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Everything posted by Henryford

  1. Surely you are still remitting income to Thailand. Does it matter to which account?
  2. "plans to use the 10,000", thery make it sound like big money - one trip to Makro will just about do it.
  3. Check out the City Hall car park, full of 4 million baht Mercedes.
  4. Just what we need to add to the other 100 exchange booths. But the rate will be so bad that no one will use it.
  5. Building the monorail is not the objective of the exercise. The objective is to get new Mercs for all of those in charge of the project.
  6. Can you imagine the chaos it would cause if they ever started to build it. The whole of Pattaya would grind to a halt.
  7. They only insure healthy people.
  8. But not "shocked" enough to stop supporting the Russian murderers.
  9. They should do a roaring trade selling hair loss products to British tourists/expats.
  10. So the SS didn't think to cover the only tall building with a direct line of fire to the podium? Sounds very fishy.
  11. We already know who did it.
  12. Yes it's easy to exist on 25k a month but most people want a nice time in retirement so it's restaurants, holidays, girls, bikes, electronic stuff so i would say you need at least 80k a month.
  13. That new shape looks great. I have never been interested in a PCX, they have used that boring design for what 10-15 years.
  14. Have you heard there is something called cash that you can use to buy things. I tend to use GO because it is nearer but i think Makro is cheaper for most of the stuff i buy. Neither is very good for meat.
  15. I agree, spending millions on renting long term is crazy. I bought 18 years ago and am now in effect living rent free for the next 20 years and with something of value to give the tgf. You have to choose carefully though.
  16. I agree. It's useful to know a few phrases and numbers etc but in the main cities you can get by fine without knowing Thai. With the new Samsung AI apps you can talk to anyone.
  17. I guess people tend to replace the stuff from the first theft so they go back to steal the new stuff.
  18. Must be mad to leave your passport to avoid the "work" of doing a 90 day report. How much work would it be to replace a lost passport.
  19. Try to get your EV and battery serviced by Somchai at the end of the Soi.
  20. I have nearly been hit crossing the road 3 or 4 times. And yes i was looking and sober. Sometimes the bikes, at speed, seem to come from nowhere.
  21. You are going to leave, with your family, just so you can get stoned?
  22. I recently sold my Canon 80d and was thinking of getting a mirrorless camera, maybe the Sony A7 IV or the Canon R6ii. But prices seem to have risen a lot in recent years. Either of those with just one decent lens is well over 100,000 baht. Not sure i want to invest that much in a system especially as the photos i get from my Samsung S23 Ultra are, for the most part, excellent.
  23. That would be OK for my 800k, i only get 0.9% with Krungsri but the account is not available to farangs.
  24. I was merely raising the question, who knows. Is there a line on the thai tax return to show all purchases made via a foreign credit card?
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