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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Yes, I bought some through Lazada and it was fairly cheap as I recall, however I have just thrown at least half of the packet away!! Reason being is that I have a slow digestive system, and the psyllium husk expands in your digestive system and can cause constipation for folks like me, especially if I don't drink enough water, so beware that if you are taking it you need to drink a lot of water, even if it is taken in water like it should be!
  2. If the Apolets you are taking are the low-dose aspirin for prevention of heart attack (blood thinning etc), then you might wish to look at the link below, and there are many others on the Internet regarding the low-dose aspirin and prevention of heart attacks, because they are not now recommended! So you may wish to consult with your doctor with regards to the latest findings on this, if indeed he knows about it? Aspirin No Longer Recommended as a Preventative Measure Against Heart Attacks and Strokes in Older Individuals. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/aspirin-no-longer-recommended-as-a-preventative-for-heart-attacks-and-strokes-in-older-individuals-180978866/
  3. Wife says to husband "You only ever want sex when you're drunk" Husband says "That’s not true . . . sometimes I want a kebab" As a young boy I was blessed with a nine and three quarter inch penis . . .. Unfortunately it belonged to Father O'Malley.
  4. The phone rings and the wife answers. A pervert breathing heavily says, "I bet you have a tight a-se, with no hair?". The wife replies, "Yes I do he's watching TV – – who should I say is calling?"
  5. Dear Sir On behalf of Channel 4 may I thank you for the application you have provided for your wife to appear on our forthcoming 'Reality Show' and also for the charming photograph you enclosed with the application letter. Whilst agreeing that she would no doubt make a worthy contribution to the program if selected, I would take this opportunity to advise you that the correct title of the new series is actually "Fact Hunt". Kind regards Channel 4
  6. I was devastated to find out my wife was having an affair, but, by turning to religion, I was soon able to come to terms with the whole thing. I converted to Islam, and we're stoning her in the morning.
  7. Watched "Four Lives" last night, on BBC iPlayer and thought it was very good, and it is a true story. Well worth a watch (3 episodes), even if just for the total incompetence of the police.....absolutely unbelievable!
  8. Not sure about that, because even a couple of years on from now, these beauties will still be beautiful IMO!????
  9. According to Keith Richards, in his book, he can't understand why Mick Jagger gets all of the girls because, "he's only got a tiny todger".
  10. I agree with your post sambum, because the pay for the everyday policeman, and his superiors is pathetic, and as the old saying goes, "if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys". I know they have to apply and pay for their positions, and that makes things worse, because they think they are on the road out of poverty, and will be given certain benefits, and the easy credit/money seems to be one of them, but it comes back to bite in the end. I'm sure some of them would love to be able to do a good job, with proper training and with a decent salary, but when you're struggling financially, the whole situation becomes "clouded" and it seems easier to let corruption creep in. That's my 10 pence worth.
  11. A woman had been on the game for four years and was worried about the size of her f@nny on her wedding night, so she decided to tell her new husband she caught it climbing over a fence. After an hour in bed with her he said, "how far across the field where you before you realised it was caught?".
  12. With all the sadness and trauma going on in the world at the moment, it's worth reflecting on the death of a very important person which almost went unnoticed last week. Larry LaPrise, the man who wrote "The Hokey Kokey", died peacefully at the age of 83. The most traumatic part for his family was getting him into the coffin. They put his left leg in……………and it all went downhill from there.
  13. The problem with the authorities here is that they won't divulge any figures which might throw a bad light on them, or the town of Patong, however since that night out on New Year's Eve, three friends have tested positive for Covid – – not sure which virus yet, if indeed they can tell, however a couple of them are feeling unwell, with symptoms of a bad cold/the flu, whereas the other one is seemingly "okay" at the moment. Thankfully I am okay, but I would suspect there are a few more out there, and another contact in the business has backed up what I said in an earlier post, in that any girls who test positive are sent home and told to stay quiet.
  14. Yes I think you're probably right, and it takes me back to the time I spent in Biafra, (Nigeria) just after the Biafran war when food was very scarce because the authorities had purposely starved the south-eastern state in order to get them to capitulate. We regularly ran out of any "identifiable meat" on our oil rig and whatever was dished up during the shortage was always bathed in a chili hot sauce of some description or another, so we wouldn't recognise the taste or even recognise its origins! Some bright spark suggested that we were eating human flesh, because there were thousands of dead bodies on the mainland and the "meat" looked unlike any I had ever seen in my lifetime!
  15. That's true, because they have been open for some while now and on New Year's Eve, I was out in Bangla Road and it was absolutely packed with all of the bars open and bursting at the seams with customers, and I wondered if it was going to turn out to be a "super spreader" event. Two reasons for this, the first being from a lady friend of mine who has a couple of friends working in bars, and they have already been tested positive, but told to go home and stay quiet, and secondly because at least 70% of the people out on Bangla Road on that night were not wearing masks, nor practising any social distancing – – how could you when places were "packed to the rafters". It's quite possible that my suspicions turn out to be true because three good friends of mine have just been tested positive, and they were out on that evening, and feedback from them is that they have to self isolate home....because the hospitels are full, according to the health officials who turned up in full hazmat gear to test them. I have just spoken to one of them this morning and he sounds pretty rough and likens it to a heavy cold/flu, so I suspect that the virus is well and truly out and about in Patong, despite what the local authorities here are saying.......but then those of us "long-stayers" here have never believed the figures that have been published. So far I seem to be OK....thankfully.
  16. Apart from the feathers growing under your arms!!????
  17. It is called URAL and I use it from time to time. Easily available from Pharmacies or the local hospital. and cheap!
  18. You make an interesting point, and the various herbs and other non surgical treatments mentioned here can only seem to delay the inevitable, and it may well be that some older guys can put up with this inconvenience until the day they die. When you consider the following: –The prostate gland continues to grow throughout a man's life. This rarely causes problems until later in life. The layer of tissue around the prostate keeps it from growing outward.......(https://www.cedars-sinai.org › diseases-and-conditions) it can be seen that somewhere along the line a greater percentage of us guys are going to encounter a problem of some description.
  19. Good to hear that things are still improving for you GarryP and thanks for the updates. Having said that, I was thinking that an operation like this would mean that one didn't have to get up in the night to go to the bathroom, so your feedback is of interest. As I am still debating what my next move will be, I will keep my options open, especially as my current urologist can't really offer a solution, and I don't want more surgery of any description, esp if he doesn't know what is wrong, so a visit to my NZ urologist could be on the cards if I'm able to do so. Some interesting information I have uncovered as follows: – -The fit cohort (78% in our series) should be offered surgery as they achieve a success rate in the range of 95%. -TURP is indeed the first minimally invasive treatment of BPH and provides excellent long-term outcomes -AND The prostate gland continues to grow throughout a man's life. This rarely causes problems until later in life. The layer of tissue around the prostate keeps it from growing outward. FYI – The term "fit cohort" in the first quote above refers to men who are aged below 70 (as I recall) and don't have any other health or urinary problems.
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