged to make it look like the DemocRATS will win.
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