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Everything posted by Chivas

  1. I suspect there are going to be reams of denials daily if that cash show is strictly enfotced I'm surmising that if you turn up looking like an utter peasant in dreadlocks or you're bald you might get asked but not otherwise
  2. Ahhhh lol I just realised who NowNow is I clocked him on his latest account the other day
  3. lol out with it fella Poor advice....Cmon then explain yourself It wasnt advice he offered it was simply standard "procedure" and was wholly accurate
  4. Completely nailed it. Check in online perhaps to ensure no last minutes hitches but as you say you still queue up I had one of those hitches on Oman about 8 years ago when I was "offloaded" Bangkok to London after big group on open tickets all reconfirmed for same date......if I hadnt attempted to check in online I'd have only known at the airport and too late to sort it...(which I did thanks to my agent back in London)
  5. Interesting re Cash but understand reasons why If I rocked up without hard cash but could show in real time 500,000 in Thai bank (via app) would that suffice ? Might have to start carrying £500 in cash from now on just in case
  6. Dear oh dear which is EXACTLY what is going to happen as Expats depart in droves and others now depart annually after 179 days to neighbouring countries
  7. I'd go as high as 99% it will never happen As per normal the Thais have simply not though this through and the implications
  8. Yes am afraid my original post went somewhat over your head lol
  9. Clearly it can be done online within the UK having done it last year I'm just trying to recall the process You do need to send the old passport back along with the code you mention I'm surmising that if you have family within uk for forwarding purposes you could do it ?
  10. I watched a Visa agent video couple days ago and I'll choose my words very carefully as to what was said Under the new 60 day visa exempt entry this will only be available twice by calender year by air or land borders but WILL be extendable by 30 days This will be the main difference over the SETV whereby no limit is set (albeit you could still be questioned upon arrival) This was the point I was trying to previously clarify. Thailand simply couldnt have 2 identical entry processes whereby one was free (60 day visa exempt) as opposed to the SETV which cost monies up front but both did the same job The difference is the amount of times it can be utilised even by air
  11. Down the Beach from 9am like all good tourists aiming to achieve maximum sun tans.....
  12. Nope not a clue what you're banging on about ??
  13. Singapore was by far the very best Eva for non stop
  14. In fact normally when I use laptop it requires me to click on link via smartphone Didnt even ask for that either a few minutes ago
  15. Its so random. Whilst it was now 29 years ago but in 1995 I arrived using visa Exempt on 15 occasions never once being asked any questions Maybe as OP has found out the times have changed
  16. The gaslighting is utterly astonishing Which political party has driven taxes to a 70 year high............ Over to you xx
  17. Fantastic day for our Country The final removal of the most corrupt evil cabal in British political history bar none Make no mistake many reasons for it (the disaster of Brexit heavily leading the way) but no other member of that ugly tribe did more damage than the utterly vile Boris Johnson whilst in office......Truss duly dispatched as well Watch that Russia report now published within one month
  18. Can you actually pay cash into a 3rd party account (at the counter) in Thailand now ?? We havent been able to in the UK for some years (even if it was your wife) Pay it into your account and then transfer online but cant pay it in directly
  19. Get used to it Cameron you and your odious corrupt cabal are about to be wiped from the face of the earth Never in political history has one Tory government over the last 14 years caused such utter devastation to our country with the Johnson being most culpable Vile and lets not forget Cameron himself was responsible for the utter Brexit debacle that has destroyed so many lives
  20. I reckon Bolt is the single most game changer ever to hit Thailand in the decades since I first visited Just sublime
  21. bizarre to say the least
  22. Why move the goalposts We are talking about the relative exchange rates applied. Any amount of "extras" may change the bottom line but the rate is Visa/Mastercard
  23. When the Thais tie in the TIN status to Retirement extensions (and they obviously will) the shight is going to hit the fan for many....
  24. Whatever card you use you're going to get the mastercard/visa rate in real time unless something has changed recently
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