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Everything posted by Chivas

  1. Certainly new passport changes nothing. In fact (and I'm sure it applies to everyone) when you put your 4 fingers of right hand onto scanner and then are about to do the same with left hand the IO waves you away from it because the system already recognises you Its all on computer every entry doubtless going back decades
  2. Libelous abuse 🚀 Moderator !
  3. Thats what I need thanks
  4. Ohh yes thats a great look walking into XS or Pin Up with that sticking out yer strides !
  5. Just occasionally being approached by them late at night walking back to Condo Daytimes whilst they are about they show no real interest
  6. Well fella its Class A in the UK so it clearly is........... . One Gramme One Tab One whatever just bang em up for 20 years
  7. Does one actually exist ?? For use against Soi Dogs I've tried two supposedly excellent ones only to find they do sod all. Meant to be high pitched noise that only dogs can hear and move sharply away I can hear the high pitched noise but clearly the dogs are not remotely bothered lol
  8. Yep this is a common theme where it appears Bangkok Bank is the issue (albeit relatively minor to be fair)
  9. No I fill in the amount I want to send whether on app or desktop Click through the "reason" for sending Then app or desktop basically says "send us the money" On to Royal Bank of Scotland....via the saved payee of Transferwise.....enter amount to send and then ping it to Wise As I ping to Wise its landing already in 2-3 seconds into SCB
  10. Could well be yes. Although I've only "monitored" the last 23 transfer obviously I did many prior to that. I dont recall ever having a "next day" arrival of monies Now I've always done it the same way. Money not on Wise accounts, no debit cards, no credit cards, but simple I send them the money and I do wonder if its that reason that all mine are instantaneous
  11. I'm on PEA tariff of apparently 0.3972 a unit according to Bill I've just had one and its certainly accurate as meter reading was done on 18th October (as a new rental) The bill was just 118 Baht....I will say right away I wasnt there every day because I was still making use of an AIRBNB that I was contracted to for all of October However allowing for time not spent there I reckon Electric wont run more than 900 a Month and thats with 2 Samsung Airconditioners albeit not on together or for long nights either and washing machine Be interesting to see bill start of December
  12. RBS as above poster to Wise to SCB is landing in seconds as always Been tracking the last now 23 transfers since people started quibbling 22 landed instantly in few seconds and one took just over an hour (Edited in.....transfers have been sent on every day of a normal week weekends/bank holidays make no difference) I only posted this on one of the Wise FB groups yesterday Initiate transfer laptop/app send via simple bank transfer from saved payee on RBS to Wise Ping seconds later as money hits SCB before I even get the chance to click "I've sent my monies" icon on Wise app I really dont understand what some people are doing I really dont
  13. Sky very much advocating that Trump is going to win this We'll see Appalled if he does
  14. Polite question and the first one Whats Thailands position on spreads accounts.....??
  15. Well unless I move into a retirement postion (visa wise) II'll just wait to someone comes knocking at my door When they send me an explanatory letter in perfect English on what needs to be recorded where and by when and what details they currently hold from HMRC in the UK (good luck with that even I cant get it) then I'll view it as another fiasco thats gets swept under the carpet here in Thailand
  16. This is beyond farcical In real time today I checked my own Government Gateway account in UK to see current tax situation in light of this thread As of 5th November "tax year of 2023/2024" has still not yet been completed (been the same since April 2024) How the hell is Thailand going to tax me remotely accurately should I stay 181 days lol This is going to be one monster clusterf**k
  17. The real comedy comes when Trump loses and he then faces a court sentence of jail He knows its coming which makes it all the more delicious..... Wonder how he'll look with a shaved noggin 🚀
  18. Correct..... I too have read multiple times of people saying get a bus ticket. Its a flight thats required OP again personal experience I have never in 172 arrivals been asked to show a return or onward ticket at immigration On just one of those occasions departing the UK from Gatwick on Emirates in 2007 I did have an issue with a one way ticket and no SETV.....I was able to fly but had to sign an indemnity
  19. So if you go without the Firestick and instead buy one of these media boxes from Tukcom do you still need a smart TV ? I ask because in my rental the TV is i "think" smart because of whats written on the remote but it doesnt seem to do anything per se when I press it Its a Pro Vision TV. It could be its a remote that covers all their range smart or otherwise
  20. is it failing because of Wifi connections or something else you reckon ??
  21. Been looking around and most seem to recommend Firestick and Wi** for content (Have deliberately starred out name as unsure over forum rules over streaming)
  22. Revolut were very good when it initially started and if you remember when you used the ATM you got the full interbank rate (still had local ATM fee obviously) When that full interbank rate ended it just became another card I use Chase and cant fault them
  23. I'll politely respond It is relevant. Far too many were claiming "nothing had changed" and yet (and I'll use Royal Thai Embassy in London as an example) the Visa Exempt entries were "highlighted" as now TWO per year.....it was and probably still is highlighted in red 15th July that was updated and what happened on that specific day.....! We changed to 60 day VE entry There was no way on earth that "unlimited until told otherwise" was going to allow 60 days plus 30 day extension indefinately Now I acknowledge that in actual fact if I return in January it will only be 2 entries either in that rolling 12 months (or only one within 2025) but these identical style threads are simply not only on this forum ok they're everywhere Lesson learnt and next time I'll get the METV and peace of mind I'll leave it there
  24. I genuinely only said to one of my mates yesterday back in the UK prior to this thread that when I go Vietnam I was going to go via Suvarnabhumbi rather than Don Muaeng (which was actually £25 cheaper) but reading stories down the years about DM immigration being somewhat more harsh when coming back in I really wish I had obtained the METV now back in the UK in advance. Peace of mind. For my October 2025 trip for 6 months I certainly will be I've never been happy with this unlimited visa exempt entries under the new 60 day version and if you go back through my posts this last summer you'll see my reservations over it in fact I was actually kicked off FB Thai visa forum for making this point. Chickens coming home to roost "RL" because am sure you're reading this as is "TD" Hopefully all will be well in January but its put a downer on the trip
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