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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Agree with your comment, and as you probably know, one of the ways that drivers here try to convey to other road users that THEY have the right of way is to honk their horns or flash their lights, which according to a Thai friend basically says: – I'm coming through/get out of the way. No care and attention or consideration for others on the road, just blind, wilful ignorance. RIP the poor woman.
  2. I can assure you that Phuket zoo was an absolute disgrace, and I have visited it twice, with the second time being at the behest of my daughter, although I wasn't keen on it, and it was just as disgusting as the last time, probably more so. It should have been closed years ago and how anybody could look at the animals living in those conditions and not be concerned, is quite beyond me.
  3. After reading through this thread, one realises that the trumpies explore just about every avenue with regards to half-truths, untruths and deflections to ignore what is in plain sight, and still they are thwarted at every turn. According to these folk the insurrection at Capitol Hill was no more than a demonstration, despite many security guards and the like being injured and attacked, and one of the rioters being shot because she was breaking into the building itself through a smashed window, and of course eyewitness accounts and videos of the very attack. Guns were found stashed nearby and indeed the rioters had various instruments by which to cause injury and even death, and such was the fear that was struck in the hearts of both the Republicans and Democrats in the house, that they sought sanctuary in safe places, in fact anywhere to get away from the mob, who in some cases were baying for blood and threatening to take lives. There is no doubt about what happened because it is there for history, recorded on many mediums, as I said previously, BUT trump supporters refuse to see what the rest of the world can see, and that speaks volumes about the level of intelligence of these people, and the dumb crook that they worship, and the cult they follow.
  4. ????????? "An Indiana man who brought a loaded gun to the January 6, 2021 US Capitol riot — and then subsequently lost the revolver amid the chaos of the insurrection — pleaded guilty this week to carrying a weapon without a license and using a police baton to assault officers during the attack". Seems pretty simple to understand for those other than trumpism afflicted folk.
  5. One poster in particular refused to believe it was anything other than a small demonstration, rather than a violent attack, and posted as such, much earlier on in the thread if you care to look.
  6. I went out on Saturday night and had a great time, the best one for ages as far as I'm concerned. I met some friends in Blue Beach Restaurant and Bar and two of us had already decided that we would eat there, so I perused the menu and although another friend had said that he had the fillet mignon a few days ago and it was very good, I have sort of gone off steak for a while, so I ordered the chicken cordon bleu, and another friend ordered the chicken Kiev. Well, I have to say that my chicken cordon bleu was the best I have ever tasted anywhere, it was fantastic and so much so that I went over to the kitchen and congratulated the chef in person, as did my friend who had the chicken Kiev. So having a couple of lovely meals, accompanied by some nice wine was a great start to the evening, and after a few more wines, we were set to go and let loose on Bangla. We caught up with two others at Blue Lotus Café and bar and sat watching the world go by as is our wont. There was plenty to see because Bangla Road was busy in itself, but that didn't translate to full bars unfortunately, and quite a few of the bars at the beach end of Bangla had little to no customers. The more popular ones did have customers, but nowhere near what they had in recent times, Covid et al., and I felt sorry for the bar owners in Soi Freedom, because throughout the whole Soi, which was pretty full of attractive females, there were only four customers on one table and that was it!! I have to say that I felt terribly sorry for the poor woman standing in front of the "restaurant" halfway down the Soi, which was replete with fantastic wooden tables and chairs/furniture, but I doubt whether anybody had ever graced those since they appeared. Then again, whatever would possess somebody to open up a restaurant/cafe, halfway down a Soi, which was blasting out loud music and looked as out of place as a bull in an orchestra. I can't see anything good becoming of that and unfortunately the poor lady owner/renter will probably be out of pocket before too long – – hard way to learn a lesson, but then common sense is often needed, and that is in short supply in many situations here. We trundled off to Red Hot and were pleasantly surprised because they had changed their repertoire from my last two visits, and the new repertoire was vibrant and crowd-pleasing, whereas the last two visits I had made left me a little flat. So a good evening was had by all, sustained by Captain Morgan and his first mate Coke, and I really enjoyed getting up and singing a few songs as the whole atmosphere was different, and the guys I was sitting with were singing along and having a great time. I think it was about 1:15 AM when I decided to get a friendly motorbike taxi to take me home, and they always take care of me and seem very very attentive as to my welfare. I do think that Blue Beach Restaurant is going to see a lot more of me, as is the chef with his chicken cordon bleu!
  7. There are at least four abandoned/derelict buildings in Patong (Phuket) alone that I can recall, and I will look out some details if I can find them, a little later on and post them
  8. Somebody mentioned the movie, "Mystic River" a short while back and although I don't remember a lot about it, I do remember that at the time I felt it had a totally unsatisfactory ending for me, but I thought I would download it again anyway. I watched it again and then understood why I thought the ending was unsatisfactory, mainly because an innocent man, a friend of the killer, was killed for a murder he didn't commit. Even worse when the man (Shaun Penn) went back home to Laura Linney, his wife, and his wife was saying that she had told his daughters how big his heart was and that he would do anything for them, which included killing someone, referring to what he had just done, even though it was totally unjustified and a huge mistake. So again, the ending of the movie was totally unsatisfactory for me and I would put it down as one of those I would never watch again.
  9. But this says otherwise??? Or are they first being sent to Rwanda and then their claims being investigated whilst they are there?? "Anyone entering the UK illegally" after 1 January could be sent, with no limit on numbers, UK prime minister Boris Johnson said. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/explainers-61782866
  10. Discussions/arguments like these have been going on for years, but I've never seen anyone "tell it like it is", so here's my shot............ There are ways to legally enter the UK, so they exist for people who want to use them, and there are ways for people who have been persecuted in their own country to also apply for a life in the UK; BUT there are also the vast majority (IMO) who want to cash in on the UK government for their generosity in handing out money to anyone who wants to claim "asylum" or similar. Many of these immigrants come because they believe they can have an easy life in the UK with government handouts, and in my opinion that's the crux of the matter, and anyone entering the UK illegally should be sent home and instructed how to apply through the proper channels. If they have a strong case, then they will be accepted, if they don't, then "c'est la vie".
  11. I knew what he meant though, because unfortunately I had to do Latin for the first three years at my grammar school, and I absolutely hated it! I think he makes a good point, and I know you were only joking with your comment!! Keep up the good work.........
  12. That would be a great thing for those amongst us who love Indian curries, me being one of them, however probably not so good for the massage/beauty shop owners; let me explain........ A lady I know who owns two massage parlours was telling me how she shooed an Indian customer seeking a massage, out of her shop, because he wanted to pay 200 baht for a "special massage"! Other folk I know in that business often refuse to cater for Indian (and I use that term reservedly) men because their personal hygiene leaves a lot to be desired. Having said that, the type of tourist that TAT were hoping to attract to Thailand to boost the economy hasn't worked from what I've seen, and that was further backed up by the same massage parlour owner I mentioned above, when two Polish men came in the shop looking for a Thai massage, which was duly carried out, all above board, and one tipped his massage lady 10 baht, and the other tipped his massage lady 20 baht. It's possible that the two Polish guys didn't go much on the massage, however I know the two ladies concerned and they do give a good real massage, Thai or otherwise, so big spenders, they weren't. Will be going out on the town over the next few days, so I will have a look around and see what's going on.
  13. It is widespread in the US unfortunately, and is alarming IMO....... Idaho police have received death threats after the members of a white supremacists group were arrested last week. (Associated Press). Last month, a fundamentalist Idaho pastor told his small Boise congregation that gay, lesbian and transgender people should be executed by the government. Another fundamentalist pastor in Texas gives similar sermons. And last week, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said he would consider sending child protective services to investigate parents who take their children to drag shows. And a poster has said that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis would be a good candidate for President! Anyway, getting back on track.............. The House panel investigating the January 6, 2021, insurrection systemically made the case in its second hearing that several of Trump's advisers warned him against making false claims of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election that he lost. But the president would not listen. The nine-member panel is trying to make the case that Trump, and those allies who helped him, were deliberately lying as he pushed those election falsehoods in the weeks ahead of the violent insurrection. The rioters who broke into the Capitol that day and interrupted the certification of President Joe Biden's victory were echoing Trump's lies that he, not Biden, had rightfully won the election. TRUMP'S 'MIND WAS MADE UP' In a series of video clips from the committee's closed-door interviews, several of Trump's advisers testified that they told him repeatedly he should not declare that there was widespread election fraud — and that those claims were false. But Trump increasingly relied on wild theories that were pushed by Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, among others, according to the testimony.
  14. Such a sad post for decent and intelligent people, and shows the mindset of many of the supporters of the crooked, dumb and right wing former president.
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