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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. I delved into the archives last night and downloaded a movie starring Russell Crowe, Renée Zellweger and Paul Giamatti, called "Cinderella Man" and although I had seen it yonks ago, I really couldn't remember much about it, so settled in to watch it, and was surprised at how good it was, with the boxing scenes being absolutely amazing. If anyone hasn't seen it, then IMO it's a must.
  2. Jeez.......You've got to be desperate quoting Marjorie Taylor Green, because she is an absolute nut job, out and out, and then some!
  3. Unfortunately there are a one or two medical folks out there who can be just as stupid as the likes of the doctors who promoted ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as cures for Covid.....America’s Frontline Doctors: Simone Gold, a Beverly Hills physician who founded a doctors’ organisation that challenged pandemic public health measures and promoted unproven covid therapies, has been sentenced to 60 days in prison by a US federal court in Washington, DC, for illegally entering the US Capitol building during the riot on 6 January 2021. Gold came to prominence in July 2020 with a viral video introducing America’s Frontline Doctors on the steps of the US Supreme Court. Seven white coated physicians denounced lockdowns and masks, questioned the utility of vaccines, and touted the benefits of hydroxychloroquine, a drug which had recently been endorsed by Donald Trump. Most of the organisation had no experience treating covid patients, but Gold was then a working emergency department physician. Trump later retweeted the video, making her an overnight star in the conservative media. She has 482 000 Twitter followers, is banned by Facebook, and … https://www.bmj.com/content/377/bmj.o1533
  4. I wondered when someone would roll out the "big Pharma" catchphrase, and it's a wonder that Bill Gates hasn't been mentioned somewhere in amongst the nonsense. Out of the many hundreds of thousands (perhaps millions) of doctors and, physicians, professors and lab workers in the world, is it really possible that they all could be silenced if there was a major fault in this vaccination/program – – not really when you think about it logically, but then logic rarely means anything to those people who quote "big Pharma", Bill Gates and various other conspiracy theories. I had my first vaccinations in 1952 or thereabouts and I've had plenty since, and with working in tropical countries, they were mandated, I also had a shot of immunoglobulin in 1970 before going to work overseas, something which is being looked at again to assist in long Covid symptoms, and new research suggests that it's the actual Covid virus that causes this, nothing whatsoever to do with the vaccination.
  5. More importantly, he has been censured for promoting ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as drugs that will cure Covid, and this nonsense has been debunked time and time again. There is an excellent link here that posters should read because it lays out the details of this charlatan, and how he only really started to make money when he jumped onto the Covid bandwagon. John Campbell conspiracy theory nonsense https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Campbell_(YouTuber) Just for the record, with some vaccinations there is a possibility that the body will react to this by producing a cytokine storm which in rare cases may cause death, but it is not the norm. And remember that many of us have been receiving vaccinations over decades past, and indeed I've had three Covid vaccinations.
  6. I watched both the "Clarksons Farm" series and liked them and will watch another one as soon as it comes out!!
  7. A very good movie but a slow start which gets more interesting later on, and the ending is a stunner. Well worth a watch IMO.
  8. Sad man lexxy......me, bullying Trump, everything I have said about him is true, so what's there to argue about. He is what he is and he will never change, so get used to it and get used to other Americans, in their tens of millions (or European for that matter) who think likewise about him. Can't get much lower than stealing from a charity and I don't think you have an answer to that. What you can't seem to grasp is that many reasonable human beings despise what this man is and what he has done so far, and I had to chuckle when trump was the laughing stock amongst some Nato leaders at a European conference...richly deserved IMO.
  9. That's a laugh, because for a start you called me a leftie, which I'm not, so try and get your facts right before calling names. Typical Trump cult Maganut – – there you go, and you can support the orange buffoon all you like, but it won't change the fact that he is a lying orange toad who has defrauded the American people of millions if not billions of dollars and who would not know how to run an ice cream cart let alone a successful business, and the proof is in his multiple bankruptcies and with any luck a jail sentence – – watch this space. Oh, and stealing from a charity is not a good look, is it! Poor deluded suckers that the trumpies are, and they will probably keep buying the cheap trash (made in China to Make America Great Again!) that he his hawking around the place, just goes to show his followers are the type of people he likes.
  10. As I said previously, I am not a leftie, so that's your "argument" gone out of the window.......I just don't think that a compulsive liar with the IQ of a pickled squid, and who has been convicted of stealing from a charity, found guilty of rape, misused campaign funds to pay hookers (the fallout from this is yet to come), been found guilty of fraud and has had 13 of his companies bankrupted, thereby depriving the American working man of monies owed, is fit to run an ice cream cart, let alone the USA. I truly believe that to be the case and I have no time for anybody who supports this crooked orange buffoon. PS. No offense taken.
  11. I wouldn't read too much into this article, because the UK Telegraph is a right-wing rag, and anyway it is only an opinion piece, so take it for what it's worth – – simply nothing. However the trump culties will be over it like a rash!!!
  12. You seem to have gone off the deep end there lexxy, so for a start as regards your comment about "I could go on just checking you feel the same about all the people who represent you", I've got no idea what you mean because none of them represent me! Barking up the wrong tree there old chap. You also include a lot of accusations, but there again, accusations if not proven are merely hearsay, just like the orange cultists like to wheel out the, "Biden crime family" nonsense, which has been proven time and time again to be fake, because it makes them feel good and takes the heat off the Trump crime family.....and if you want proof, read below........... For two years, Comer and Jordan promised to prove that Hunter Biden was engaged in criminal activity in his business relations with Ukraine and China. And not just Hunter, but also his father, then-vice president Joe Biden. Together, Comer called them the “Biden crime family.” Finally, last week, with grand fanfare, Comer scheduled their big show-and-tell — a congressional hearing featuring Devon Archer, Hunter’s former business partner, as star witness. In sum, instead of proving the House Republicans’ case against Joe and Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, under oath, destroyed it. It’s time for Comer and Jordan to fold their tent and move on. Which brings me to my second words of advice: If their goal is to expose a major “crime family,” Comer and Jordan are looking in the wrong place. There’s another family nearby in which the father’s been charged with 78 crimes and he and two sons have been charged with widespread financial fraud. Their last name’s not Biden. It’s Trump. https://thehill.com/opinion/4143058-press-the-biden-crime-family-that-isnt/ The special counsel investigating Hunter Biden has charged a former F.B.I. informant with fabricating claims that President Biden and his son each sought $5 million bribes from a Ukrainian company — a stinging setback for Republicans who cited the allegations in their push to impeach the president. The longtime informant, Alexander Smirnov, 43, is accused of falsely telling the F.B.I. that Hunter Biden, then a paid board member of the energy giant Burisma, demanded the money to protect the company from an investigation by the country’s prosecutor general at the time. The explosive story, which seemed to back up unsubstantiated Republican claims of a “Biden crime family,” turned out to be a brazen lie, according to a 37-page indictment unsealed late Thursday in a California federal court, brought by the special counsel, David C. Weiss. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/15/us/politics/fbi-informant-bidens-ukraine.html
  13. Well that's not surprising lexxy, given that Trump himself said he prefers the poorly educated, in the first instance, and secondly who in their right mind would vote for a man who steals from a charity, cheats on his wife while she is pregnant, has been convicted of rape, incites an insurrection, is a compulsive liar and has conned many good everyday working American tradesmen out of money which is rightfully owed to them. If he was a family member, you would probably report him to the police!! What's to like? Oh, also forgot, supported Putin over his staff on a defence issue.
  14. Has anyone noticed those on the left, carry enormous hate for trump........ Well, I'm not on the left, whatever that means, but to give some indication, back in NZ I didn't vote for the "left", nor did I in the UK, but I would consider myself to be central/conservative. Having said that, I don't know that my hate for trump could be termed "enormous", but it is a puzzling sort of hate, that a cheat, compulsive liar, thief, rapist and man of low morals, not to mention being very dumb, could even be considered for the job of president of what once was an outstanding country, is extremely dangerous, not only for the USA but also for other countries. .
  15. I hear that he is hawking vials of his urine to the MAGA nutjobs, this to sprinkle on their breakfast to get a good start to the day, and also to help him fight his cases (with more to come)!!
  16. That's good information, so thank you very much for that, this especially as I've always been a bit of a "hot sleeper". Of course for the last two nights with my aircon being out of commission, I've laid on top of my bed, with the ceiling fan on, sweating like a "pig" and absolutely soaking my pillows with sweat. Just getting back onto my predicament (hopefully I won't get offside with the mods or too many other posters) the aircon man came round this morning and did a thorough clean of my aircon unit, both inside and outside units, in fact he took everything to pieces, which was a joy to see and he pointed out what the problem was........a pretty hefty buildup of fat and dust on the fan, as well as cooking oil getting into the cooling fins on the inside unit! I asked him if I should buy a new unit and he said this one was perfectly okay, but if I'm doing my cooking indoors, just about directly beneath it, I need to think about a way to alleviate this (this because I don't have a cooker hood or similar)! So rather than look for a new aircon unit, which would present me with the same problems eventually, according to him, I'm investigating other options.
  17. Did you buy it from the Trump University by any chance??? LOL
  18. Many thanks for the aircon size table topt, and will let you know how things go.
  19. Good point topt and as I have got the aircon man coming round tomorrow (I hope !!!) I will ask him what he can do for me with regards to fitting a new one. I did notice some 18000btu aircons on Lazada and PowerBuy with some heavily discounted prices, so a search around is on the cards. I would like to try Sharp as have been impressed with their appliances.
  20. I set the temperature on the aircon at 25° (sometimes 24°) because my bedroom is just offset against the lounge and aircon unit, and it seems to work quite well. In addition I have the ceiling fan rotating at medium/low speed. BUT, my aircon unit is playing up again, because water floods (a bit of an exaggeration) out from the front of it and covers everything in the kitchen making it a bloody nuisance. I try to get it cleaned once every six months but this still happens, so I'm wondering if this happens to other folks?? Maybe the aircon unit, Mitsubishi Mr Slim 14,000 Btu for a 42/44 m² apartment is too small?? I've got the aircon man coming round tomorrow to give it a good cleaning, and am seriously thinking about buying a new aircon as Sharp has a few deals on at the moment on its 18,000 Btu inverter models. Any ideas anyone? PS. Sorry to go just a little off tangent, but some help on this regard would be fabulous. Thank you. PPS. The current unit is 7 yrs old and the drain pipe seems clear?
  21. I bought a beautiful Nokia Flip Phone on Ebay and am very pleased with it............. https://www.ebay.com/itm/386266624698
  22. In English and Thai should be ok (hopefully)!!
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