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Everything posted by Chivas

  1. The long cold winters must utterly fly by..............😎
  2. Why couldnt or wouldn't he ??
  3. Tramadol has unfortunately suffered fron another of the internet myths spawned this last 25 years to instead become now an internet fact that its dangerous Always should be taken under supervision nonetheless
  4. ^^ I have absolutely no idea why anyone would be sad about my above post 😁.....Tramadol for me an absoliute life saver Doubtless he'll now return with the regular confused emoji instead 😁
  5. Isn't google a wonderful thing Completely wrong as regards increasing dose 22 years ago I was on 200mg a day (100 morning 100 evening)......4 years ago we tried to reduce the evening dose to 50mg and it was successful with no obvious side effect We then tried removing (the remaining 50mg) at night relying on just the 100mg modified release in mornings only Every symptom of 22 years previous started returning. We changed it back to the 50mg at night and all good again In short 200mg of 22 years ago is now only 150mg where it will remain doubtless to I drop off my mortal coil
  6. Spot on !
  7. So is Sterling currently at two and half year high against the Benchmark USD the one that matters Thankfully the adults are in charge in the UK now 😁
  8. Fortunately bearing in mind my previous post it is only "IMHO"
  9. Right dont shoot the messenger You've got (I'd say 95%) Fibromyalgia something that I've had for 22 years (or diagnosed at that point) and almost certainly for years previous I too had every test going around 2002 and finally when everything else was ruled out I was labelled with FM (sensitive nerves was mentioned)....once you've got it you've got it for life....Dr explained it was akin to faulty gene that everyone has but something normally "sets it off" I take Tramadol 1 in the morning 100mg (Modified release) and 1 50mg at night (normal capsule) FM disappeared as regards pain literally overnight and I only get reminded of it should I forget to take the morning dose The warmth of Thailand will make you feel better that I find I drink normally in Thailand before anyone asks
  10. Dont be so absolutely ludicrous !!! The naivety is breathtaking, Engage your brain fella over what the culprit was attempting to do !!
  11. There were 11 arrested at Birmingham airport few weeks ago as well These people must be insane considering Thai laws over smuggling and no Cannabis is not legal for this type of "usage" Dont these didlows realise that one the bags go through scanners at Bangkok airport and secondly drug dogs hit the carousels outside of the buildings where the bags are loaded for collection Brain dead
  12. ......and yet the current Government is sitting on Sterling at now a 2 year high with no sight of it dipping as yet
  13. Yes the terminology in OP's was all arse about face I thought excatly the same as you
  14. Yep dropped from just shy of 37 to 32.93 Painful for absolutely everyone unless paid in Baht and remitting it back home Can only be thankful that Sterling is the highest for 2 years against the USD or the situation would be even worse for Brits
  15. At least 5 people on the thread have patiently explained to you why but yet again you refuse to listen
  16. The answer is quite simple and best described by Aussie crooner Kevin Wilson when he sang the immortal words "But me new method is, you just cut through the <deleted>. And get down to the goodies straight off:" Inotherwards. Soi 6..........
  17. Simply doesnt remotely work no matter what VPN or location enabled Josh Cahill (airline youtuber) constantly bangs on about it using Surfshark and provided supposed "examples" Never once have I got it to work relating to Thailand (havent tried other countries to be fair)
  18. You've had it explained to you just why but refuse to listen
  19. When I first suggested couple months ago that there was always the possibility the Thais might actually engage their brains and tie in ongoing taxation issues with visa renewals the laughter and mirth was loud lol The penny is dropping that the shight could just hit the fan here for some and that 179 days only "incountry" could be inbound in short order for more than a few
  20. "Fare difference" relates to a different "class" of seat whether First Business or Economy Appreciate you're in Business Class but for example in Economy most airlines have 6 classes of seat all with varying conditions (for example maximum ticket length validity) You've tried to change dates but the "class" of ticket you originally purchaded is "full" on that date....so they've moved you to the nearest class which is available with unfortunately a fare difference All airlines are the same
  21. I'll arrange for the Directors to be shot at dawn................🚀
  22. Completely wrong as I have said more than a few times My preferred agent Travel Trolley bends over backwards to assist me if I have the slightest issue As for getting help when I booked direct from Eva Etihad or as recently as last March China Eastern the less said the better, Never ever book direct if only for the reason 98% of the time it will be more expensive anyway Twice this current year alone TT contacted me within 45 minutes by Email answering my queries Book with agent and you also have a two pronged attack by getting hold of both agent and the airline And no another utter internet myth that if you book with an agent the airline wont deal with you...utter utter bollacks
  23. Fair play will definately be buying one next trip as first time ever will be flying one way but without the SETV in advance Be interesting if I get asked for it as never before been asked back to 1992
  24. lol well dont make the post quite so blatantly in the direction of overstay ! I doubt that there would be one single Asean member that would have thought your post was for "tax reasons"
  25. Obviously you're asking as hard up against expiry date of visa but bear in mind you have one days grace with no 500 Baht fine anyway as its always been I uploaded before my exit stamp last Christmas Day one full day over with comments wriiten in Thai translated by ex wife as "no problem" when I was stamped in until only the 24th
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