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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Like you, I have worked in Nigeria, in and around Lagos, Port Harcourt and environs, and I will quote you because I believe it is, "the biggest dump on the planet". You couldn't trust one as far as you could throw them, and what are they doing here?? Well it could be said that they are here for the sun, but there's plenty of that in Nigeria; perhaps they're here to get a tan, but they are born with one; maybe they have come on holiday, but there's plenty of other countries near to them to which they could travel. So perhaps they've come to Thailand where the people are generally kind and the place is full of farangs who are out looking for a good time (including drugs) and are very often inebriated, hence easy pickings? After I had worked in Nigeria, I went to Malta for a holiday and I was sitting on a bus, and in the seat in front of me were a couple of 30-ish guys who were chattering away and they turned round and spoke to me, and I asked them where they were from, and their reply was, "from Nigeria, and it's a beautiful country you ought to go there". My reply was, "I've actually been there and worked in the place for over a year and it is a sh@thole". Luckily enough they didn't speak to me again!
  2. Unfortunately women and babies, like many others, are casualties of war, and if one starts a war, then they should be prepared for the consequences. What the Palestinians don't seem to understand is that they are being used by Hamas so that they can fulfil their own ambitions of destroying Israel and killing all Jews. Back onto Macron.......Ask him if France can give the Israelis some sophisticated military intelligence and weaponry which can identify women and babies, so that they won't be bombed?????? No have........Thought that was the case, so Macron is talking out of his rear end.
  3. I did have Cyberghost at one time, but it became difficult to use on some occasions, so I canned that and went on to Nord, which was great and worked well for a while, but just occasionally I would get blocked on BBC iPlayer, or it would drop out halfway through a program (I think that's what was causing it) so I decided to look around and finally settled on Smart DNS Proxy, which has been great and now I use it just about all the time. It is not expensive and has a couple more options that can be used if one wishes. Another poster posted similar positive comments about Smart DNS Proxy and has been very satisfied with it.
  4. I also watched it last night and enjoyed it, although at times I found it a little convoluted? Maybe it's just me and my age, however what I will say is that I thought that Robert Downey Jr was excellent and I didn't recognise him until at least halfway through the movie when it suddenly dawned on me who it was! I did watch the documentary on it a while back, however it didn't spoil the movie for me one bit.
  5. My grandfather used to put a spoonful of gunpowder in his tea every morning, he said it was an old fashioned remedy that helps you to live longer. It certainly worked as he lived to 97and left 6 children and 12 grandchildren and a fifty foot deep crater where the crematorium used to be.
  6. As for high humidity, I use the dehumidifier function on my aircon to keep the humidity down and try and keep it in the 50s. Does yours have this function?
  7. I have had the same problem with my split AC on occasion, and as you say it is the drainpipe which is clogged up with gunk and I have managed to unclog it in the past by pouring bleach down the drainpipe in the wall, except for the time when some sort of small insect got wedged in there! The last AC guy who came along to clean my AC, because I get it cleaned about every 4 to 6 months, suggested that I needed to put the aircon on high for a few hours to get the moisture flowing down the pipe rather than just laying there for a while, gathering mould. So far that has worked. He also said that it looked as if I had used the aircon (which is somewhere above my cooking surfaces) when I had been cooking (which I do) and he recommended turning it off whilst I was cooking to stop steam and oil/fat getting into the aircon, as it was very noticeable around the aircon fan.
  8. I don't believe that the IDF is purposely killing innocent women and children, but it is just a aspect of war that has been like this since time immemorial – – consider Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the carpet bombing of Dresden, the bombing of British cities in the Second World War and the list goes on and on. In every one of those wars somebody, somewhere could have held up the body of an innocent woman or child claiming exactly what people are doing here in this latest Israel/Hamas conflict, but it was never done because that is what happens in a war and taking it down to the basic level of the killing of individuals (whomsoever they may be) would be no different to any other conflict/war that's ever been fought. As I posted earlier, Hamas wanted to start a war so that it could be seen to have a purpose and the fact that innocent women and children on both sides would be killed, meant absolutely nothing to them. They sowed, and now they are reaping exactly what they wanted, which is shameful.
  9. I watched about half of this movie and then switched it off, because I couldn't put up with seeing a very old and decrepit Glenda Jackson, not to mention the same with Michael Caine, on the screen, especially as I remember them as they used to be. Might seem a little silly, but I am not a fan of seeing decrepit oldies limp around the screen, and in addition the scenes on the battleship from World War II were very amateurish IMO.
  10. You echo my sentiments, as well as adding to the fact that I don't like cats anyway. There are a couple of cats near my apartment, which cause a hell of a racket in the early hours of the morning, and the owner of this little apartment block hates them with a vengeance and if he had the chance, would kill them. They won't be missed.
  11. A good post SM, and I agree with what you have said and I've often thought there has to be a better way to deal with the burning of the stubble left after rice and sugarcane harvesting. Some sort of mechanical mulcher fitted to the front of a tractor which ground up the stubble with the soil, making it ready for the next harvest, and of course no burning. Even if there was a government initiative which allocated one of these "machines" per tambon (or similar) for general use, this would go a long way to solving the problem. My suggestion may seem too hard/simplistic, however there has to be a way to make something like this work in this day and age. That's my 10 pennyworth.
  12. I went to Siem Reap about six years ago and thought it was an absolutely lovely place, in fact a place I could well retire to if I had to/wanted to move on. The people were polite, the streets were clean and Pub Street was full of restaurants rather than pubs and offered all sorts of cuisine styles. I didn't find the prices high and overall it was a good experience – – I will add that I think it was in October when I went, and not February, but from what others have said on here, you should be fine. Good luck.
  13. Forgive me for going off the current trend of posts, but something I read in my local newspaper triggered a few neurons! I did post very early on on this thread, but pulled out because other posters knew a lot more about the background to this than I did, so I watched and learned. The other evening I was watching the BBC World News and on it Lyse Doucet (BBC reporter) was interviewing a Palestinian representative and he was ranting and raving about children, adults, innocents being killed by the Israelis, and she couldn't get a word in edgeways to question him, which was what I was waiting for, because the question I would have loved her to have asked this person was: – "well what did you think Israel's response would be after the massacre of 1400 innocent people?". I would have loved to have heard his response, but then I will attach what I read this morning and it makes for sobering/alarming reading......... As Hamas stormed through a swath of southern Israel, it killed and captured more soldiers and civilians than it expected to, officials said. The assault was so devastating that it served one of the plotters’ main objectives: It broke a long-standing tension within Hamas about the group’s identity and purpose. Was it mainly a governing body — responsible for managing day-to-day life in the blockaded Gaza Strip — or was it still fundamentally an armed force, unrelentingly committed to destroying Israel and replacing it with an Islamist Palestinian state? The prospect of Israel’s normalising ties with Saudi Arabia, long a deep-pocketed patron of the Palestinian cause, appeared closer than ever. Then, on a quiet Saturday morning, Hamas attacked. “What could change the equation was a great act, and without a doubt, it was known that the reaction to this great act would be big,” al-Hayya said. But, he added, “We had to tell people that the Palestinian cause would not die.” It was clear in advance that Israel would respond by bombarding Gaza, killing Palestinian civilians. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/israel-hamas-war-behind-hamas-bloody-gambit-to-create-a-permanent-state-of-war So Hamas was prepared to sacrifice tens of thousands of Palestinian lives to reaffirm its "identity and purpose". Unbelievable.
  14. I managed to "cast" this last night from my computer to my TV and I was very happy about this because I've never done that before....... Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed it because it gave some deeper background to the narrative that we have all been used to over the years, because of relatives, associates and researchers adding to the story. What I found amazing, which wasn't evident from stuff I'd seen in the past, was the close connection between Kennedy, Sinatra and the Mafia, and indeed the Mafia's control over the huge unions which they "administered" was instrumental in getting Kennedy elected. Furthermore Kennedy shared a mistress with Sinatra and a major mob figure, all at the same period of time. I won't go in to more in case I ruin it for anybody who cares to watch it, however I will add that this link should be read after watching the doco. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2013/11/john-f-kennedy-conspiracy-theories-debunked-why-the-magic-bullet-and-grassy-knoll-dont-make-sense.html
  15. the US people are not stupid. Well, so far they've done nothing to prove that they are not stupid, and everything to prove that they are, go figure!
  16. Surely that post is against Forum Rules because it is a blatant lie and there is no evidence whatsoever to back up that nonsense??
  17. That's exactly what I do @Will B Good, and I have spread my investments over shares, fixed term deposits and peer-to-peer lending and I recently had a couple of dividends from the shares, so just yesterday I shipped them over to my Thai bank account. I do have Investment Adviser and Financial Planning qualifications and experience, and also started and ran an investment division for a major NZ bank, and what @timendres has posted is right, because risk profiles and investment and goal timeframes have to be discussed way before any investment is made, and the investment is structured to match the risk profile and achieve the investment and goal timeframes........and it doesn't happen overnight.
  18. How can I watch this, as I cannot see it on my usual download places......thanks.
  19. If you do a search on the forum for the following: BPH, Rezum, prostate, TURP, iTind, Urolift, you will find many, many posts about your "problem" and the steps taken to resolve it using the above procedures and info on them. I had a TURP in Epworth Hospital, Melbourne, back in 2010 or thereabouts and although it seemed to go smoothly at first, it wasn't all plain sailing. Prior to this I had tried various drugs like doxazosin, tamsulosin, finasteride and so on, and also put my misguided faith in things like saw palmetto, stinging nettle root and other witchcraft, none of which worked. There should be enough information on those threads for you to get an answer to anything you are enquiring about. And just to pass on some words of wisdom from my urologist in NZ; if you are going to have a TURP or anything of that ilk, find a urologist surgeon who has done many of them. Good luck
  20. It's not hard to come to the conclusion, as trump himself has said, that he prefers his supporters to be poorly educated and from what I've seen on this thread and others, he has got a great following in that regard. Not only that, they really latch onto the recent post which was taken from the New York Times, and said (no don't laugh, please) "lively youthful athletic Trump, with his sharp wit, moral ethics, respect for the law, respect for the military, champion of family values, who commands respect from our allies and has proven to put our country before himself." The NYT is having a joke on the poorly educated trump supporters, and has done so by this quote above, which absolutely reeks of sarcasm, but the trump followers can't see this of course. LOL If you add to that the fact that the trump supporters still believe the election was stolen and scour any right-leaning publication/website looking for anything to which they can apply their confirmation bias, it soon becomes evident that he and his bunch of clowns have got nothing, and I sincerely hope he is locked away in the very near future. There is a solution to this, inasmuch as if his supporters keep inundating threads with their rubbish, then let them do so and don't answer any of it, so in the end they will be "peeing in their own pockets" as the saying goes, and will strengthen their resolve to believe the rubbish, which works well for us intelligent folk here.
  21. You are wasting your time posting facts to the trumpies.........they still believe the election was stolen and that trump doesnt tell lies:- During his presidency, Trump lied so often — in person, on TV, on Twitter — that tallies of his falsehoods quickly crested 100, then 1000, then 10,000 and then 30,000. An entire Wikipedia page was created dedicated to keeping track. Elections and voting have long been the most frequent target of Trump’s mistruths. He won the 2016 race but claimed that it was rigged anyway because he lost the popular vote. He declared the 2020 race rigged even before Election Day, and said before the vote that the only way he could lose the election was due to cheating. Proof was never offered, and after the election, Trump’s claims were rejected by dozens of courts, including ones overseen by Trump-appointed judges. Trump and his followers are plain LOSERS and the FACTS prove it!!
  22. Surely someone has posted this as a joke, and a very good joke it is too, because this so far off the planet that no one would have to engage a brain cell to believe it. On the subject of brain cells, I'm sure there could be a few people out there who are deficient in this grey matter, so they actually believe this total nonsense. Nice joke!
  23. Had to smile at your post because it epitomises the situation which seems to exist here with regards to bars and restaurants and their "business plans", mainly because there are no business plans, just "pie in the sky" hopes that whatever they do will work out right, especially with the help of their newly acquired Thai GF (in many cases)! PS. Just a small addition to this post – – there are bars in the likes of Bangla which can and do make money, although it's about a 50-50 split IMO. However opening a bar/restaurant in somewhere like Nanai Road is a gamble, especially given how many similar establishments have been opened there and which do very little in the way of business. In a couple of the businesses there are more girls sitting in front of the establishment than there are customers drinking in it. Speaking to a friend yesterday who has just sold his reasonably successful bar in Nanai and he said that it had been "hard graft" for quite a while, especially having to sit in the bar every day in order to attract customers and friends, and he just wanted out.
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