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Everything posted by Chivas

  1. People totally overlooking the fact that this clown influenced the American public to vote for him in 2016 without remotely knowing what he was covering up 12 Jurors voted lock stock and barrel to convict. No dissent. Seriously lock him up for 1 year which is just one quarter of the maximum sentence he can be served with
  2. You're correct albeit I had to actually check that as wasn't sure "Modern Mutual" owned by members not shareholders
  3. I sent a relatively small amount yesterday and instead of it being instant as always it reverted 4 times to extended periods Finally it appeared as"sent" so logged into SCB but not there Then app showed finally "please note local bank can take 2 working days to credit" It actually credited about 6 hours after initial process activated. Unusual but hardly a deal breaker
  4. Should be the end of the utterly odious character but I very much doubt it will be
  5. Strangely enough there have been multiple accounts today of monies sent via Wise but not landing in Thai accounts Wise made it clear they have been sent as well to everyone who wanted clarafication Almost certainly a coincidence I acknowledge but nonetheless Sterling as well which normally below £1000 equivalent lands instrantly
  6. He simply will be no matter how many will sneer and say otherwise TAT need to be seen to being overseeing this prosecution and than reporting the verdict widely They must be having kittens over this especially as it was on Sky news in the UK
  7. The layover was much shorter on mine as connection was to Gatwick rather than Heathrow
  8. Yes read the thread I started that Richard has kindly linked in...it was on March 17th so pretty recent Any questions just ask
  9. Believe me @josephbloggs those type of people are worlwide on every single subject imaginable Twitter is literally unusable any more for my work because timelines are filled with these utter whackjobs 24/7
  10. I havent a clue if my name is registered against my long standing Sim or not...pretty sure Sim was obtained long before it was a requirement to do so Would be a pain in the arse if online services were cancelled until arrival in Thailand to update them to say the least
  11. For some godforsaken reason you've taken my post completely out of context The International Monetary Fund isnt out to get you or me or anyone else for that matter and nor are all the other organisations named by the original poster I quoted
  12. Why on earth make waves in Thailand especially when you may be using same dealership again Just pay the bill a different way
  13. Seriously you need to get yourself a life rather than following such spurious utter complete shight "The Hierarchy Enslaving You" 🤣🤣🤣 Utter utter utter whackjobs and as per the other post thats extremely polite out of deference to Asean
  14. I give up seriously Barking mad all you conspiracy whackjobs and thats being ultra ultra ultra polite... Resets... New World Order.... utterly spurious birdbrain nonsense Twitter is awash with people completely barking mad whether its over "Control" or "Chemtrails or "Vaccines" or "Non existant moon landings" or Yanks blowing up their own twin towers" etc etc etc etc etc etc (literally) Never ending utter shight 24/7
  15. One of my brothers claimed he was "depressed" all his adult life. Horrible wife (that was true lol) but diagnosed bi polar (bollacks) and all the rest and plenty of medication which did nothing......never had much money and his dragon had most of what he did have When my mother died he got a 6 figure pay cheque as i did All depression has disappeared. Different person no more moping around lol In my opinion many people who claim they are depressed are in reality simply "unhappy" with their lives but its easier for the Drs to label it depression Money doesnt cure everything but it sure as hell goes a long way towards it I'm NOT saying everyone is like that before I get roasted
  16. ^^^ Rather than quoting above post can we not morph into Twitter and talk about "they" and "elite" and all variants as in "Control" Whenever I ask a simple question as to who are "they" there is never an answer forthcoming. Simply never As for you video of Lagarde the Brits introduced way back in 2002 a £1000 limit for "walking about money" before questions as to origin can be asked Nobody is "controlling" anything the world is simply moving on.... Tax discs in the UK were removed in recent years and replaced with paying online....is that "control" ?? Course it isnt its simply ease of transaction and making it easy to track unlicenced cars Same so many other instances. Its not control
  17. Indeed lol To be honest I didnt take much notice of it initially until it got mentioned it had landed around 3.45pm in Bangkok and suddenly it dawned on me No one can blame Singapore for this either. Clear air pockets that cant be picked up on radar have been known of for years. I keep my seatbelt on every flight (as most do) but if anything good comes out of this it will be those warnings from flight deck to get those belts on loosely at all times for the future Singapore by far the best airline I've ever been on
  18. I was on that exact same Singapore flight on January 17th out of Heathrow There but for the grace of God go I
  19. If you use a Thai credit or debit card or attach it to a smart app or whatever in Thailand its only a matter of time before something goes wrong hacked/cloned whatever The real danger is that if that card is from a Thai bank and its skimmed when you walk into that bank to say my money has gone you watch the reactions and deflection from the staff "Did you have anyone stay with you" "Did you have the card with you at all times".......at which point you know only too well the money gone for good Use a foreign card no problem because if that one gets skimmed it'll be sorted as mine was albeit not the point
  20. Next conspiracy will be Apollo 13 didnt happen You know its coming lol What so stupid about the moon deniers is that Americas biggest enemy the USSR in 1969 would have had an absolute field day exposing the USA if history never happened
  21. For christ sake lol (to both suggestions) I've had to self edit that about 20 times before finally pressing "submit" lol
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