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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. I consider myself to be in a much better position than most Thai's as I was dealt a better hand, i.e. I had far greater opportunities during my life time in Australia to get a good education, 6 figure paying career jobs, and being able to invest, that said, I do tip when I feel it is appropriate as I know Thai's have less opportunities and that little extra will go a little further, albeit short lived. I am not the type to be pressured into tipping, but if the service is good, I tip, even the guy who changes my flat tyre for 150 baht, gets a 100 baht tip, and I know he doesn't expect it, it can buy him a meal or a beer that didn't have come out of his pocket, whatever little extra that I give as a tip makes me feel good, so I do it because I can and want too give a little back to the less fortunate. That's basically it, it all boils down to you and how you feel.
  2. Who cares if it works out or not, as long as they have fun trying, and they both make each others lives happier, age has nothing to do with it, period. My wife is 21 years my junior and we have both been very happily married for 15 years, although I do tell her I might have to trade her in as she is getting older, with her reply being, when you can't rise to the occasion, your time will be up old man, now that ain't never going to happen unless she puts on some weight and can't fit into those school girl outfits anymore..........giddy up ????
  3. I stopped riding a week ago as I can't handle the smoke, so it's indoor training, treadmill, stationary bike and some light weights, but love the bike outdoors, so relaxing on the mind, but guess that is going to have to wait 6 months or so ????
  4. Yep, as I drive the kids to school every morning leaving at 7.15am, the air is filled with smoke and driving through the village is like eerie and smoke effects me at the best of times, so windows are up until I hit the main road and the open fields make it look a little, just a little better and then I put two windows slightly down to get some air in as I am not into A/C unless really hot, and not long after I put those two windows slightly down, I have to put them up as my throat feels as if it has been coated with something and I start to cough. Sad really, but part and parcel of living somewhere else.
  5. I too received 2 x Pfizer, one in August, the other in September, but not before ordering Moderna back in June. Consider the Moderna as a backup, i.e. if the government didn't come good, that said, they did with AZ being offered to me in June before I booked Moderna, however I knocked it back due to clotting issues being ripe in the media at the time. All of the above said, my wife just sold her Moderna as she only just received Pfizer so cannot use it for a booster as the hospital will only hold it for 3 months, I on the other hand will use mine as a booster in March which has been confirmed by the hospital. What I would suggest is that you create a backup plan and buy Moderna from someone who is not going to use it because they are in a similar situation, e.g. cannot move their dose forward more than 3 months (in your area) of course, you can go halves with someone as you will only need one dose as a booster, so you will be up for around 1,650 baht each. Alternatively you can wait for this government to offer you a booster and by the sounds of that, I am happy were I am for March, i.e. I don't like to depend on anyone, but a big thanks to the USA for their donation.
  6. As if the smoke wasn't bad enough in our village this morning when I looked out of the window, then I couldn't believe what I was seeing, a neighbour two doors up burning a heap of leaves and whatever else was on that pile, smoke billowing into the sky. Guess he just can't get enough of it, stupid dumb <deleted>.
  7. Considering it's older than Latin or the Chinese language I find it quite easy to identify a variant with and pronounce it, would you prefer the Thai alphabet or something closer to home, because if your having trouble with it, perhaps it's time for you to go back to school ?
  8. Believe what you will, next you will be telling me is that Dr Fauci has NEVER lied and doesn't need to go, even though he has been in the same position for how many decades, 3-4, that is dangerous, surely there are more other qualified people out there to relieve him and his other intrenched criminals who have been in the same position for decades. They are all liars it's all over YouTube, you just got to look at it, MSM won't report it, why, because there in on it.
  9. You wouldn't know what a conspiracy theory was if it stared you in the face because you listen to MSM. YouTube has many credible sources, I am currently watching one with a brilliant highly qualified professional who is telling how Dr Fauci f'd up, does that make it a conspiracy, no, it shows what MSM won't say about Dr Fauci because he is intrenched. Look it up and listen with open ears if you dare, no conspiracy theory there, Dr Fauci's lockdown policies caused a lot of damage, he has lied many times over and is still sitting in his position, ask yourself why, when others have had to resign all over the world for less, why, because he is in big pharma's pocket as are others IMO, he was directly involved in game of function but denies it, the evidence is there, but they protect him. Is that a conspiracy theory, maybe for you, but not for me. YouTube: What Happened: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on 19 Months of COVID
  10. I take it you get all your information from main steam media then, wake up, YouTube has some incredible highly qualified professionals who call a spade a spade without creating fear which is what main stream media is doing.
  11. I won't panic because Prayut said he will stop it before it reaches Thailand's shores, just like he said he had it 110% under control just before last Songkran. Vote 1 for Prayut, to get out !
  12. We had something similar in our Moo Baan and of course I complained to the wife and the wife rang the Mayor and he said they are cleaning the filters and waiting for some parts which are due to arrive soon, so I accepted that for about 10 minutes and then asked the wife to ask the neighbours on either side how their water supply was, perfect was their replies. Next thing I did was get the wife (Jack of all trades) others by night, since meeting me retired, to go to the front where our pipe meets the street pipe and check if any bend if clogged with weeds and the like, well there it was, staring us in the eye, she pulled it out, as long as your arm clogging the pipe into out place, problem sorted, so might be something to look at and I will never believe these villagers because Thai's in general will tell you a story not to lose face IMO. EDIT: We also recently installed a pump which apparently sucks the water in from the street when it is low, apparently it's illegal but everyone else has one, so if they can do it, so can we, I mean what's not illegal in Thailand, it's every man for them selves which I don't like, but hey, as the wife says, when in Thailand, do as I do, ok dearest ????
  13. I have to bit my hand as the water is so cold.
  14. You are correct, but I won't say no to a short time, after all, you did say life is short and with only 30 notches under my belt in this short life, I have to make up for the lost time during the Pandemic, if only you could feel my anxiety.
  15. Thanks for that valuable step by step process as I am not one to play with my mobile device, that said, I got the kid to download the Mor Prom app for me about a week ago and saw my vaccination status, that said, I decided to give your information a go and followed the step by step process and OMG, I did the lot, albeit it getting around entering the expiry date of the passport info was a little tricky, but a score of 100 for this not so tech savvy dude was a good experience. I entered the 13th for the QR Code, now I have a question for that, I provided my email address, so what happens next, I am assuming that they will upload the QR Code onto the app ? Once that is done, is there anything else I have to do, I can always get the kid to assist if need be. Thanks for the help.
  16. The thing I find fascinating is that 16 to 2 FDA external professionals who sit on the FDA advisory committee voted against boosters for anyone else other than those who are older than 65 years of age or those with comorbidities and those who are immunocompromised, now just about every cat, dog and mouse are pushing for boosters because they know nothing of this mutation, i.e. they are jumping the gun. I believe from what I have read coming out of South Africa and elsewhere, it's spreading quicker then Delta, however is not as dangerous as Delta and people are recovering like those who had the flu, no deaths, no major hospitalisations, so why is everyone running around like chooks without heads, because the almighty media is playing us once again. Get vaxed, but don't panic into getting boosters unless your in one of the above categories, that's my take on it.
  17. On my Ranger there is no auto button, just the power button at the top, you can see it in the photo below right below the hazzard button, it is in the on position, as is the A/C and it is in the position of blowing the air forward to the passengers faces, you can see all the lights on for those I mentioned plus the recycle button at the bottom that said, if the A/C button is on when I turn the car off, it will come back on when I start the car and there in lay the problem. What I am finding now is that if I turn the A/C button off before I turn the power button off before turning the car off, the A/C will not come on when I start the car, and then I won't have trouble fighting with it if I didn't turn the A/C button off, as it has wanted to turn itself back on, as I have found out, so now I make sure I turn the A/C button off and the power button off and make sure it is also not in the windscreen position as that means the A/C is still on, but not the A/C light, regardless if you turned it off at the A/C button on the left, if that makes sense.
  18. We need to file a 90 day report because it is all about control as I mentioned, apparently their computer network doesn't speak to their Immigration Officers, e.g. when they had that draconian rule reinforced, I think it was the TM28, when I returned from overseas, I had to report to Immigration in my province within I think it was 72 hours, they are an hour and a half drive. When I went there, I asked the guy what was so important about this TM28 and he said, it tells us you have returned from overseas or another province, I said are you serious, you have computers at the airport that can tell you when we return from overseas if you want to know that, and he looked to the left of him, then to the right of him, leaned forward and said in a gentle voice not to be heard by his colleagues, the system does communicate with our departments, we are still behind. Couldn't believe what I was hearing, then I said to him that I go to the the adjoining province to do our weekly shopping as it's boarder is 200 metres from our place, and sometimes will stay the night or weekend, does that mean that I have to report to you, he nodded his head, I said, so best not to spend anytime away because of the inconvenience it will cause me, i.e. 3 hour round trip to tell you I spent a week away from my province, made sure I didn't and am sure that would have impacted some hotels and airlines until they ditched the TM28. Like I said it's about control, I mean if they ever wanted to see us apart from every year doing our extensions, all they would have to do is call, email, write, or just turn up, like most Immigration Offices in the world would do.
  19. It's called control annoyance, that said, 90 day reporting online is pi$$ easy, you just have to remember when to do your 90 day renewals, it's far better than going into see your probation officer in person.
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