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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Yes, very much so, I learnt a long time ago after my 1st failed and very miserable marriage to a non Asian for over a decade, that one can be very happily married the 2nd time around, 2 decades to date, how, don't spoil them. That said, she hasn't changed since the day I met her, nothing, absolutely nothing has changed, and if she did change, I would have to refer her to Stages 2 & 3 below. Of course, been like since the beginning, she take very good care me, and I take very good care her, but never spoilt her 🙂 Never, and if she ever did, I would have to remind her of Stage 2. Moral of my reply to your post, only ever invest as much as your prepared to walk away from, and always have a plan B with the other 90% that you didn't invest here. By all means she gets the other 90% in the will, but if things changed from now till then, she can easily come off of the will, can't she 🙂
  2. They're not called the Devils dog for nothing. Now we will hear that the brother will give the dogs to an Uncle or a family friend to look after, instead of putting a bullet in each ones head, three times, to be sure, to be sure.
  3. Not these two, oh by the way, the 2nd ones name is spelt back the front, it's Hibiki Otsuki. Just saying 🙂
  4. It doesn't take long for me to get angry with these bozo's, the majority being unlicensed, never worrying about being pulled over for not having any registration plates, registration, helmets, unroadworthy vehicles, trucks that shouldn't be on normal roads, drunk driving, breaking road rules in front of cops, cops with mouths open, but doing nothing, etc etc. Yes I look forward to driving every morning and afternoon, just to see the cops at pedestrian crossings outside of schools, hmm, wonder why, monthly tea money for showing a presence.
  5. The gold shop that I use, (non name) of course, was usually half a baht, sometimes higher than Superpitch when I have exchanged money there, not to mention, no ID required, in with my countries currency, and out with Thai baht. Perhaps you should shop around if you aren't or haven't been getting a better rate than Superpitch.
  6. Personal Income Tax (PIT) is a direct tax levied on income of a person. What income, I live off of my wife's rice farm and what she buys me, from her rubber trees, no money in bank, except for immigration purposes, poor falang. A resident of Thailand is liable to pay tax on income from sources in Thailand as well as on the portion of income from foreign sources that is brought into Thailand. No money brought into Thailand. You worry to muk 🙂
  7. Of course she will, she will pull each name out of a hat that her father put in, suffice to say, she will solely decide the make up of her cabinet, easy.
  8. Yeh, nah I did the math on a mil, after deductions and the threshold amount, it will end up costing me about 35-40k baht, so it's the same as a return ticket. But I won't be registering for an ID until notified to get one. The above said, with the new PM in now, I believe you will see a reversal, or the TRD doing absolutely nothing to falangs who have been caught up in the crosshairs of the wealthy Thai's who this rule came into force for.
  9. Gold shops, over the counter exchanges, no ID required, thanks for coming, oh and a better exchange rate, but Mum's the word 🙂
  10. As far as what is posted on Google, I believe you can bring up to $20K USD in without having to declare it, so there is one loop hole IMO. $20,000 USD What are the limits? According to Thailand's official rules, you can bring up to $20,000 USD or the currency equivalent into the country before you have to declare it to customs. If you're bringing Thai baht (THB) into the country rather than a foreign currency, the most you can carry with you is 500,000 THB.
  11. 1. When exiting the country, bring back cash, up to $20k USD allowed undeclared, but check to be 100% certain. 2. I believe when remitting savings, there is no tax payable, however they might want a slice of any interest earned, however, your country might have taxed you already as a non-resident. Of course on 2. the onus would be on you to prove it's savings, and if you have a comingled account, that would be very risky.
  12. You must mean a GSP tracker. The range of a GPS tracker is virtually limitless on the surface of the Earth. As long as the GPS tracker can receive signals from at least four satellites, it can accurately determine its location, speed, and direction. Vs An AirTag has a different use case than a GPS tracker. Ideal for finding household and small items, but not for finding cars. A Thatcham approved GPS tracker is the much better alternative to an AirTag.
  13. This place, or should I say these bozzos, never cease to amaze me, it's called we are too lazy to assist you, so let's turn it around, you give us the money, and we drop everything, or else. Welcome to the LOS.
  14. I once used to tell my overseas friends to visit Patong, but many years back, I changed my mind, wonder why. Now I tell them to go to Hua Hin, no short fat ones which G-strings there, well not that I've seen. What an absolute disgrace.
  15. Yes, yes, one on one even with a screwdriver needs friends. Gutless cowards, where is my magnum ?
  16. Lock him up for a month, then compensation to the couple, then deport with a lifetime ban.
  17. I see your a real contributor, no wonder this forum has gone downhill over the years, too many know all's, F all. Just looking to aggravate posters and those who reply. Thanks for your contribution, matter is over now, so lets move along shall we.
  18. Not my money, she earns 10,000 baht a month, if it were me, would have paid the 4,000 baht and I'd be done with it, but like I said, her car, she is a friend, and I didn't go out of my way, been helping people all of my life. I might even give her the 2,000 baht as a gift down the line.
  19. Cops said otherwise if you cared to read my latest post. Go figure !
  20. Have a read of your post to me, who's being nasty ?
  21. You must be a lot of fun to hang around with, NOT. The matter has now been resolved by the police, all parties met at the police station this morning, (bike rider) as well. Police agreed that the motorcycle swerved in front of my friend while she was stationary and had her indicator on to pull out, police said bike should have stopped to allow her to exit the parking spot, and him enter it, as opposed to cutting in front of her while she was looking in the side mirror, thinking the bike went straight ahead, as did the other traffic. Instead he showed no care, parking his bike right in front of her pick up, which in turn obstructed her view to see it, and as she moved forward (right), as planned to leave, when all was clear, she tipped his bike over which in turn scratched the cars bumper bar in front of her, as the bike fell over. Owner of the car wanted 4,000 baht, police negotiated 2,000 baht from bike rider as he failed to notify the police of the accident, and 2,000 baht from my friend and the matter was resolved. Sometimes you got to stick to your principals, albeit Thailand doesn't have any in most cases, but as I said earlier, some common sense prevails if you stick to your guns. It's not about paying a bit more and stopping "my" moaning, I saved my friend 2,000 baht, or 3,000 baht if she went though her 1st class insurer. Either way you look at it, 2,000 or 3,000 baht is a lot to a Thai, suffice to say, why should she have to pay the whole lot, when she clearly wasn't at fault, as stated in the police negotiations, he said, yes she hit the bike, but is a party to it, and she can, if she wishes to take the matter further and sue the bike owner for the 2,000 baht, but the time and court costs would outweigh doing it, so resolving it there today was a win/win/win for all concerned. Also if she went through her 1st class insurer, her no claim bonus of 60% would be reduced.
  22. Ah yes, the old shift the blame game, Chief. If the club was licensed and wasn't laxed about firearms in the club, this would not have occurred. Max, 99, you have to arrest the club owner and charge him with the murder.
  23. I take it that in the circulating video, shows that she didn't slip, that said, if he actually kicked her without her touching him, he deserves everything he gets, suffice to say, if it were I, a simple call to the cops stating that someone is on my property, has been asked to leave but won't, would have been easier, but to assault someone, especially a female, is not the way to go David. I think a 200,000 baht fine or ail time of 6 months, you chose is appropriate. Hopefully you won't do it again, as I read somewhere else, you have done this before ?
  24. Who poked who's nose in it. She is not out 4,000 baht (Ransom), nor is she 5,000 baht on excess. Your entitled to your opinion, but your actions would have cost her 5,000 baht, not the best advice IMO.
  25. MODS can close this topic if they like as I received advice from the regular down to earth posters, then the know all took over.
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