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Everything posted by Chivas

  1. Ok whatever. You're moving the goalposts. Remove the word state pension and change it to income. The end result is the same Basic tax exemption code in uk is 1257L (£12,570) Anything over that (outside of tax wrappers) from whatever source gets taxed
  2. No you misunderstand how it works with HMRC....State pension wont normally be taxed at source but forms part of overall income which is subject to tax where applicable
  3. All income is totted up from all sources and is subject to income tax.....there are exemptions for example income arising out ofa ISA etc but the basic premise is all income is subject to tax outside of personal allowances
  4. <removed> As regards your 2nd point why dont you add the rest of the quote that was in brackets and try again As regards the 1st....utter bollacks fella As recently as this year I have opened Chase Monza and Kroo accounts instantly after they (obviously) found me listed at my current address with HSBC and RBS accounts and credit lines via Cards with Halifax and Barclays Out....
  5. Trouble with applying for new accounts is that the process involves initially an electronic check done in seconds basically which consists of "is there financial records or a listing on voters roll at applicant address" Only occasionally does that throw out a negative response which is when they start asking for Driving Licence or other hard proof of address At the end of the day you need to find a bank who either doesnt care (there wont be any under anti money laundering laws) or a bank that has no objection to a foreign address Better still dont red flag yourselves in the first place over existing accounts lol
  6. Inflation falling and so is the Baht.....weakened sharply against the Benchmark this last month
  7. The astonishing speed ofWise monies landing is even more electric currently I've always said that the monies are in the receiving account by the time I've logged in on the smartphone app I'd change that and say its even before I've picked up the phone. I've been pound cost averaging lately with Sterling well over 43. The speed of transfer (however it is done) is just insane cross borders
  8. Dear oh dear.....Go back to my post and this time very carefully read what was written Off you go..... At no point did I claim I wasnt invested in the past, present or future. I stated that only the terminally dimwitted couldnt grasp that it was a complete and utter ponzi scheme
  9. Course it is Only the terminally dimwitted would believe that photos of Bored Apes, Frogs and all the rest of the uber bollacks have hidden value No asset backing......one day these people will wake up and its all gone. ...........tell me who they are going to complain to ! Comedy Gold but sad at the same time that people can be taken it by this shight
  10. exactly.............
  11. Can you just not use the full website ??
  12. Kids get pished on the impending proceeds.....................
  13. If using Wise its 2 Million in one hit Around £46,200 at current rates
  14. lol what OTP !! Despite all my transfers arriving in seconds down the years (bar one) I've never had to make use of one time passwords Seriously what are you guys doing !! Wise have not even got a number for me Is it because you're messing around on phones rather than using the full website (not you personally) ??
  15. Like 99% of others across the world The 1% here on Asean and across other worldwide forums are red flagged for a myriad of reasons hence transfers take longer as checks required Simple as that Edited to add.....As in all these types of situations you only ever hear the gripes and not the 1000's of satisfied customers where monies arrive in seconds
  16. Post prompted by couple of FB mentions that its relocated (again) to the original Soi 7 and down from where the old Eagle Bar is (or was) Originally in the location where the new hotel is now opposite Flipper House in Soi 7 with offshoot bar in the cut through between Soi 7 and soi 8 and also was located in Soi 8 itself for a while as well under the Baron Hotel or whatever it calls itself these days (from memory it was a Thai husband and wife team who had seperated and both wanted a piece of the existing action) Now supposedly in Soi 7 again ?? From the comments its literally only in the last few weeks ??
  17. Whilst I was only 40 when it started your initial symptoms were exactly what I had and couple years later after exhaustive tests I was labelled with Fibromyalgia That was over 20 years ago and controlled with Meds successfully most of the time to this day
  18. No the facility is not available with Wise Not that I've used them but Dee Money seems to be a valid option
  19. No In fact only a few days ago I did a sample comparison for somebody with £35,000
  20. Losing around 1100 Baht on the bottom line landing in your account than via Wise
  21. .......and yet as totally expected when you read the actual notes carefully (you did notice the entry "2" ) that is not the case No bank on earth is going to refund $200 a month lol. You know it I know and everyone with an IQ of 7 knows it (Edited to add....what a rip off savings rate they offer)
  22. Spot on..... Totally inaccurate Declaration, Documentation and proof of origin and you're on your way Out of interest you're more likely to get a tug going through Bangkok personal scanners on outbound sector Heathrow personal scanners have clocked me twice (from memory around £4000) but I know to carry proof of origin paperwork
  23. Yep once again total agreement with you Why oh why do these people red flag themselves Even the last resort of "boatmail" is more than adequate should you have absolutely no family at all in the UK
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