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Everything posted by Henryford

  1. Legalising weed in Thailand, what could possibly go wrong?
  2. They should look what is happening in China. They have driven all the expats and foreign companies out and Beijing and Shanghai are like a tomb.
  3. She deserves it riding with that moron. Who gets on a motorbike stoned and drunk at 4.30 am ?
  4. Wait till they try to sell it and get 90% depreciation
  5. I presume yes as the Thai tax rates start at around 3000 GBP. In the UK you would get 12500 GBP tax free so it covers all any state old age pension.
  6. But in the UK i pay tax at 20% whereas in Thailand the rates quickly rise to 35%. Will i, or Aussies, have to pay any excess tax.
  7. So have the rules changed. I thought it only applied to money remitted to Thailand, now it's total world income !! Could have a big effect on some people.
  8. Child molestation in 2021 and he is still walking free
  9. Yes sounds odd. If they were ready to transfer the deeds why didn't he complete the purchase. Would be interesting to know which condo.
  10. Jogging in a deserted wooded park at 10pm, just asking for trouble.
  11. I always get out of the car check the pump is zeroed and check the fuel goes in and equals what i pay
  12. "Caught unprepared" duh didn't they see it raining.
  13. Let's hope he still gets deported. Won't be so easy to buy off immigration.
  14. I don't know how most of the bars in Pattaya make any money. Most of the girls are too old/fat. I wouldn't even buy them a drink let alone bar fine them. One i spoke to the other night was 42 and well over 55 kgs.
  15. But there is no Amazon in Thailand. You will get stung on delivery charges, import duties and exchange rate rip offs.
  16. I don't understand this concept of savings. If you had 10 million baht in your bank in the UK on 31.12.2023 but had income during 2024 of 3 million baht. If you remit 3 million baht to Thailand in 2024 is that part of your 10 million savings (not assessable) or your income (assessable).
  17. Why would a tourist rent a 800cc Kawasaki that he obviously wasn't capable of riding?
  18. Why did they make 500 Euro notes. They are useless for normal exchange, just useful for scammers and crooks. Well i suppose that's most of the politicians in the EUSSR.
  19. I think that quotation applies to boats. To give an example on condos. I bought mine for 3.5 m baht 18 years ago. Rent would have been @ 25,000 a month. So in 18 years i would have spent 5.4 m in rent. So not only have i saved 1.9m baht i have my own condo free and clear. OK i could have invested some of that 3.5m but coming from the UK most of the past 15 years i would have only got 1-2%. Plus i bought when the Pound was 71 so locked in all my accomodation costs at 71. If i had rented i would be paying rent at 45 to the Pound, for ever........
  20. Some people expect Cordon Bleu for 99 baht then complain when they don't get it. The restaurant is for cheap charlies, hence the name.
  21. No such thing as an investment in Thailand. If you intend to live here a long time then buy as your home. Otherwise rent.
  22. Time they come down hard on these drunk drivers, not just a wai. Could easily have been 4 dead.
  23. I've been here for 18 years. No problem for me, love it. My visa takes 1 hour a year. My 90 day reports take 5 minutes. Cost of living is far lower. Weather is great. Women are beautiful. Why would anyone want to leave ? Sure there is a worry about when i get to 90 and await death, but that's the same everywhere.
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