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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Who knows, after all of our most recent posts above, we might get to another 45 in a row for him to reply...LOL
  2. As long as you have kept your residency status as an Australian Resident, then you shouldn't fall into the Non Resident returning category IMO. The above said, one of Centrelink's staff processing your application could be a knob-head and try to say, yeh but you only travel to one spot, so therefore you are a Non Resident, NO, because I have maintained my residency as a tax resident of Australia, my abode is Australia, I enjoy holidaying in Thailand, can't argue with that, and that doesn't make me a Non Resident. Having a property, is your anchor and you can always appeal if a potential knob-head thinks otherwise, however I can't see them going down that path, you might get a question, like, if your application is approved, will you continue to holiday in Thailand for 8 months of the year, hmmm, actually, I have been thinking about doing Vietnam, the Philipines, Laos and others, but my current funds haven't allow me, hence te reason I have chosen Thailand as a holiday destination for 8 months of the year, and been thinking when I get my age pension, that should help travel to other places as above for 8 months of the year, or until those funds start to dry up. The world is my oyster and I intend on exploring it, Mr knob-head.
  3. As you are aware, I haven't been on this part of the forum for a while, and as I just replied to 2 of his posts, if we all take a look at how he has to reply to every post (full pages) and put his ill informed and delusional opinions on every post, we should make it our duty to keep him up till the early hours of the morning replying to all of our further posts, until his meds run out.
  4. https://www.etax.com.au/aged-pension/
  5. I would think there would be a question or more in the application form, e.g. have you resided overseas in the last 12 months, if yes, for how long, etc, etc, etc, then I would imagine if you answered no, they would do a check with border control, then your busted. There is no discretionary power to allow portability of Age or DSP during the 2-year period (note, some exceptions to the 2-year rule apply - see below). Payment may be suspended for short overseas absences during the 2-year period and does not have to be reclaimed on return to Australia. A short absence from Australia (as long as the person is still classed as an Australian resident) will not impact on the end date of the 2-year period (that is, the absence still counts towards the person's 2-year period). Why do you think that they have the 2 year rule, it's there to stop people returning to claim the OAP and F off again. Anyone good with math who doesn't want to live in a caravan or a depressing room for those 2 years, knows the cost on rent doesn't really recoup those 2 years, especially if living in Sydney where a one bedroom unit will set you back more than the OAP.
  6. When I 1st came here 10 years ago, I was going to buy a 2nd hand car, lucky I didn't, as I have heard other farangs that I know, say the odometer on their car was turned back 150,000km's as a minimum, (bought from a dealer). There was money outstanding on the car that they didn't know about, (private) one guys motor blew up 3 months after he had it, (bought from a dealer). I purchased a new car, have had it for 9 + years, my advice is, if you can buy 2nd hand from a farang, you have a better chance it's legit.
  7. https://www.aainsure.net/
  8. What a Big Joke, get it
  9. You can't reform government jobs until you stop those applying for them paying to get into those jobs. I know a girl who just finished Uni, she applied for a teaching job, was told her salary would be 10,000 baht per month after the Principal took 5,000 baht for himself. A guy I know who got into the Police force, had to pay 100k baht. Corruption is rife.
  10. That comment is so Thailand, does it get any stupider ?
  11. You can sleep without the air conditioner on, i.e. turn it on for 30 minutes at 26 degree on slow speed, turn a fan on speed 2 at the most, then turn the air conditioner off, if the room is well insulated, the room should remain cool. If the above doesn't work, again, air conditioner at 26 on low speed and keep a small bottle of water next to your bed. I wake up once twice a night, it's normal as we get older, I take a swig of water, go for a P, then back to bed, and at around 4am will wake up again, take a swig of water and go back to bed, either having gone to the toilet again or not. If your unit is old, lift the cover, check if you have cleaned the filters, if they're clean, ask yourself when the last time you had your unit cleaned, usually every year or two or three depending on how often you use it, costs about 500 baht. The part you say it keeps blowing, well if it's an inverter, the air conditioner will go to the idle position when the room is at the required temperature, e.g. if it's on 26, it will go to idle when it reaches 26, it will blow air like a fan until the room temperature drops again, then will start blowing cooler air in again, and repeat throughout the night. Hope this helps, try it when you get back.
  12. If your doing it online, you will just have to complete your address and passport number and a few other things, takes about 2 minutes if you have everything in front of you.
  13. You obviously didn't comprehend? Dense 😉
  14. Just avoid those places as I do, e.g. if it's not all in the bill and I see a 10% surcharge and 7% on the menu, I get up and leave if I have already seated myself.
  15. I never did like this dude. If he's guilty, well life is going to be like shoveling sheet up hills.
  16. 5.00am in the morning....hmm
  17. You got to feel for these uneducated people at times, however we all know what LOS really stands for, if you haven't already been scammed, whether it was from a cop wanting tea money or an immigration officer wanting the same.
  18. Don't listen to all the noise, just keep enjoying your life and play deaf to the noise. When the noise gets loud and has your attention, i.e. it's become annoying as you mentioned above in your post, just look for ways around it, and to be honest, it really isn't that bad with all the deductibles they give you. But I agree with your points.
  19. I hear this place is a good start. https://dailypoppinscleaningservices.com/
  20. I get our units cleaned every 2-3 years. It all depends on how often you use them, we only use them at night going to bed and also press the auto clean button on the control every week or so. I have used 2 different air con cleaners, both useless and always try to extract extra baht from me, but I tell them up front, only clean air conditioners, no gas, no need, when they argue, I tell them I was a refrigeration mechanic many years ago and they shut up as they know they're game is up, suffice to say, unless there is a leak, there is no need for a top up of gas. These guys are rough as guts, and if I wasn't worried about falling off the ladder, I'd do it myself, hang on a second, the wife is younger than me by 2 decades.
  21. Too easy.... Generally, this means they must be residing in Australia and physically present in Australia when they lodge their claim. https://guides.dss.gov.au/social-security-guide/7/1/4
  22. As usual the left doesn't know what the right is doing. The top makes amendments and passes new legislation, then the ones at the other end of the food chain have to take task, now that means more paperwork, and it's not as if they haven't already got a sheet load, just look at immigration offices around the country, they prefer you use an agent, brown envelope, less paperwork for them. I agree with you, it's never going to get off the ground and will MORE than likely be for those foreigners earning money in Thailand who are residents, like teachers etc etc. I will continue to carry on as usual, until someone taps me on the shoulder, or as that confused member KhunHeineken states, that when we go to immigration, we will require a tax clearance certificate....LOL
  23. Like Articles 18 & 19 which I won't get into with you for because I have to agree to disagree and shut that one down. But I take it you can read, and understand the difference between a resident and a non resident for tax purposes and where incomes are sourced from ? After you have read the below, you may wish to explain to me what a non resident is, in plain English. Overview of Thailand’s Income Tax System Thailand operates a progressive income tax system like Australia, meaning higher incomes are subject to higher tax rates. The tax year aligns with the calendar year. Tax residency is determined by physical presence within the country for at least 180 days, with residents taxed on worldwide income remitted to Thailand and non-residents taxed solely on income earned domestically. Your residence status and income source influence your tax obligations. Register for a Thai Tax Identification Number (TIN): A Thai Tax Identification Number is necessary if you have taxable income in Thailand. The TIN is used for all your tax filings and communications with the Thai Revenue Department. Tax Residency Unlike Australia, Thailand determines tax residence based on physical presence, not domicile. This distinction can have notable implications for expats, impacting the degree to which their global income may be taxed. In Thailand, individuals are considered tax residents if they spend 180 days or more in the country within a tax year (1 January to 31 December). Non-residents are generally taxed only on income derived from Thai sources.
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