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Everything posted by Chivas

  1. I've taken the prices off Google Finance so as to give exact same comparison to last wekend Mobile Streams....0.51p.....up 11% Power Metal Rersources....1.38p....up 2% Empyrean Energy.....6.70p....down 5% I'm startled to see EME down 5% to say the least Watch that Mobile Streams......read the extensive RNS reports landing weekly. I own 4,232,000 for clarity so was actually up a paper gain of £2,216 on the week
  2. I could break down each stock and the reasons for buying right now but its far better if investors read up themselves All three are "ripe" for reasons various
  3. As always do your own research but contrary to what several of my friends think I dont sit around on my backside ALL day lol having been buying stocks since 1980 I rarely do this in recommendations on stocks as if it goes pear shaped you'll get standard abuse where as when they rise you dont get the opposite praise. Sods law as always Buy the following stocks but its a 1 year hold not 1 month !! They are all AIM listed companies Power Metal Resources (pow).....currently around 1.35p Mobile Streams (mos)......currently around 0.46p Empyrean Energy (eme)....currently around 7.10p You can buy me a beer in a years time in Soi 8 lol if I ever get back ! For reference yes I already own all 3 and have done for some time. I will keep an eye on the thread and update each weekend if there is movements
  4. You can only walk a horse to water so many times.............
  5. Fair enough and thanks Clearly once I've updated to 6 digits when I return it will then subsequently work in the UK
  6. How can you use it in the UK with the new 6 digit ATM number required ?? I acknowledge when it was only 4 digits my SCB card worked normally I have an email which wont scan in but from SCB saying as soon as travel allows come into a branch and get it updated to six numbers (but that still rules out UK use subsequently) Maybe my Debit Card has a lower or higher staus I have no idea ??
  7. Nope because am bored of doing it over and over re money transfers these last few years Am sure the forum itself has the facility for board members to scroll back through my posts should anyone want to and view them over this topic
  8. Two of the answers seriously disturbing already......its utterly mind boggling it really is I've said before this more than a few times the Finance sub forum needs a dedicated Mod with decades of experience (no not putting myself forward ) because its the sole subject that affects every single one of us Money and the loss of it no matter how small is important no matter what our status
  9. What can be extremely out of order (and I acknowledge my own comment earlier in the thread about my overweight but slim long bag) is that these morons keep them slung on their backs walking through economy. Seeing I always have aisle seats wallop wallop wallop time after time as they move through the cabin. I vividly recall on Oman my outburst in 2018 (out of order) when one of these roasters did it and caught my face going by
  10. You've lost me...I will copy and paste "1. Enter visa exempt, which stamps you in for 30 days, then get another 30 day extension for a total of 60 days stay. This will require a trip to immigration." You simply cannot out of the UK use that as an option without having an outbound (throwaway) ticket at the 30 day mark or earlier Its blatantly wrong information and should not be remotely offered as an option
  11. No... Whilst Australian check in staff may take a different view to British ones but you'll get offloaded at check here in London without the visa soon as the 59 day flight ticket flashes up on screen Need an onward ticket out in advance at the 30 day point even if you do a subsequent "workaround" whilst within Thailand
  12. Its already been pointed out anyway about last minute tagging on final gate and excess baggage being sent down the chute to the hold I used to have access to ID90 tickets from British Airways/Qantas and always but always had my main bag loaded but secondary "bendy" soft shell long bag stuffed with shirts etc etc (for resell) I used to check in after putting secondary bag in left luggage (or occasionally if I had someome coming to airport with me stand well away to one side with it) Down to final gate and probably 30% of the time gate crew would have a look and say bit big Sir (the bendy bit meant you could sling it over your shoulder so not so viewable)....I'd smile and say fair enough at which point it got tagged into main hold with rest of baggage... Point being you were past the point of paying excess baggage charge......they probably took it off me 15-20 times
  13. Only way to stop this in future is the mandatory amputation of all limbs after any 10 day overstay. Drunk or luvved up no excuse Straight in the chop shop ????
  14. So just to be clear on your stance....... Whilst its extremely out of order to be playing loud music at 3am that rightfully involves the culprit having his head chopped off I just need some clarification here ??
  15. I find all these threads about Wise extraordinary I really do. Not the posters I might add who say they are superb which they are All my inbound transfers for a long long time have been instant bar one that took.....2 hours They are the only remitter of funds at full Interbank (absolutely let me know if you have found another) fees are very low and yesterday did another dummy transfer using the landing TT rates on the SCB website At £15,000 I gave up when the bottom line was still way lower using Transferwise So what if it takes 2 days (which it doesn't lol)......if guys are desperate for money that quickly than I dont think anyone would disagree if I said they should be back in their own country anyway If anyone can find another remitter that sends say £5000 gross (obviously not including opening account offers) that lands in Thailand with a better bottom line than Transferwise I'll buy them a case of coolies no problem.
  16. The anti vaxxers are still amongst us sadly. You'd have thought after Novak Djokovic more than few would have woken up but clearly not The utterly spurious nonsense on this thread is mind blowing
  17. Actually in hindsight thats a good response reference life without parole I'd extend that obviously to car and bike drivers.
  18. Only way to stop this utter insanity is a mandatory death sentence upon proven guilty I wouldnt levy that only on truck drivers either
  19. For east of use and incredibly quick inbound and outbound fiat transfers I like Swissborg Downside is the limited amount of tokens they offer albeit more added on a monthly basis For me its the "simplicity" of usage. There is an opening "bonus" to both introducer and new client. I wont post my link as that would be out of order but I highly recommend them. For reference I have 37 years in finance
  20. As I have said previously as long as the money is legitimate "walk it out of the country" after you've converted it back to Euro's carrying appropriate documentation at all times and declaring in on arrival Allow plenty of time at check in and scanners as you'll almost certainly get a tug outbound
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