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Everything posted by Chivas

  1. Yes part of the "manifest" that every flight departs with. That is compiled on every airlines mainframe and flight disptacher prints off final copy given to the flight crew
  2. lol dont confuse him he's already in meltdown
  3. Transom I'm finding it utterly mind boggling how utterly dim some are over the use of passports. There are bellends on this thread who think once the flight has departed the UK (complete with their name on the manifest) they aren't tracked (or capable of being tracked) lol
  4. You keep living in that fantasy world chap
  5. I'm being utterly polite but are you for real lol !!
  6. 😂😂😂 I've read some comedy gold the last 19 years here but that one is pure platinum !
  7. Its beyone comedy gold let alone naive I agree Every time the passport (any nationality) is used its logged automatically......if its not been used than the last immigration entry (wherever) is exactly where the passport holder actually is (obviously) If that other guy says the Phillipines is where he is it will take DWP a few seconds to cross reference that information to realise he's lying (I have every real reason to know exactly just how much information our governments hold on us lol)
  8. Yes Pensioners may have been dragged (marginally) into the taxation bracket but only over and above the tax code that we all have to the day we die All income is grouped together but normally any tax due is collected from other income(private pensions/ dividends etc) but if there is not additional income than yes the state pension could suffer slight taxation but only on the excess over and above tax coding which many simply dont grasp The state pension (like all income_ in retirement is subject to tax where applicable ie in excess of tax coding
  9. lol no need He's going down make no mistake on a range of charges this year
  10. When they shave the orange Satans bonce when he gets a 10 stretch he'll need that baseball hat.....
  11. Yep and as I said on different thread few days ago I was reading the DWP website for other reasons and came across this I was surprised likewise. Nobody can have their state pension sanctioned in otherwards reduced or stopped so anyone claiming otherwise is talking bollacks (not yourself lol)
  12. True but that had nothing to do with the Baht lol That was entirely down to Sterling/Dollar on one side of the pairings which dipped hugely
  13. Lol tax would only be payable over and above the personal tax allowance we all enjoy On an aside I've lost count down the years on the forum how many times I have used the term "dont burn your bridges" with your own country as regards "this" topic
  14. I mentioned this the other day elsewhere when it was raised on the DWP own website The state pension or OAP as many call it is not sanctionable in any way. It cant be stopped or over payments recovered from I'm not going looking for the exact passage of text before someone asks for a link but I to was very surprised likewise
  15. So many providers have plans that are sometimes promotional that carry on for years yet are nowhere to be seen on official websites that are via shortcodes The plan I currently use is 300 Baht inclusive taxes per month but nearest to it on website is 699 Baht on True plus taxes
  16. On that basis than the OP was entirely correct
  17. lol the point is exactly as I descibed Wise can send it around via 10 banks in a circle if they want to because the landing amount wont change 1 satang in the process On the other hand and I quote " The transfer is generally done in 2 days so not much exchange rate occurs either way" Tell that to the Brits after a certain day in June 2016 !
  18. Wise can interbank all day it still wont change that fixed amount as per quote the moment you send your Sterling Euro USD to them
  19. Swift fees for Sterling are fixed and sometimes free as well Lets do a real time example for your USD Wise $20,000 lands in real time at 735,388 Baht If we do a Swift from an American bank (lets say $20 which is more or less what Brits pay in Sterling) So Transfer $19,980.....We have to "assume" the Telegraphic Transfer rate at this point because in the intervening hours/days it could fall or rise. As Wise is fixed once clicked through so its the only valid comparison Bangkok Bank are 36.85 Baht landing Telegraphic Transfer in real time Multiply the 19,980 by 36.85 and we get 736.263 but we have to deduct 500 Baht landing fee leaving net 735,763 Not much in it I agree but Swift as you say with USD comes out 375 Baht better off....hardly a huge victory for Swift but it is a victory I acknowledge If I repeat it now in Sterling Wise now comes out a long way in front ...I was wrong to assume it would be same advantage for USD
  20. The red flagging is truly exemplary so far....
  21. Unfortunately none of the airlines seem to sing from the same hymn sheet over onward tickets Arriving October last year and January this year both on one way tickets neither Etihad or Singapore asked whatsover about onward ticketing nor about the Evisas I had on both occasions ! It would be good if they did sing from the same hymn sheet as people would have more certainty
  22. Because lol there are two pairings to every exchange conversion apart from the USD which as the Worlds reserve currency has direct exchange rate with every worldwide currency Movement in either pairing (for those not holding USD) effects the bottom line
  23. Pound Cost averaging is our friend as always albeit USD in this case
  24. 37.07 real time now
  25. Depends on location In Ban Chang only 100 Baht paid but recently 220 on one occasion in Pattaya Go Go
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