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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. @Pinot The above is what I have done with my Smart TV, and if you have a fibre optic supply (I got 3BB to install one) then the speed is great!!
  2. Well there appear to be guys in this country and around the world who question the value and use of the vaccination programs, so it still hasn't gotten through to some of them, and I particularly liked this comment from a judge in New Zealand, when he was confronted with a guy who couldn't pay his fine because he was out of work – – why?, Because he said he couldn't find work as he was unvaccinated, and this was the judge's retort which I thought was marvellous: – "Judge Ruth asked what reparations Fensom was able to pay and defence counsel Michaela Brus said he was only able to pay $30 a week but was already paying some other fines. His defence counsel said he was also now unemployed because of the vaccine mandate. "You won't get vaccinated?" Judge Ruth asked Fensom. "I have got no sympathy for him," said the judge, saying he was putting everyone at risk. These nutcase views will not be accepted in this court. You should be ashamed of yourself," said Judge Ruth.
  3. I watched the British police investigation into that sorry affair, where they found the truck with the bodies in it, and initially the truck driver denied all knowledge they were there, however further investigation (as seen in the documentary) uncovered flaws in his explanation and also uncovered other links, so this is the outcome and it is probably less than they deserve. PS. I think it was on BBC iPlayer if anyone wants to seek it out.
  4. Slightly off topic, but related also, can anyone tell me if the Thai vaccination passport which can be obtained from the hospital, can include vaccinations undertaken in a different country (i.e. UK) when the necessary paperwork/info is produced?? A friend is trying to do this, but as yet has had no luck – – any suggestions please?
  5. I sympathise with you Woof999, and I've read through the whole of the thread, and you have experienced what I have experienced at times in the past on this thread and its previous incarnation. Far too many posters who will question your integrity amongst other things, and that is why I have severely reduced the number of my posts, and I have been on this and its previous site since 2005, mainly because I'm fed up with their nonsense accusations. So pleased that you have got confirmation from Mitsubishi that the dealer should have checked your oil, and also that they have offered some sort of recompense, however if it were me I would buy something else – – good luck with whatever you choose.
  6. True enough, they don't like the hardwoods and of course wood that is treated to prevent termite infestation, however I've seen composite wood in a kitchen top, which has been eaten away by termites, and as someone else has mentioned, they can also eat away the paper which holds gypsum board together, something I have also seen. Termites are also a problem in Australia, and a friend of mine had a termite infestation in his house, even though the land was prepared by a registered and well known professional builder, and it took a lot of work and the laying of pipes around and under the house, and spraying, as well as continuous treatment, to try and prevent further damage. And, no I'm not a builder and I have never built my own house, but I have seen the damage done by termites to know that I would steer away from including something in my house that they would like to eat!!!
  7. FOUND IT.........................about 29 mins long and very interesting Journey to the Doomsday Glacier- Antarctica https://vimeo.com/483734012
  8. A question for you @Sheryl if I may, as I am so despondent and in despair about my situation at the moment, that rather than go back to my local urologist here in Phuket, who doesn't really know what the problem is, and has said so, could you recommend a top urologist in Bangkok, as it's coming to the point when I might travel up there and get a second opinion. Many thanks.
  9. I have only just now spotted your post from last December SM007, and it reminded me of something a top US urologist/specialist said about prostatitis, which I had for decades, after I was seeking further advice about how to cure it, when he said something along the lines of, "prostatitis and associated urinary problems are a medical wasteland as far as what we know about it and them". A "medical wasteland", and this coming from a top US urologist, so I think you have probably hit the nail on the head.
  10. Hi @GarryP any update/news on your progress to date?
  11. Have to agree with you on that, apart from the fact that I believe termites are not particularly fond of teak, however anything else made of wood becomes fodder for them. The worst case I have ever seen here was in a small semi detached house which had been left vacant for a while and the owner came back to clean it up in order to rent it out, and the place was eaten out by termites, and I mean that just about literally, and even the sink worktops had been attacked, and it was usually thought that this type of "chipboard" (stuck together with glue and then laminated) would be safe – – not! Cupboards, worktops, doors and furniture had all been a feast for the termites.
  12. So you didn't come here for the beaches and the temples then LLF!!????
  13. Yes it has developed into a little bar area now you come to mention it LiK, and the Offshore Bar seems to be doing quite well, and I've even noticed some punters sitting on the bar stools at 10:15 in the morning! I wouldn't imagine that the owner of Ting Tong bar is very happy with it opening up right next to him, but then again as you say, there are a couple of bars directly opposite, and three more just round the corner so the regular bar monger is spoilt for choice!
  14. Yes, a friend of mine was out on Friday and Saturday and said that things were very quiet. I think it's probably a case of the "perfect storm" with tourist numbers being low anyway, and then the hassle of the changing rules and regulations, and of course omicron reaching Thailand, sending out "warning signals". You may recall that over almost a couple of weeks ago, there were rumours about Covid being rampant in Bangla, although the authorities hushed it up, however I have it on extremely good authority that one usually very busy bar had more than 10 girls who tested positive, and there had to have been more around the place, so that would have scared some of the Thai folk away, and maybe some of those rumours have gotten back to the farangs? Certainly quite a few of the Suzy Wong girls have left, albeit replaced by a few that are not as pretty as the previous ones, so perhaps these are either not as afraid of Covid as some of the other girls are (and I know a few who are just about terrified of it) or are desperate for a job. Another thing I've noticed here is that there are quite a few Russians about and many of those I've seen have been here with their family, so may not be what could be deemed "Bangla regulars"? Whatever the reason and I still believe they are manyfold, Patong is going to continue to suffer for many months, if not years, to come, and I wish good luck to the brave souls who have decided to open a business/their businesses here.
  15. I don't know if you have a Villa Market store near you, however they do have a range of good sausages and I particularly like the spicy Italian sausages made by, "The Sausage King" and if you like something even spicier, they do have Chorizo sausages. I've shied away from Sloanes products because I bought one of their steak and ale pies and it was less than average with very little meat in it, and what there was, was tough and gristly.
  16. As of now (16.12 PM Thai time) there appears to be no deaths from this volcanic eruption, so that is good news, however tsunami warnings were issued on the east coast of Australia and similarly on the North and East Coast of New Zealand (especially the north-east coast where some boats in a small harbour were sunk by the big swell). More info can be found on: – https://www.nzherald.co.nz/
  17. When I was suffering from GERD and underwent a gastroscopy to view what was going on, it was obvious to the doctor that regurgitated acid had caused Barrett's oesophagus, which can turn cancerous, so he put me on omeprazole for about a year, and that did help tremendously. As regards the food situation, he warned me that the following might cause problems: – onions, chilis, chocolate, red wine and some cheeses, which was a savage blow because I like all of them! With the help of omeprazole and d-limonene, my symptoms cleared up given time and for many years now I've been able to eat exactly what I want – – plus of course my favourites of chocolate and red wine (not together!). He also recommended that I don't eat before I go to bed, and lifted the head of the bed a few inches – – but then again all of this may be surplus to your requirements because you only get this a couple of times a year or thereabouts, so good luck in sorting out the problem.
  18. I tuned into the BBC iPlayer a couple of days ago and watched a documentary called, Jack the Ripper – – The Case Reopened, and it was extremely good IMO, as I've always been interested in these murders and why they happened. They investigated the suspects which had been spoken about over the years and came to a different conclusion, and used modern day techniques to solve the problem of who the ripper was, and it seems they have succeeded. On another note, I downloaded and watched a movie called, "Ray Donovan" and was a little perplexed about it and certain aspects which I couldn't understand, so perhaps I would have had to have watched some of the series to be in the know??
  19. Jethro special: – Our family was very poor, so poor in fact that they had to buy our clothes from the Army and Navy Surplus Store, and you can't imagine how embarrassed I was at the age of 14, going to school dressed as a Japanese Admiral! (Sorry, but it does lose something without Jethro's West Country accent and talented delivery).
  20. On the subject of Patong in general, there are quite a few small shops opening up around the place, and I notice that along Beach Road there are many of the small shops which sell T-shirts/shorts/etc which are now open, and there are a few in the OTOP area as well, so things appear to be looking up. Perhaps there is some positivity around the place now, and on that note, a small guesthouse at the top of Soi Banzaan, which was previously called, "Stanleys" has been bought/leased and reopened by an amiable Canadian chap under the name of, "Canada House", and he has refurnished it to a certain extent and has "Farang – style" rooms available for 6000 baht a month, with a few Thai-style rooms also available. It has a small bar in the front of it, and it would be nice to see it succeed, although I do believe it will be difficult in these times. Fingers crossed for him.
  21. I downloaded a movie called "Pleasure", purely as a result of one IMDb feedback, and I was very disappointed because it was nothing more than a "soft" porn movie, trying to disguise itself as something else, or at least that was my opinion. Not only that, I watched it for under 10 minutes and the acting was very amateurish indeed, and in that time it featured an erect penis, intercourse and the tiny tits of the lead actress, so I switched it off, but my main point is how on earth did it get a good IMDb rating and supposedly a good rating from another organisation?
  22. I understand where you're coming from LLF, however I will say that in all of the dance/music bars I've ever visited, there has been no chance whatsoever of what is called "social distancing", and that surely should apply to Bar Funk?? And as regards Thai logic, well it is what it is, illogical! I thought you said that you had given up on the Black Horse bar because of the girl hassles?? Your point about "holding a conversation" is something that the bar owners here haven't cottoned on to yet – – that many farangs like to go to a bar for a drink and a chat/conversation, and of course to ogle the females, and I and a few friends have moved on from a couple of favourite bars because it's impossible to hold a conversation whilst the glasses are rattling on the counter because of the loud music and bass.
  23. I believe it is a German production, so does it have English subtitles?
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