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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. xylophone

    Bangla Road

    Having said that, Bangla Road at night time over the past few weeks has been fairly busy, though not compared to pre-Covid times, and although I wasn't out on Saturday, a mate of mine said that it was fairly busy and more bars had opened. I was out and about in Bangla six days ago and all of the music bars were open, as were many of the bars, and even a few bars in Soi Freedom had decided to open, and good luck to them, in fact good luck to all of the folks who are trying to make a living in these turbulent times, bars or not.
  2. Because I get on the computer most mornings for a few hours, I bought a 21 inch HP monitor screen, and that is brilliant and has made all the difference. In addition I have been using a voice recognition software program for 20 years now and it is also brilliant, and it is called, "Dragon Naturally Speaking" from Nuance, so I don't really have to do any typing at all, just speak into the microphone, as I'm doing now when replying to your post. Makes life so much easier and was a necessity when I was younger because I was almost constantly on the computer in my line of work, and I developed RSI/OOS! You also mentioned gout, and strangely enough for the first time in my life I had a bout of it a few months back, and this was surprising as I'm 74 this month and have always been and imbiber of red wine and port – – go figure. I bought some "Tart Cherry" capsules as they appear to have a beneficial effect in curing it, which they did, so I have some handy just in case. Hope the tip about the voice recognition program helps, and as a friend of mine used to say, "old age doesn't come alone".........so true.
  3. I watched it last night and for me it was a very average movie with nothing to keep me riveted to the screen, although I did watch it through to the end. The allure of the James Bond movies finished some time ago for me, and this one seems to have run out of ideas to keep me interested, so probably won't watch any more of them. I did like the Jason Bourne movies, with Matt Damon, however these too did fade towards the end of them when they seemed to have run out of ideas again – – oh well, will keep tuning into this thread, as this is where I get most of my tips from. Thank you guys!
  4. Hopefully he will be gone in the January transfer window.......maybe Juve will buy him (back) at a reduced fee?
  5. Problem being, of course, is that when the good managers leave or move on, it leaves the "assistants" to fend for themselves, and not many seem to have done so in this group I'm afraid to say. I don't retract my statement that United need a clear out, and the sooner the better.
  6. I was saddened at seeing this, and not only does it show that the coaching staff and OGS don't have a clue, it also shows that the board, or whoever sanctioned hiring this rubbish, haven't got the guts to face up to what they've done. A clear out is needed, and not just of the players, but also of OGS and his associated staff, and needed ASAP as well.
  7. Thanks for the recommendation and I watched it last night, and also thought it was good......and it seems I do have a heart!!!! I also watched the docudrama called, "Soaked in Bleach" and thought it very intriguing. For me there were too many discrepancies in the police report and work, and some things just didn't seem to fit, and when it was disclosed that the chief of police was found guilty of theft/accepting bribes and fired a little later, that also added to the confusion, as well as the purportedly shoddy police work. One thing that I couldn't come to terms with was the description by the first medic on the scene with regards to the wound............but I don't want to spoil it for anybody who wants to watch it, so give it a go.
  8. No, not for the hereafter, but I will attach a Thai Will for you to use, and it is in both Thai and English with the English version taking precedent if the Thai translation is "unsure". I also made out a document called a Memorandum of Wishes which detailed all that I wanted done after my demise. I gave both of these documents to a local lawyer, whom I know, and they will be executor of the Will and also carry out my Memorandum of Wishes, using funds from my estate to pay their expenses. I also gave a copy to a good friend here in Patong, as well as my lawyer in NZ, so I should be covered every which way but loose when I go to the big vineyard in the sky. Once you've done all this, you should be able to rest easy. Thai Will template amended.docx
  9. Bruno Fernandes quote: "Fernandes: We know we must do much better". Knowing it is one thing, knowing HOW to is a different story..........and under this leadership, they don't have a game plan/formation/set up/structure etc. And they have bought some very good players who don't seem to be getting a run out, such as DVB and Jadon Sancho, when they should have been focusing on a couple of top class midfield players who could "run the show" for them. OGS and his offsiders have shown they don't have a clue and should be out of this proud club ASAP.
  10. Yes, that's how the team was set out, but if you recall Stiles moved forward into midfield (although deep) and Charlton forward into the front line, or just behind it. Either way that, and the later 4-3-3 started the idea that midfielders and fullbacks would move forward to bolster the attack. In addition four along the back line with someone dropping a little deep to cover behind the last line was something which was adopted then and after, with great success. Now both Lindelhoff and Maguire are often caught square, with disastrous results. I have just watched the second Match of the Day session and I really don't think that Brendan Rodgers is the man that United want to see them through the next few seasons. I believe he is one of the "better" managers in the EPL, but apart from the managers of the top three teams, there aren't any other managers who should be considered IMO. By all means get a caretaker manager in until the "right one" can be found elsewhere.
  11. He is not as bad as some of the others here have suggested, but he does need support in the middle at the back, and he doesn't have it in Lindelhoff, who is constantly caught square and really doesn't fulfil any meaningful role in the middle at the back. Hate to say it but the old 4 – 3 – 3 formation would solve a lot of his problems, especially when you would have a real sweeper who could mop up any breaks in the back line, and I think back to the likes of Beckenbauer, who was a sweeper and midfield player par excellence, whenever it was needed. The two outside backs could then overlap and give support to the midfield and the frontline when required, provided they did it when the time was right, and Sir Alf Ramsey had it spot on when he introduced this formation. Now you have the likes of Wan Bissaka who really doesn't know what he's supposed to do and it doesn't look like his job has been explained to him, and also, for an England international, Luke Shaw looks really out of place because he seems to be in the same boat. The formation I have just suggested would solve a lot of United's problems, provided the roles of the players are fully explained and worked on, however it doesn't seem as though OGS has the nous to be able to implement such a system. And does it work? Well England won with it in 1966 and teams adopted this formation for many years until tinkering around with various options has muddied the waters. Also I played in this formation and it worked very well, however one has to have an idea of what is trying to be achieved in this formation, and I don't think OGS has a clue about that.
  12. There certainly seems to be a bit of poor quality stuff out there at the moment, and IMO this one is another one of them: – movie starring Bruce Willis, called "Apex", and it is dire. He must have been paid all of $120 for his role and if you think it's going to be anything like his previous roles where he was quite energetic, think again, because he looked far older, in the way he moved, than his 66 years, and in fact the only "action scenes" he is in, is where he is walking in the forest. If you want to save 90 minutes of your life, then don't watch this!
  13. Agree with your post, and don't forget that there re some christians who believe the world is only 6000 years old............shame about the fossils millions of years old!!
  14. Thanks for your reply Bruno, and the SE 2016 model was priced at 2400 baht, which I don't mind spending at all, and if it proves to be a fizzer (or I do in using it) then it's not a great loss. Thank you for the comparison and the newer SE seems to be almost an inch bigger, and for me the smaller one would be fine. Good to know about the 16 GB capacity, however I do believe the phone I saw was the Thai version, so I suppose one can change the Thai language to English on the phone itself?
  15. Bruno123 has been a great help, so as he said, just look at the info on a couple of the posts he has posted. My needs seem to be the same as yours and I know what you meant with regards to "social media" and if you're anything like me, you are posting on this forum from your laptop/PC. However I have no need to take a picture of my cup of coffee, ice cream, the outside of Starbucks, a pizza or the like (you get my drift) and I think it's very sad there are people who do this, and also very sad to see a family sitting round the lunch/dinner table after having finished their meal, all of them fixated on their mobile phones. I do believe the art of good after-dinner conversation is rapidly dying, and for that matter, good conversation sans smart phone.
  16. You are a great help Bruno, so I thought I'd ask you one last question (I hope).......in searching for the iPhone 5s I also came across the iPhone SE, which appears to have been launched later, and looks to be about the same size, which is great for me. The one I was looking at only has the 16 GB model, so I was wondering if that would be enough for the Thai app (Mor Chan?) and my normal telephone calls and SMS messages??
  17. Well you have echoed my sentiments exactly, although I wasn't clear from your post. What I objected to was my friend telling me what I should have when he had no idea what I needed, and hardly any idea of how to use his! Yes I did see 5s, although my voice recognition software didn't pick it up, so I did look online at the 5s, and although an old phone, it might well do the trick, should I decide to go down that track. So thank you for the tip, and I am lucky inasmuch as a friend of mine gets a new Apple iPhone every couple of years, and I may well be in line for one of his old ones, so that, along with your recommendation should meet my needs if I have to get one for the Thai apps etc, if I don't, then I will stick with my trusty Nokia flip phone.
  18. I don't know what you're referring to when you say, "your friend is right, you appear to be making a mountain out of a mole hill"? This because I have said that I may get a second hand iPhone or similar small smart phone, and I would purely use it for the things I have stated, whereas my laptop at home would be my main use. I also suggested the Samsung J2 may be a contender, although another poster has said that it won't handle even the Thai app, so I don't really know what your post is aimed at?? Having said that, I will do a little research on the iPhone 5.
  19. I have got to agree with you DFP regarding Filipino musicians, because they are some of, if not the best musicians, I've seen here in Patong. I was thinking the same thing when I was watching the band in Red Hot last night where around half of them are Filipinos, however the lead guitarist is Thai and is just brilliant. I ended up there with four friends, after a visit to Black Horse, where I caught up with a guy I know who arrived in the country just last Monday, and he said that his flight from Dubai had more than 260 passengers in it, he also said that a couple of friends of his had arrived in the country this week and flights were similarly crowded, so it seems to make a mockery of some numbers which have been bandied around? Having said that, last night was not as crowded as a few nights ago, according to my friend and also the pic I saw in a publication, however it was an improvement on the recent past, and that's a good sign. Also at Red Hot I met a guy from NZ, a bunch of guys from England, a couple of Americans and a couple of others whose accents I couldn't pick, but who came to congratulate me on some songs I performed. A couple of other English guys, accompanied by one Thai girlfriend, had come over from Pattaya because the nightlife there was "rubbish" and he was appreciative of the nightlife/vibrancy of Bangla. Sure enough at 11 PM most of the places started to close, and those which were little slow in doing so were visited by the BIB! The signs are good, but the news regarding Covid, opening times, closing times, alcohol and insurances is very mixed, which could slow tourist progress.
  20. Watched the movie, "Dangerous", starring Scott Eastwood and thought it was pretty good, not outstanding but suitable for an evenings entertainment. You can definitely see Clint Eastwood's facial mannerisms in Scott, not surprising really. The movie also starred Mel Gibson in a kind of "semi-support" role and also Famke Janssen, whom I couldn't place until the credits. Worth a look IMO.
  21. PS. I should add that I do all of my work on my laptop, along with a 24 inch monitor, and a large keyboard, and couldn't really see myself switching to a small 6 inch screen with small touch screen keys, so my phone, if I do get a smart phone, will only be for phone calls and SMS with the necessary vax stuff.
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