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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. I am surprised that OGS is still there, and quite expected there to be an announcement today when I looked, but there wasn't! I don't see him and his team as a positive future for United, and I do not see Phelan as an interim coach as I've never seen a good report about him anywhere. There is something wrong within the club, especially if you consider that DVB was bought and really hasn't got any game time, yet was lauded as a midfield player to answer United's problems, or part thereof. I did manage to watch the game on Match of the Day last night and United were dreadful, and I was very interested in the match comments afterwards from Micah Richards and Ian Wright, especially Ian Wright, because he was dying to say that the coach should go, and he didn't, however he said everything else but that, criticising the gameplan (there wasn't one), set up, structure, motivation and anything else you like to throw in, but perhaps he is banned from saying what he really thought – – that the manager had to go. I had a chat with a friend of mine who is an ardent Liverpool supporter and who hates United with a vengeance, however we respect each other's views and although he gets the occasional dig in wherever he can, we have good conversations, and I was quite open about my thoughts regarding United, and he agreed with them all. When you look at the managers at the top three clubs now in England, I wonder where United can find someone of equal talent, just the same as Liverpool, City and Chelsea have done.
  2. Started to watch episode one of six of, "Top of the Lake" last night and thoroughly enjoyed it and will be looking forward to watch another episode tonight, or maybe two! Directed by Jane Campion and there were two parts to the series, but the second part/series was panned, however the first series had great reviews. Campion really does manage to get a handle on the bogan and sometime misogynistic aspects of the New Zealand male/life, so the series looks very realistic and this entirely shot in the South Island of New Zealand, so the scenery is beautiful and different.
  3. Ah, now which God would that be – – – Christian, Norse gods, Egyptian, Greek, native American Indian, Celtic and many thousands of others that exist in various cultures, and all believe that their God created them and the planet around them and had a plan. Total nonsense, however nothing stopping you believing in fairytales is there.
  4. waiting for the tax reduction on wines spirits, when is that meant to happen? I have given up on that supposed price reduction on wines, and now I'm just about to celebrate my 74th birthday, I decided to treat myself from here on in and buy only good quality wine, with just the occasional swigger thrown in!!! After all the saying is, "life is too short to drink bad wine". On another subject mentioned above somewhere, my local Makro here in Patong does have promotions on Aussie tenderloin beef (Harveys) and it is exceedingly cheap (and delicious), and I've also found that the Thai/French minced beef is great for chili con carne and similar.
  5. I believe that's a statement that many of the Thais cannot understand, and I say that because even older Thai folk just have no road sense whatsoever and the amount of times I've had to brake or swerve to avoid an idiot on a motorbike who has come directly out onto a main road from a T-junction without slowing or looking, is almost immeasurable. I don't think things will ever change here because of the Thai, "Mai bpen rai" attitude, combined with the lazy police work and corruption will still be evident in decades to come.
  6. That would probably be the best breakfast around, and great value for money to boot. Not only that Nan, who will cook your breakfast, is also a great cook and can rustle up just about anything. Dave, her husband, is also a great host. Can highly recommend it.
  7. Perhaps not, but the overwhelming research and evidence points to the fact that being vaccinated lessens your chances of a serious illness from it, and also will cut the number of deaths quite markedly.
  8. And there you have it............. This is the type of rhetoric that is prevalent on anti-vaccination websites, and which attracts more sceptics with more misinformation, and this helps drive the people to make decisions against vaccination. Research has shown that the type of misinformation as regards the safety of the vaccines, supposed side effects, time taken to develop them and sometimes involvement of "big Pharma" is prevalent in certain circles and stokes the anti-vaccination campaigners.
  9. A friend has just sent me an email with a load of photos in it from past days/eras, and one which stands out, but I can't copy it as an individual photo, is one from the US 1918 Spanish flu pandemic and it has a pic of a group of American folk all wearing masks, with the caption............. Look closer, the sign reads: WEAR A MASK OR GO TO JAIL. Spanish flu, California 1918... So this precaution has been around for over a hundred years now, so it shouldn't be a surprise, and IMO more people should follow it.
  10. I haven't watched the match yet and was looking forward to seeing it on BBC iPlayer Match of the Day tonight, unfortunately now I know the score, not looking forward to it too much! Can't comment on the players, because I haven't seen the match, but from what I've seen here, especially from the anti-United posters, it was a bit of a debacle. Maybe it's going to be a good thing for United, because they should get rid of their current management setup, offload some players and deal severely with the prima donnas, including Pogba who should have gone a while ago. If it wasn't obvious before, it should be obvious now that the likes of Liverpool, Chelsea and Man City are in a different class to United and they play like teams, whereas United's crew look fragmented and have done for a while. I've been a United supporter since 1956 and will continue to be one, although I'm not blindly devoted to them, because I'm also a supporter of good football, and when I see any team playing good quality football, I give them the praise they deserve, and watching Chelsea over the weekend, who played some delightful football, I have to agree with my earlier comment about the three teams being a class above United, and by some measure.
  11. Sadly, I can see United leaking a few goals, especially after the poor marking and defensive work which was evident in the Atalanta game. It won't upset me too much even though I'm a United supporter, because I do believe that Liverpool are the better side at the moment. But then again, you never know.................!!
  12. I have to agree with that sentiment, because I think that's what it's all about – – one side's interpretation of what constitutes "Gain of Function" research and the Fauci side saying that their interpretation is not correct, because research on Gain of Function constitutes different methodologies as to those which were funded by the research. That's the best way I can describe it, after having read the article at the time.
  13. Yes he did explain in some detail exactly what the funding was for and why it was done, and for how many years it had been going on – – yes many years! He was quoted as saying, "Sen. Paul, with all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect, that the NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute." This whole episode was reported in the New York Times and went into some detail about funding, who sanctions it and why it was given.
  14. In addition to what Crossy has said, I will add that pulling a continuous 60A from your existing power supply equipment could well cause you problems with overheating and burnt out connections, this especially knowing Thai wiring conditions here.
  15. I am glad you used the words "appear" to lie to Congress, because I had the full article, which I've now deleted somehow!!! And the crux of the matter is that he didn't lie to Congress because any funding which was given, and which had been approved by several other US government departments, was not specifically for "gain of function" research. And the fact that several countries had given money for research into bat viruses, because this laboratory was "specialised" in this research, doesn't mean that they were also promoting "gain of function" research. In fact the whole case hinges on why the funding was provided, and the reasons for it given by Fauci and co, versus a few senators who wish to push the case against Fauci and the funding using a different interpretation.
  16. Well I did go out on Friday evening, early-ish as it happens with a friend, to eat something at the new Blue Lotus café/bar, before having a walk around to see what was going on. Good and cheap eats to take the edge off one's hunger before starting on the booze! Bangla was much more crowded than I thought it would be, almost like a low season in the old times (well perhaps not quite as busy, but the busiest I've seen it for yonks) and Kangaroo bar was absolutely heaving, but we managed to grab the last two seats available! Bar Funk had a fair share of punters in it, although it would take a few busloads to fill that huge place, and other bars that were open were doing fair business. The bar at the entrance to Soi Sea Dragon was full of the ex-Suzie Wong girls and this was attracting a fair number of customers, and although we didn't go there until later on, a couple of the girls we knew from before were counting out their bar tickets (the little stubs they get for drinks which are exchanged for cash at the end of the evening) and a couple of them seemed to have done very well. Sweetie Bar was also almost full and there was a band playing, although from what I heard they were mostly playing Thai songs, so I moved on to see what was going on in Red Hot, and surprisingly enough it was reasonably crowded, so I decided to chance my arm at a song or two. It had been almost 2 years since I got on the stage to have a singsong and I was worried that the old voice might not be up to it, however a rum and coke and a tequila loosened up the vocal cords (well that's my excuse anyway) and the songs came out much better than I expected, so much so that the crowd were whistling and demanding more! The lead guitarist was brilliant as he has always been, and the girl singer, Mayan, was extremely good as she has a great voice and very powerful for a smallish lady, and I have done a few duets with her before, so we paired up for, "Simply the Best" and she also helped with backing vocals on, "Don't Stop Believing", which all went very well. The band initially asked me to perform a couple of songs, but due to audience requests, I ended up singing five different songs, which resulted in being offered numerous drinks by delighted customers, and I have to say that I weakened a little and did accept some! Unfortunately 10 PM came round all too quickly and I joined the throng of people exiting Bangla at the east end, where the motor-bike taxi and tuk tuk drivers were eagerly waiting. I was a bit reluctant/wary about going out and singing a few songs, however I thoroughly enjoyed myself, because I thought I was over the attraction of Bangla, but in visiting a few bars, observing the world going by from one bar, and then some singing in Red Hot, I could see what the attraction was all about again. On that note, I'm looking forward to going out next week and I wonder if the "recovery" (perhaps a little too strong use of the word) will continue?
  17. Nice sentiments Kopitiam, and I can assure you that in the 16 years I've been doing my retirement extensions, I've never used an agent, so if I use one next year, I don't think it could be construed as "promoting the use of an agent", more doing what is easiest and hassle free. I'm sure you read other threads on this forum and those on the ThaiVisa forum prior to this, and you will have seen without a doubt, that many, many folk have problems with immigration and there are hundreds of farangs who are using agents (perhaps thousands), and one has to wonder why, outside of not having the required funds. The guy I met in Phuket immigration yesterday, who had just moved down here had the funds for the 800k method, but chose to go with an agent because he was having too much hassle, and he said, "they were always looking for things to pull him up on" and he was sick and tired of it. All power to your elbow and others on here like Karen Bravo who seem to have had no problems whatsoever with immigration, but that's not been the case with me (or my friend, or for that matter the guy who had just moved down from Bangkok, to name but a few) despite 800k in the bank for the required time, correct paperwork, all bank documents in order and signed by the bank manager, smart dress code and subservient mannerisms, and yet, although my extensions were not refused per se, I was made to jump through hoops because I would not pay a bribe, and I was sternly reprimanded when I followed the rules with regards to the bank and income route (all above board), but then again I have posted all this before. There's not much else I can say that I haven't already said, but it's come to a point where I have had enough, so perhaps an agent is on the cards for next year. As regards corruption and Thailand, it won't change in my or your lifetime as its deeply ingrained/embedded in the psyche, and it fuels the lifestyles of the rich and famous as well as others, and they run and control the country, and it serves well to remember that no matter what government has been in place here, all of them have either allowed corruption or been involved in the grand cycle which it feeds. Just on that point, the other evening I saw part of a documentary, and it was the situation as regards poverty in Nigeria, along with the corruption which is also endemic in that country, despite it being a major oil producer. It took me back to the time when I was working there in 1970, just after the Biafran war, and where corruption was endemic, so that was 50 years ago and things haven't changed, mainly because the powers that be don't want it to, this despite successive governments promising change. Don't think I will be revisiting this thread, but it seems a long time ago since I started it to try and help other folks who may "slip up" with regards to the immigration requirements. Good luck.
  18. Don't be sorry Kopitiam, because I've known all along that the place is corrupted, but instead of it getting better, it has gotten worse, which is such a shame for the poor Thai people, and it affects us of course. I've always had all of the necessary docs, and if you read my reply to the supercilious skatewash, in that reply you will see that I have complied every year, but there have been problems, one of which I detailed in that post and which just doesn't stand scrutiny. So I don't have any "perceived" problems, I've actually had real problems, not only in the one quoted above, but in the other one where an I/O asked for a bribe of 500 baht to do something that was free, and yet other posters have suggested I should have paid it, whereas I didn't, and they made life very difficult for me. With due respect, if you use the system and it works, then I'm very happy for you, however different strokes for different folks and if I choose to use an agent, that is my decision, and fits entirely within the system which has been created here (by immigration I may add), and not only that I don't have to make two separate trips to immigration and everything is done for me, which is a bonus. Whatever I do will make no difference to how others do their retirement extensions, and you may call it corruption, but I rest easy with the fact that the immigration edict that the chief officer in an immigration office can sanction a retirement extension without seeing the necessary funds actually says it all, and anyway I have much more than the necessary funds, so my conscience is easy. Sorry to have slipped a couple of notches on your list, but needs must and I will do what is best for my health and welfare.
  19. You seem to like the sound of your own voice (and text) and it's quite obvious that you haven't read some of my posts and keep on with your, "I'm right and you're wrong" stance, along with making assumptions, which turn out to be wrong. I have followed everything that the I/O's want, often taking more copies of everything down as a standby. And as for this statement, "Is it really that difficult to understand that there are very specific requirements for showing you have an account that meets the retirement extension requirements", then you are really showing your ignorance and supposed superiority. Just to test this out, please explain to me, because you're obviously all knowing and all knowledgeable and I'm not, in your opinion, how when I went for my retirement extension using the combined bank account and income method, I produced the bank book with 400k in it, along with bank copies and the signed letter, and I also had copies of bank statements showing funds being deposited in my Thai bank every month, to make it up to more than 800k, as required. Copies of everything and bank signed letters and completed documentation were provided, and the I/O thumbed through a few of the pages and then gave them to an offsider to have a look at, and who came to the conclusion that everything was in order. So I was happy enough at that, until the I/O looked up at me and growled, "next time use all the money in the bank". Of course I was flabbergasted because I'd followed everything that they had asked and yet here was this I/O suggesting it wasn't good enough – – go figure. And as for your comment: – "If you're going to sit there in front of the IO making heavy sighs and rolling your eyes like a teenager every time he asks you to provide something, then the process probably isn't a good match for you", I find it insulting to a grown man who has completed this process successfully at least twice as many times as you have, and believe it reflects more upon your childishness and irksome superiority complex, along with your many other comments and assumptions. This quote would be one of many which could apply to you; "Continuously feeling superior is a characteristic of self-praise and is worth nothing".” Although I am sure there are many more which would be appropriate to address your unfortunate superiority complex, however may I suggest that you look on many of these threads and see how many people have problems with immigration, so these are not an isolated incidents and they happen countrywide.......perhaps you can go and preach at them and tell them to stop rolling their eyes when at immigration.....duh!!!! Thankfully I won't have to read any more of your high-handed and supposedly superior reams upon reams of text, because you are going on ignore, mainly because it is a pain reading your "self-righteous" comments and incorrect assumptions.
  20. Now that's interesting because in the rules and regulations on the Phuket immigration website, it states: – "Copy updated Thai bank book name page and last 12 months transactions. (Update the bank book on the day of the application) Please make sure that all papers have the same balance mentioned". That in addition to the 800k being shown, so they do want a full 12 month printout, and they have asked me for that on two occasions, so I provided it. It becomes pretty obvious on reading this thread, and many others over the years that they will make up their own mind what they want on the day/on a whim, and as someone else has stated on this thread, they want you to use an agent because they get a cut from the fee charged. Just one point on this, an Italian friend of mine did his retirement extension a couple of months ago and showed them evidence of his 800k in a fixed account and when they asked him for an account to show how he lived here, he simply gave them his Italian bank Visa card and stated that he drew money down through the ATMs here, from that account...........and he got his extension. If that doesn't prove that they make it up as they go along, then I don't know what does. Further to that, today when I went back to pick up my passport and entry visa, I got talking to a UK guy who had moved down to Phuket from Bangkok with his Thai wife and he was in immigration here doing his first time 90 day report. We got talking and he stated that he used an agent for his retirement extension and had done for years, because he lived in Bangkok for five years and in his words, "immigration there were looking for any excuse to be able to be able to make things difficult so that "backhanders" would be provided. He got totally pee'ed off with that and got himself an agent a few years back and has never looked back since, and fortunately the agent has a contact here in Phuket whom he is now using. I have followed the rules diligently, yet have still been knocked back, as he has, and as my friend has, but now I have got my extension and my re-entry permit with 800k in the bank, but rest assured when next year comes round, I will be going the way of the agent, without a doubt and without a worry, because the work will be done for me and I can easily afford it. There may be a few posters who cry foul on this and talk about "corruption" and anything else you wish to mention, but they forget one thing.......this country runs on corruption, from top to bottom, from the parliamentarians who have their hands in the kitty, to land offices who issue false documents for a monetary gain, right down to the local BIB who fleece the small businesses here by demanding a monthly payment, and I know that because I have several friends here who own bars and businesses. If that's the way the country runs, then who am I to argue, and nothing I can do will change it, so I have to look out for myself and my Thai daughter and do what I must.
  21. Well, I suppose that could be true in some cases, however my friend has been here for 10 years and has gone through this process 10 times. He has also had his money in a fixed deposit for a few years, so he didn't expect any issues when he applied for his retirement extension in just the same way as he had done many times before, BUT this time he was refused, and he still doesn't know why and nothing sticks out as to why this should be the case! That's why depending upon the "whim" (or discretion?) of an I/O can be a dangerous thing IMO. So it is understandable why some folks use agents!
  22. Agree with what you have said and that's what I have always done, putting the 800k into an easily accessible fixed term account and not touching it for the year, apart from getting the book updated, especially before a visit to immigration. The problem is it doesn't end there because they also want 12 months worth of proof of transactions from my every day transaction account, which of course as I've already mentioned, my bank cannot easily provide. I have two separate bank books, one for the 800k and one for the everyday transactions, so the 800k doesn't get touched, apart from a minuscule interest update once every quarter and once before an immigration visit.. So my question would be why do they want to see my everyday transaction account, when the record of the 800k is right in front of them?? Someone else had mentioned that they want to see what I live on everyday, however let's suppose that I bought in a lump sum of cash and am living on that, or indeed that I use my NZ Bank Visa card upon which to withdraw funds to live. Going back to your point about the I/O's wanting an easy life, well the 800k in a deposit account, along with the record of its untouched existence (apart from interest updates) should be sufficient and would make life easy, but why do I have to provide a detailed 12 month statement of my other transactions?? It's not hard to see why one would use an agent, even if one has the 800k available. Easy, quick and one's existence here doesn't have to rely on what side of the bed the I/O got out of that morning, as the saying goes.
  23. Oh come on now Kopitiam, do you honestly believe what you have written? With my extension of stay ending on Saturday, the earliest time after that, that I could have got it renewed was on the Monday, but the bank didn't come up with the goods, so it had to be Tuesday. So I turned up at the immigration office complete with all of the paperwork and my passport and presented myself for processing. And of course I've been here for 16 years and following all of the rules. Now that is a far cry from someone who has been arrested for overstaying and has been trying to hide from the authorities, and for which they get everything they deserve. Do you really think I was going to head to the airport, avoiding police on the way, to leave the country in which I have lived for 16 years and head overseas for missing one day – – really, really??? We live in different universes I'm afraid, and the I/O's discretion had absolutely nothing to do with it.
  24. Well I watched Dune last night and was suitably unimpressed with it. Rebecca Ferguson playing the lead lady seemed to mumble her lines early on in the piece, and no matter what I tried, they didn't get much better and the download I had was top quality, as is my sound system? Plenty of special effects, but nothing to grip me, apart from the fact that I am as mystified with the goings-on in this one, as I was with the original when I watched it a few times. Will not be eagerly waiting for the next one!
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