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Everything posted by Chivas

  1. Quoting myself to show emoji but for the life of me I cant see whats funny !
  2. Twice I have been tugged at Heathrow via the hand luggage scanners. They called Border Force but was on my way in minutes after showing Bank receipts
  3. Appreciate that input if anyone wants them £20 will suffice
  4. I understand they can be transferred to others peoples account I have around 7000 miles and whilst they'll stay valid I guess until at least 25th December 2024 I am unlikely to fly them again. It was purely a ridiculously low fare of £589 return because the outward flight had been on Christmas day just gone (the fare on Chrstmas Eve and Boxing day was over double !) If anyone wants them you can have them for a nominal fee
  5. Completely wrong on every level. Insurance companies want nothing more than "to oblige by the terms of the policy" The problem is people step outside those terms and then whine when claims are denied Popular misnomer that insurance companies dont want to pay. Nothing fosters goodwill and repeat business more than a properly administered claim but what most people completely fail to grasp is that the acturies expect a certain level of claims over any given period and premiums reflect that already I worked in Insurance for 6 years
  6. Completely and utterly wrong on every level As recently as 18th January I had a pleasant interaction with Immigration at Suvbanabhumbi whereby I had done the 4 fingers of each hand but not the thumbs Jokingly I said "no thumbs" No he said I can see you've been many times before with a laugh The new passport had just one single entry in it in October 2023 Every passport is interlinked
  7. The 2nd application was already "pre filled" in many sections from information had to be from the previous application Could be right about the documents though
  8. In reference to the above on the 2nd application I did half of the requests that were on the 1st application weren't requested on the 2nd Finance was one of them
  9. I suspect if you have utilised the Thai Embassy Evisa website successfully previously for the SETV a lot of the requirements may not be requested for the METV
  10. You cannot be that stupid I dont give a flying fig if you guzzle booze to your hearts content or shove copious amount of shight up your nose if you sat 10 feet from me because it wont effect me in any way there and then But If you're smoking that shight everyone around has to suffer the stench....what is it you cannot grasp here ??
  11. Yep I think you're spot on. Get the METV and couple side trips to Angeles City and PP for a few days inbetween
  12. Jesus wept lol fella Maybe I dont want to put £20,000 in a Thai account Maybe I dont want to go down the utterly illegal route of playing underhand tactics with immigration and employing dubious agents so that just maybe one day I arrive at Suvarnabhumbi and am pulled sweetly aside with a stamp saying "persona non grata" in the passport I repeat am looking at 5-6 months not permanent 12 months residence Off you pop Assist or desist
  13. lol am not "intent" on mucking about Another one incapable of reading the OP.......what is the matter with this forum the last few years I specifically made the point I didnt want to go down the retirement route.......Where on the thread did I even remotely mention my age ??
  14. Your wonderful response was utterly apprteciated............... Clearly you didnt even read the OP
  15. Lot of chatter from immigration lately of extending that to other European countries to boost tourism
  16. UK as normal I like Spring and Summer in the UK but never keen on Autumn and Winter !!
  17. This thread is exactly one of the reasons why I posted a new thread 15 minutes ago
  18. Question prompted by more than few recent threads where the visitor has had apparent problems when doing border runs Now not less than 5 months but no more than 180 days to keep in line with this tax legislation that may or may not become into force. (Yes I know it has but nobody seems sure as yet of what exactly it entails) Now the multi entry visa seemed obvious but the guidance notes I'm reading are somewhat confusing in that you're supposed to be visiting other countries in the region and staying for a week or so before returning.....and not stamping out and stamping in an hour later ! The "guidance" is unclear doubtless deliberately ! Would it be better in fact to get the standard 60 day Evisa which I've done twice this current period and then extend that by the 30 days giving the first 3 months....then what ?? Go Cambodia for a few days and reapply through the Thai Embassy there or can you in fact apply via the Thai embassy in London as I'd be officially "outside" of Thailand ?? Few points..... I dont want a retirement visa I can easily fulfill financial requirements Secondly the rolling 12 months would have no other Evisa or visa exempt entries in the 6 months interim period Thanks...
  19. I havent read entire thread but surely on a visa run you would take all your financial stuff with you from Cards Cash etc etc Nobody would go with just a passport and nothing else surely
  20. On first Evisa last year I was staying multiple places over 2 months. The first accomodation was actually an AIRBNB for 5 days. I literally screenshotted the address in Thai managed to change it to the format for upload and that was that Multiple people have said that for the London Embassy it "appears" that if you fill each box with "something" no matter what section it is the application is accepted Seems to me they are more interested in the application being in JPEG than anything else. In reality (think about the old style paper applications we used to do) I suspect its a passport check in their system to show entries/exits are all in order and was the £30 paid and if all in order thats that !
  21. Two excellent posts from yourself
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