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Everything posted by Chivas

  1. Certainly cheaper Used them before obviously ??
  2. Yes there was a period roughly around 2018-2019 where I got asked for it 3 times. I actually had retained it anyway in my front pocket Trips since though they've not asked for it but good idea to keep the stub just in case
  3. I have absolutely no idea what you're babbling about fella.....out
  4. Yep I flew on Singapore outbound from Heathrowin January. Self check only in it wasnt optional as you say....They had a floor walker to assist if anyone wasn't sure but that was all. There was no manned desks @sandyf you either did it or you didnt fly lol Agree with the poster I'm quoting the savings must be quite high Edited pretty sure Eva have that now as well ??
  5. Currently (and absolutely by the book) it is as in 2 x 90 days (including the 30 day extension to both entries) Furthermore some doubt that the 60 day visa exempt entry is here to stay but in my opinion it absolutely is
  6. Doubtless a case of T.I.T. lol
  7. Doubtless all part of the new visa exempt entry rules but even if it wasn't whats to stop you applying for the ETA say 2 days in advance ?
  8. Whether there was a stamp in the passport or otherwise a denial of entry will surely be recorded in the immigration database otherwise little point of rejecting him in the first place
  9. lol no (but am not laughing at you) They're starting to enforce the new twice a year visa exempt entry that is per every Thai Embassies website worldwide (who's own nationals are entitled to it) Twice already in Phuket (that I know of) reality is dawning for more than a few "experts" Beyond comprehension that these people believe that Thailands new already incredibly generous visa exempt entry of effectively 180 available days (2x90 including the 30 day extensions) can carry on indefinately until the immigration officer decides otherwise lol Utter bollacks and realisation is dawning that no immigration system worldwide can operate like that
  10. You have to assume there will be a criminal record check as with the USA version
  11. I lose interest in your waffling open post when you said "fake pandemic" I can only imagine the interactions with the immigration officer if that was your general attitude
  12. Less calories daily in your mouth as opposed to calories burnt daily. Thats it
  13. I absolutely adore your posts and follow with immense interest.................xx
  14. OP were you by chance offered "Marol" instead of Tramadol ? Bizarrely I at home take one of each every day the Marol being the modified slow release for daytimes and the Tramadol at night Essentially its the same Med
  15. Tramadol is available OTC in Pattaya in both the pharmacies I've used over recent years Normally he charges me 60 Baht for strip of 10 x 50mg
  16. Hells Bells one or two actually do listen to me ! You are perfectly correct and so many on the thread are completely wrong. Quite hiarious at times reading comments
  17. True story re those ID90 tickets and checking in at Don Maueng for BA back to Heathrow If anyone thinks you're invisible at the airport even if strictly legit than think again It was early 1995 and I used the outbound portion of London Bangkok with no issues......I had stayed about 2 weeks from memory and though ok maybe time to go home Now back in the UK my brother could access the passenger loads for each flight, Midweek was always the best as loads were lighter and often he would see all 6 classes of economy with "9" in each row basically saying there is at least 54 empty seats. It could be 100 seats but it stopped at 54......easy for him to say ok Monday and Tuesday are excellent etc etc but later in the week more busy Now I'm on the return sector pre internet obviously so only way to check (other than ringing home) was pop in travel agent in Pattaya and they could access the same system Lady in office I had used before said its looking bad for at least 8 days more. Knowing my "status" was low as regards priority I thinking ok not this is not ideal (very easy when on a 12 month validity standby ticket to say ohh sod it I'll go tomorrow lol) Asked her what a one way ticket was on Tarom back to London. I had flown them previously and price was very low so booked it there and then...... Anyway travel to DM and now obviously I've got 2 tickets one confirmed on Tarom and one on standby for BA lol Now despite having the Tarom ticket I'm thinking obviously better if somehow I can still get on BA......the problem was Tarom departed before BA....You can see where I'm going lol.....If its busy I cant take the chance of not being on either Anyway go straight to BA staff counter hand over ID90 ticket she enters me into the system but says highly unlikely tonight Sir heavily loaded and we have a "weight problem"...basically too much cargo and passengers so first thing thats red carded is people on standby across the board but you never know to last minute I'm in the system so think right over to Tarom (which was the other terminal) get checked in and no messing around cant take a chance here..... Ground handling check me in bag handed over all good.... As I walk away from the counter I'm pounced on literally....two Thais in uniform perfect accented English "Sir we have been watching you tell us why you have checked in at two different airlines" For a second I'm thinking this might take some explaining if they dont fully understand English ! They do and I have to detail absolutely everything about the 2 tickets and they dont appear that satisfied. Whilst they had initially looked at the data page of passport they are now going through a very excessive amount of entries and exits in the rest of the passport which to any 3rd party would look suspicious lol Eventually I'm told thank you sir for your answers you're free to go... Moral of the story eyes and ears are everywhere at airports watching us and you never will know where or for what !
  18. lol you read that wrong albeit accidentally you were spot on re the price !! I meant he worked there during the 1990's for 6 years and the price varied from around £80 to around £95 ( return ticket) The discount ID90 refers to the charge of 10% of the full IATA listed fare for British airways (not travel agent fares) so full fare at the time was between £800 and £950 if you bought say directly at airport counter at last minute etc....average was about £90 but bear in mind its standby, As brother of staff the status I had was very low and used to get I'd say 30 on standby every trip....only once did i not get on at Heathrow going out but on return sector 100% success......when they started the Qantas codeshare it was brillaint because you could use either airline on same route I wonder what 30 years later that full fare is now/ Love to know
  19. Strange how we change. When I was young (er) always wanted someone with me (albeit never desperate) but as I've gone over 60 the last thing I want is someone around all the time More than happy on my own now and absolutely never lonely. If in Thailand I do on occasion think about emergency situations which is why I have saved hospital ambulance numbers in the phone
  20. These days I've got a few bob yes but no not really in the 90's Brother worked for BA during the 90's and for part of that time I could get cheap "brother of staff" ID90 tickets (basically standby) and used that a lot but I would still have gone by using regular tickets anyway I assure you 5 trips a year is nothing....all the guys my age that I've known from Pattaya over 30 years are the same and certainly at least 2 of them have done more than me for sure and am sure they have hit 200 by now I did a few ting tong shorts runs on Eva lol but they were very much the exception Flying from Heathrow Wednesday night landing Thursday afternoon and back home on the Saturday lunchtime return to Heathrow loaded down with goodies lol I'd probably die if I tried that these days !
  21. No skin in the game being British but anyone who can vote for that insane convicted dangerous criminal needs their head examined People in the UK think he's ludicrous in the main
  22. Why would you think that ?? Some of us go back to late 80's for that first trip.......mines 1992. Even at only 5 trips a year that alone comes to 160
  23. I'm genuinely not sure. If I guess I'd say Air India
  24. Fly with Air India and you get a astonishing 46kg in economy ! I'm on them one way on their new A350 out of Heathrow next month and was presented with that 2pcs on Eticket without explanation Got hold of agent Travel Trolley who as always answered in minutes via email confirming its actually 23kg each and not in total which is what I had wrongly assumed Complete bonus as trip is very long and was thinking 20kg or 23kg was going to be tight
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