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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Well it has gone downhill fast since I first came here in 2004, and although I still live here, I am saddened by its decline.
  2. Like these you mean.........LOL, the guy couldn't run an ice cream cart!!!! His mental state has been in decline for some years now and is getting worse! TRUMP HAS FILED FOR SIX BUSINESS BANKRUPTCIES and has had many failed businesses:- The Trump Taj Mahal in 1991 Trump Castle Hotel & Casino in 1992 and Trump Plaza Casino 1992 Trump Plaza Hotel 1992 Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts in 2004 Trump Entertainment Resorts in 2009 Not forgetting many other failed businesses….. Trumped!, Trump Steaks, Trump Network, GoTrump, Tour de Trump, Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, The New Jersey Generals, Trump Mortgage, Trump: The Game, Trump Magazine, Trump Ice and not forgetting Trump University!!
  3. Forgot to answer that, sorry...................no have never suffered from indigestion.
  4. Thanks and I am on to eating more fruit and have salads and EV olive oil and always have, but as I was diagnosed by BUPA 40 yrs ago as having a slow digestive system, I guess it is something I have to live with, although it has been getting slower to the point of not working! The Doc at the hospital gave me some Milk of Magnesia after they discovered that I had boken my coccyx as that would impact my colon efficiency, so I have that handy, but as yet it hasn't made an impact........so I went back on to the prune juice mixed with Sorbitol, and that did the trick!! It acts as an osmotic laxative drawing water into the coln/intestines so hopefully it will be ok to use it on a regular basis/when necessary!
  5. Thanks again, and I have eaten a whole head of raw broccoli as a salad with plenty of olive oil...........but no effect I'm afraid, then agaain maybe I am hoping for miracles happening too quickly?
  6. I thought about applesauce as I have seen large jars of it in TOPS, so will give it a try.
  7. You could also post the pics of the Hamas raid in October because their barbarism and cruelty was also on display......if you start a war then you must be prepared to face the consequences, and in any war there are civilian casualties, and this is no different. I hope that Israel continues its assault and wipes Hamas and its supporters off the face of the earth, and many innocents will suffer as has always been the case in wars. Hamas started it and hopefully Israel will finish it.
  8. As this thread is a "general discussion" about the Israel/Hamas conflict, I thought I would add something which came to mind whilst I was watching the BBC news last night, where various people were discussing the number of Palestinian casualties and blaming Israel for this. It sprang to mind that this is a war started by Hamas, which is the governing party of Gaza, and who mercilessly slaughtered over 1200 innocents, as well as taking hostages. That being the case, Israel has retaliated even more mercilessly so and as Hamas fighters are inextricably intertwined with Palestinians, it's difficult to separate the two. I have mentioned before about "the casualties of war" and innocents are those very people and it also takes me back to previous wars whereby, for example, Germany invaded countries and killed between 15 and 31 million people, and in the end, the German hierarchy, both military and otherwise, were held accountable for those deaths. Hamas started this war and must bear the blame for any other deaths which occur since the first incursion and slaughter of Israelis, and to blame the Israelis for any deaths since then overlooks the fact that war was started and the Israelis want to put an end to it by eliminating Hamas, or by demanding the return of the hostages. Hamas refuses to return the hostages, so the war goes on and more people die and all because Hamas and the government of Gaza decided to wage war – – it is that simple for me, and people/organisations crying out because of the deaths of "innocent people" should remember who started it and who was responsible for it and they should bear the blame, irrespective of the body count. I sincerely hope that Israel continue what they are doing and endeavour to wipe out Hamas and the scum that they are, even if there are other casualties, which has occurred in just about every other war since time immemorial.
  9. I had a large plate of cooked spinach for dinner, and the next morning a bran fibre breakfast with strawberries and blueberries, followed by a whole papaya later in the day and a spinach dinner last night....and still no effect, however I think the swelling from my broken coccyx may be impacting on the natural flow of things, so will keep trying, as well as searching out the natural Thai remedies posted here. Many thanks for the advice.
  10. Have had a few Colonoscopies over the years with no problem and with the last one here they used a weak sedative as they also did a gastroscopy ......both ends explored!!!
  11. Thanks but I have never eaten apples apart from when I was a kid, so thought that the apple pectin, mixed with water or another drink might do the trick? So I have ordered some apple pectin powder/fibre and will give that a go....will also get on to eating bananas as that is one fruit that I do like. I think the BUPA barium meal tests some 40 yrs ago hit the nail on the head with regards to a "slow digestive system", however will admit that I have never been a great fruit eater, but thanks to the feedbaack here I will change my diet. Having said that I had a large spinach leaf salad the other night but no go, also a huge helping of cooked spinach yesterday, and again no go..............but will take on board the info on the posts here to see if that helps.
  12. Tried it to no avail I'm afraid.
  13. Yes they use a new sterile one every time. Thank you.
  14. Thanks for your information and unfortunately psyllium husk is something that has blocked me up every time I have tried it, and believe me I have tried it loads of times and it is something that is well known with this type of fibre, whereby the fibre just exacerbates the problem, rather than curing it. Appreciate your post and taking the time to post, although I will add a proviso to this, inasmuch as I have never taken it three times per day, so that is food for thought, thank you.
  15. Thanks for your comments, much appreciated, and I've forgotten about magnesium, as I do have some magnesium tablets which I should take. My bad that I have never really eaten fruit apart from the red juiice from grapes!! Also thanks for the tip on apple pectin and I'll get onto the Internet to see if I find some here, having said that, pre-and probiotics have also never worked for me although I've tried them on many occasions, but I'll give the apple pectin a go. Around 1980 when I was working in South London, I was given a medical by BUPA, and also given a barium swallow and enema and it was determined that I had a "low digestive system" and nothing seemed to be able to counteract it. But I've been my own worst enemy with that, and one thing I did discover here is that liquid sorbitol in a fruit drink really does work wonders in that regard. So thanks for your advice and I will be onto that in short order.
  16. I have often thought of visiting one of these clinics for a colon detox, this especially as I have a terribly slow digestive system and constipation, amongst other things is something I have to live with. HOWEVER, a week ago I back-flipped off the back of a motorbike taxi on my steep drive and it turns out not only do I have concussion and a badly damaged heel, but I've also broken one of my coccyx vertebrae, which is extremely painful and the swelling interferes with many things in that area, so a visit to the local Phuket Detox clinic almost opposite the main entrance to Bangkok Phuket hospital seemed to be a good choice. It's a very small place and it has a colonic irrigation machine on the second floor, so I booked a session there and then, and the woman in charge, Mon, was very pleasant and helpful in getting me set up for the session. It was pretty easy although having a catheter like plastic pipe stuck up my bum (but only for a couple of inches) was not that pleasant, probably because of the swelling from my injury, however we went ahead and she did manage to flush out some pebble-sized faeces, which had been there for about five days since my accident, so I was most pleased about that. I may well make it a fairly regular occurrence due to my slow digestive system, as well as increasing fruit and fibre, along with water. However if anyone else wanted to try this for one reason or another, I can recommend this place. The telephone number is: – 096 696 4553.
  17. You might be interested in this article from the New Zealand Herald newspaper, Trans............ Suzuki NZ tops Canstar Blue customer satisfaction: more 5-star ratings than other 10 brands combined https://www.drivencarguide.co.nz/news/suzuki-nz-tops-canstar-blue-customer-satisfaction-more-5-star-ratings-than-other-10-brands-combined
  18. This is brilliant............... arrest.mp4
  19. Sheryl mentioned, "brachytherapy (implantation of radiactive pellets directly into the prostate) having the advantage of doing less damage to healthy tissue and also requiring less hospital visits" although it is possible that the cancer could return, but IMO I would recommend you investigate that procedure. It is certainly one that I would strongly consider if I were in the same situation.......good luck whatever you decide to do.
  20. I have thought the same since this tax uncertainty started and am wondering where I would go if the tax burden became too much. So may I ask where you would go?? Answer by PM if you wish. Thank you.
  21. Found a great movie in BBC iPlayer, but probably elsewher also, called, "Just Mercy"........a disturbing yet heart-rending movie based on a true story. Well worth a watch IMO; IMDB 7.6 rating.
  22. "Terrible price to pay but if she had of been a faithful girlfriend she would still be alive today". His comment was not accurate and shame on you for suggesting it, because she was a single woman and she was free to do whatever she wanted – – and may I add, not to get murdered for it. If she had sex with David, then there would have been a DNA match because semen was found inside her, but there was no match for anyone who was tested! But of course the "powers that be" made sure that none of the semen DNA was tested against the Thai guys. In addition, the way her body was "displayed" for all to see was a sure sign that whoever killed her wanted to show that he had the power to do that.
  23. If I recall correctly he also had puncture wounds on the back of his head which were never explained although it was speculated that these were also caused by the shark tooth ring. Also on the "scene recreation" with the police in charge, the Burmese boys did not even know where the event(s) took place and pointed in different directions............speaks volumes!
  24. The whole case was a farce, carried out by incompetant police who, it would appear, were in the pay of a powerful island figure. I saw the original pics and agree with a few others who suggested that it was carried out in anger (over being spurned at the bar). A shameful episode along with a few other blatant cases in Thailand's past.
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