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Everything posted by Chivas

  1. I did bring it up purely as an example yes. it was then responded to by a certain poster who stated no not at that level to which I responded again ok at what level does it start In the interim he had changed his original one sentence answer into a novel moving the goalposts
  2. Playing devils advocate (and having proof of origin of cash funds) if I or anybody depart the UK and bring say £5,000 hard cash into Thailand how on earth is that going to be taxed if I stay 181 days Am not advocating tax evasion as such. This legislation is so full of holes
  3. Because of the Baht strongly appreciating against the Dollar on opposite side of the pairings its obviously effected Sterling with a likewise quite heavy dip 47 right down to 44.65 Interbank
  4. As old Bernard Trink would have said "further words superfluous"
  5. Back last January I was out the pool and guy called Tony who was in Thailand not for the first time (but first Pattaya trip) who had approached an agent based on recommendations I wont bore the readers with the tale as it would take pages of script but he explained to me what it entailed from start to finish and I was happy to listen.....never ever have I been so astonished Just astonishing how deep the layers of "bungs" go (for want of a better word) to facilitate this practice......it was just unreal the amount of people involved His app showing the 800.000 Baht in real time paid by a Bangkok Bank employee and 2 minutes later it being withdrawn again The level of backhanders goes right to the top of immigration. I used FB Messenger to contact the agent myself and just asked one simple question "Is there any danger of arriving at Suvanabhumbi one day and a persona non grata stamp being entered in passport" (for abusing the system) Response "None whatsover this is immigrations big cash cow" Word for word Edited in.......on the "renewal" which seems to be on average 12,500 Baht dont think for a single minute that your agent pockets that amount himself (less the official fee) I'd guess (and its no more than a guess) its no more than 2,000 for the agent him/herself
  6. Right go and try to open a Wise account (assuming you now have no other UK financial records) with the intention of using it as your "new" main account Christ anti money laundering laws even in our backward UK have been in force for at least a decade and then some ! To answer someone else Barclays apparently charge £40 a month for that overseas based account as friend was only checking out optionns a year ago
  7. Moral of the story if you've got other existing UK accounts from the past never let them lapse from inactivity (or similar) I use only 2 Chase and RBS but have a HSBC current account and a Co op current account (with cheque book) that I churn money through once a year to get them active....just in case That cheque account was actually used for the first time in nearly 5 years (writing a physical cheque) only 10 days ago on the State Pension thread same sub forum
  8. Indeed this why I have repeated for nearly 20 years on the forum never burn your bridges entirely....use parents children cousins whatever to retain that address for correspondance that can be forwarded when required
  9. You cant open accounts (or cetainly not a UK national) with any banking insituion (in whatever format) without them doing an automatic tracing check to "confirm" you exist and are UK resident in the instance that the OP describes...that can be from DL or financial records etc etc etc
  10. Just to update Just checked GG and its already been updated and the 2 addiotional years added. They wouldnt have had the cheque until last Saturday or Monday latest Not bad going at all. Whilst not same Government department was also hugely impressed last year when received new Passport back in about 10 days from start to finish (within uk)
  11. Dont give up the day job for christ sake..... Even the terminally dimwitted are able to grasp that any American Submarine/Carrier Group activity in the Middle East is to deter the likes of Iran from doing something stupid in the very first place and nothing else.
  12. It does for tax code changes in virtually real time Last two times I had to ring after doing it online and they somehow messed it up (think I mentioned somewhere in this thread) both times I rang them and within an hour both times I had an Email notifying change of coding if I viewed GG once again
  13. Baiting me doesn't work fella Your boy is facing incaceration and absolutely rightfully so. Out of interest the topic is Harris/Trump not Joe Biden Do try and stay on topic............
  14. Good enough reason is she's not holding 34 felony convictions and facing a jail term How absolutely anyone can vote for that Orange tangoed birdbrain must be clearly terminally dimwitted...
  15. I was going to try and explain it but whats the point. Half the forum still believes there is a direct exchange rate between Sterling and the Baht and therein lays the problem as admirably displayed right here
  16. Talking to wrong poster mancub I was OP
  17. I havent experienced problems BB I was already aware my record was fractured and was pro active in rectifying it to my satisfaction
  18. Yep both my 2 years I've topped up where completed pre 2016 In fact a pre recorded message when you dial that number I put up earlier (after you press 1 for English) immediately states firstly the dateline has been extended till april 5th 2025 for years from 2006 Literally the first words spoken (Edited in.....yes I think 6 years is the maximum you can add to)
  19. 0800 731 0175 is the number I've called them on several times over last couple years The wait never seems to be more than quarter of an hour if you phone before 9am UK as I did.....they open 8am
  20. Meant to say in original post When I got them on the trumpet (and very pleased I did) just to "reconfirm" what I was seeing in the physical letter he said avoid using their online payment facility (think it links to open banking) OR using your own banking app despite having the 18 digit reference What he said was pay by cheque with a covering letter saying WHAT years you want any payment applied to If you dont whatever monies you send are allocated to the earliest year where contributions are short If that year was £670 short (as one other year of mine was) the monies are effectively allocated lost ! (unless you make up the entire year subsequently)
  21. Yes and no lol I have 2 jobs when in the UK with a split tax coding Twice Ihave changed it online this current tax year......twice HMRC messed it up and on one occasion removed one employer completely I had to get on the phone twice for them to sort it Why they havent got a secure "messaging facility" when logged in I have no idea
  22. Lot of that GG website is still under Beta testing
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