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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. russia collusion.....proven vaccine efficiency ......it was never touted as the 100% cure dictator from day 1.........trump's words end of democracy.....with trump; yes putins puppet.......read and weep: A new book by the journalist Bob Woodward also reports that Donald Trump, while still in office, secretly sent Vladimir Putin what were then rare Covid-19 test machines for the Russian leader’s personal use. Former President Donald Trump has secretly spoken with President Vladimir Putin of Russia as many as seven times since leaving office, even as he was pressuring Republicans to block military aid to Ukraine to fight Russian invaders, according to a new book by journalist Bob Woodward. The book also reports that Trump, while still in office early during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, secretly sent Putin what were then rare Abbott Point of Care test machines for the Russian’s personal use.
  2. As isaid previously, he is plain dumb.............. New study shows ivermectin lacks meaningful benefits in COVID-19 treatment.... Despite early studies suggesting potential, the PRINCIPLE trial's findings – published in the Journal of Infection - indicate that ivermectin does not lead to clinically significant improvements in COVID-19 recovery times, hospital admissions, or mortality rates. While a modest two-day reduction in symptom duration, from 16 days to 14 days, was observed, this did not translate into clinically meaningful benefits or improvements in longer-term health outcomes. The researchers conclude that ivermectin should not be prescribed as a treatment for COVID-19 in such populations and recommend against conducting further trials on ivermectin for this purpose. https://www.phc.ox.ac.uk/news/new-study-shows-ivermectin-lacks-meaningful-benefits-in-covid-19-treatment The FDA has not authorized or approved ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19 in humans or animals. The FDA has determined that currently available clinical trial data do not demonstrate that ivermectin is effective against COVID 19 in humans. Hydroxychloroquine is not recommended as a treatment for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Also, hydroxychloroquine doesn't prevent infection with the virus that causes COVID-19. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/hydroxychloroquine-treatment-covid-19/art-20555331 Best that he stays on the golf course where he can cheat and lie and no-one cares.
  3. But he did say this and it is verbatim................"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful." Which shows that he is a dumb as a bag of rocks!!
  4. "In August 2019, the news website Axios wrote that sources who heard the president's private remarks in recorded comments in a National Security Council (NSC) memorandum claimed to have heard Trump asking top national security officials to "consider using nuclear bombs to weaken or destroy hurricanes." The site wrote that during a hurricane briefing, which occurred early into the first year of Trump's presidency, Trump allegedly said, "[Hurricanes] start forming off the coast of Africa, as they're moving across the Atlantic, we drop a bomb inside the eye of the hurricane and it disrupts it. Why can't we do that?" "You could hear a gnat fart in that meeting," the source told Axios. "People were astonished. After the meeting ended, we thought, 'What the <deleted>? What do we do with this?'" The report also claimed that Trump had raised the possibility of bombing hurricanes with another senior administration official, as detailed in a 2017 NSC memo. Of course, trumpies will deny it, as they always do when trump says something ridiculous and/or comes out with his own medical remedies for Covid 19 (ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, bleach or ultraviolet light). However it's typical of a "dumb as a bag of rocks" trump remark so why not believe it!
  5. Yes I suppose it has in a way LL, more so with this latest moron questioning my Covid diagnosis, but then again, I suppose it takes all sorts. Back onto the original thread: – have you any idea what is going up on the vacant plot opposite the Jungceylon building? I think it says something like, "Patongo" or similar and I can't make it out as yet, but no doubt it will become clearer given a little more time. I hope it's not another shopping/supermarket complex because we already have two with Big C and Tops, so I don't think another one is necessary, however it could well be an amusement park of some sort??? As I drove along Nanai Road yesterday on one of my few visits out, on my way to pick up groceries at Makro, I noticed "Rock Bar" was empty, except for one person (a friend of the owner?), and no girls serving, whereas the bar immediately next door (owned by a Frenchman I think) had eight girls milling around in it, and the contrast between that and its next door bar was stunning, although there were no punters in that bar either! On the subject of empty bars, on the few occasions I've driven passed Hooters, it has been empty, whilst at one time there were some attractive girls serving, nowadays, I haven't seen one, so perhaps it's a "concept" whose time has come and gone here? I'm almost back up to full speed now, although months of sitting around waiting for the coccyx to heal has affected my hips, so walking has been difficult, although that is coming right now. The good thing is that in about a week an old friend and bar owner from Bangla is coming back for a visit, and I will be going out to catch up with him and a few other friends of his, so something to look forward to, and more to write up about!
  6. No problem, and there were a couple of clues earlier on in the piece, and I thought overall it was a clever story.
  7. Jeez, you do seem to have an unnatural concern about my Covid, perhaps it's you who needs to see a doctor. I had a PCR test done at the hospital and I waited, probably more than an hour, before the doctor came back to me with the diagnosis I had Covid 19, and brought along with him a whole clutch of tablets and medicines. The reason I posted that I had Covid was because I KNEW I had Covid, not because of a "feeling" I had, but because it had been diagnosed by the hospital. Not only that, but it was the worst I have felt in many, many years. Please, no more of your nonsense.
  8. But did you figure out the ending??
  9. As per a few recommendations on here, I watched the series "Ludwig" and found it good if sometimes puzzling, and the end was different and most unexpected.....so pleased I watched it.
  10. Not a movie but a Brit tv series which I found made me laugh, so have watched a few times, to lighten my mood when necessary, called: "The Thin Blue Line" and starring Rowan Atkinson.
  11. I thought I made it clear enough, but obviously not, but I did start the post with the following: – "Watch out – – there is still Covid 19 about, and I know because I've got it, unfortunately".
  12. The conspiracy theories and rumours on the social platform X after Helene tore through the Southeast have also been circulated and elevated by high-profile figures, including Elon Musk, who has pulled back on content moderation and repeatedly amplified disinformation to his millions of followers since he bought the social media platform. Representatives for X were not immediately available to comment. Just shows how much an a/hole the man is.
  13. Yee Haw, break out the moonshine Marylou – – – we've got another one here!
  14. Also my thanks to @chiang mai who has been a great help..........we are lucky to have these helpful folk as posters who are willing to help.
  15. Ah yes, as soon as one sees that "Deep State" reference then one knows that the author and believer of such a "state", is almost certainly a basket case. Moving right along.................
  16. Yes HP, I thought I made that quite clear in my post, so thanks for backing me up on that. Was feeling really bad and considered a trip to Phuket Bangkok Hospital for a few days stay, but luckily enough the main symptoms seem to have eased slightly, so I am soldiering on taking enough pills to start my own pharmacy!! But tired, so very tired.
  17. Watch out – – there is still Covid 19 about, and I know because I've got it, unfortunately. I had the original vaccination just over three years ago (I think) but didn't bother to get a booster to counter the latest Covid 19 version as I thought the old one would cover me, but obviously not! I took myself off to Patong hospital on Wednesday, October 2nd because I was feeling extremely rough, with a throat which was so painful that I couldn't swallow, along with a fever and a chest which would rattle every time I breathed in or out, which included bringing up huge amounts of horrible green phlegm. They took a blood test and other tests and I had a chest x-ray, and waited for the results. The doctor asked if I had anyone at home to look after me (because I was feeling very shaky on my feet, this especially after the motorbike accident) and I told him no, I lived on my own, and he offered me the opportunity to stay overnight in the hospital, which I gracefully declined. He said that the chest x-ray was marginal (stay in hospital or not) so I paid for the vast amount of tablets he provided and went home. I have to say that I don't remember feeling this sick for many years, and I have no appetite and have hardly eaten anything for a while now, this being exacerbated by the motorbike accident I think. The upside to this is that I have lost 6 kg in weight, however the downside is eating no food and not drinking any wine!!! I think I'm coming right very slowly, and would love to get back to the time when I could enjoy a good meal and a good wine........fingers crossed it will be within the next week!! Just a comment on Patong Hospital – – it is not the cleanest place I have ever experienced and it would be fair to say that the place is dilapidated somewhat, and the x-ray room was something akin to a store cupboard, but they did their job and for that I'm grateful. PS. Remind myself to get the updated Covid 19 vaccine when it's available for the next round of Covid.!!!!
  18. The truth often hurts.........and as it happens I was born in England and lived there half my life, so it's probably that coming through. Still bearing a grudge from my post about wine all those years ago, I see stuarty!! Back onto ignore you go.
  19. In answer to this post, I don't insult other races, I just post as I see it and experience it, and if it is insulting to them, then so be it. I'm not sure how mentioning the fact that a Chinese guy was clipping his toenails on the small table in Starbucks is insulting to that race, it's just what it is – – a filthy habit and pure ignorance. There are other instances, all relating to the habits of certain races, including pure rudeness and disrespect to other people, but I won't go into them here. I will however share an incident which happened many years ago when I was on a bus in Malta, having taken a holiday there after working in Nigeria for a total of 17 months .......on the double seat in front of me were a couple of Nigerians who were being very rowdy and suddenly one turned round to me and asked where I was from, so I told him, and he asked me if I'd ever been to Nigeria, because it was a beautiful country. I speak as I find, so I said to him that I had lived and worked in Nigeria for some time and I considered it to be a "sh!thole!" of a country and I would never go back. He turned back to his friend and never bothered me again!
  20. Well, I took the advice of @Kopitiamand ordered my bank statements early, got their letter signed and trundled off to Phuket immigration to get my Retirement Extension, which went very smoothly, and I was delighted. I think this was mainly because they had some new frontline staff (younger) who were very keen on helping, rather than some previous ones who were rather keen on being inflexible! I had drawn a map of my location, but they said this wasn't good enough and I needed a Google map print off, which I will have to remember for next time, although they accepted my copy this time. Although I had a pic taken of me standing outside of my new residence, they said that wasn't sufficient because it didn't have my actual room number, so I did provide a copy of my health insurance policy which had my address and room number on it and although they were reluctant to accept it, they did – – and this is what I mean about the younger more helpful staff at immigration, because they made it easy for an old (and injured) guy like me! Mentioning my new residence, after my accident I decided to move out of my then apartment because the drive was far too steep, and eventually moved into a condo in Phuket Villa which was twice the cost (and some) of my previous place, but a good size at 64 m² and I thought I was set up for some time. BUT it's not the best place in the world to be because the sound of ambulances and police car sirens going off all hours of the night makes a good nights sleep very difficult indeed, so I will probably look around for a new location once this contract is up next April. I did make a rare trip out to Bangla and beyond to catch up with three friends at Blue Beach Bar and Restaurant and because the weather wasn't conducive to outside dining, there were very few diners there. So after eating we decided to walk up Bangla, although I wasn't too keen on having more to drink, but we did stop at Blue Lotus bar for one, and looking down Soi Freedom from that vantage point I could see that it was just about empty, although it would appear that some of the bars have changed hands. We went to another bar in Soi Sea Dragon to catch up with an old friend from years ago, and it was good to see her again. From there we shot across the road to another bar which was full of girls, and I think it used to be called "Heroes Bar" (or maybe it still is and I didn't notice?). I got chatting to a very nice young (24 years old) girl and she was the same age as my daughter and had just finished university, but couldn't find any work, so decided to opt for working in a bar, and was at pains to inform me that she had a US boyfriend and didn't go with customers, which wasn't of interest to me because in my current state of health, and age, I wasn't interested, although she made pretty good conversation which was a nice way to spend a little bit of the evening. My friends decided to go bar hopping, which is not for me these days, so I said I would walk home, which I did, but whilst walking up the "Arab quarter" (as designated by my friend) I was aware of the huge amount of Arabic style restaurants, with a Yemeni restaurant which I hadn't seen before, and was quite expecting to see a Houthi restaurant nearby (only joking). But suffice it to say that Soi Sansabai seems to be a popular place to open an Arabic style restaurant! Back to more mundane matters: – Halfway Inn has now closed as the owners have moved to Hua Hin and I haven't seen any movement with regards to something new opening yet, even though the previous restaurant and bar occupied quite a large area. Every time I drive past the Rock Bar and see the owner sitting on his own at the front of the bar, looking a little forlorn (IMO) I feel sorry for him because when he bought the bar it always had a few punters in it, but nowadays (no hab!) Probably because the previous owner was an amiable Aussie who could relate to the Aussie punters who would come to watch the footie or similar, and enjoy some decent food and Aussie style banter– – but now not so much perhaps. Although my fractured coccyx is still giving me a little pain, it's not enough to stop me going out on my motorbike to pick up a few things in Big C, which I did yesterday and driving slowly north out of the entrance to Big C, into traffic which wasn't that heavy, I slowed down for some people who were on the pedestrian crossing, and as I was slowing down I checked my mirrors to make sure there was no one right up my ass who would crash into me, and there wasn't, so I slowed down and came to a halt to let these people cross, only to be overtaken (whilst I was stopped at the pedestrian crossing) by two motorbikes and a car, who were all travelling at a fair speed. Luckily enough they missed the pedestrians, mainly because the pedestrians saw these idiots coming and stopped on the crossing to avoid an accident. So the driving is still pathetic and appears to be getting worse, and certainly won't improve whilst there is no police enforcement of the road rules here. Nothing much on the agenda although it will be good to catch up with my daughter who is at the moment in Bangkok waiting to pick up her degree: – Bachelor of Education with First Class Honours, from the sister of the King and I am so very proud of her for achieving this, and she is very appreciative of my support for her education here. Now she is on the lookout for a job .........to be continued!
  21. Or try to destroy Democracy in the US by storming the seat of government to try to overturn the "will of the people" who voted in a Democratic president!!
  22. Not a weird act in the mind of a trump cult follower, so hopefully he can go back on his meds because by the looks of the colour of his face he either has a health problem or likes to apply makeup to mimic his leader!
  23. Like trump does, for example........follow the leader? Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has escalated his personal attacks on his Democratic rival, Kamala Harris, by repeating an insult that she was “mentally impaired” while also saying she should be “impeached and prosecuted”. “Crooked Joe Biden became mentally impaired,” he added. “Sad. But lying Kamala Harris, honestly, I believe she was born that way. There’s something wrong with Kamala. And I just don’t know what it is, but there is definitely something missing. And you know what, everybody knows it.” https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/9/30/trump-escalates-personal-attacks-on-rival-calls-harris-mentally-impaired Ah, the old playground/schoolboy taunt (laughable, but the trumpies can't see it}.... And you know what, everybody knows it.”
  24. On the contrary, they would certainly be a fool if they spent it on cr@p like that, being hawked by a champion grifter!
  25. But then again you underestimate the level of intelligence of trump supporters, because he likes the "poorly educated" and to quote you, "not even a halfwit would buy one, surely", well there are plenty of halfwits in the USA, supporting the cult leader, so no doubt a few will sell – – but what they won't realise is that they are being taken for fools, mainly because in their eyes, Donald doesn't do that sort of thing, does he!!!!!!! Yeah right, and anyway they can put it with their gold sneakers, NFTs, Maga Hats and "the election was stolen" T-shirts, thereby proving the point that they are halfwits.
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