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Everything posted by rwill

  1. 10K each seems high. I guess that includes installation.
  2. 10 K minimum for a 3 day funeral I would say. Best thing would be for your wife to go to the Wat and discuss it with them. Tell them they don't have much money for the funeral. They will give you the lowest cost that way.
  3. Now we are blurring/blacking out dog faces??? Crazy world nowadays.
  4. It's an old limestone quarry. Grand Canyon Chonburi | Bangkok Pattaya Thailand (influencerclub.asia)
  5. Get a Thai to do the same thing at the same place and see if it gets any attention.
  6. I had a salt one for several years. I didn't like it. There are softners that don't use salt too. I am now using this: Electronic Water Descaler | YARNA Store It doesn't remove the minerals. It crystalizes them so they don't stick to the pipes, faucets, nozzles, etc. I'm on well water and the hose nozzles would clog up in a week. After going to this I have not seen any scale build up. There are different models depending on the size of pipe you are using it on. I bought mine through Amazon.
  7. You go to the UK in March but when do you return back to Thailand after that? If it is before 21 May then you can get another single reentry permit and get your extension when you return. Otherwise you will probably have to start over in the process.
  8. My dog told me 59 for the last draw. That didn't work out. She didn't actually say which draw the numbers were good for though. So I am doubling down this time. My dog loves me and would never lie to me.
  9. I hope they were more concerned about her injuries than the damage to the vehicle.
  10. I guess the motorcylce wasn't registeried otherwise Pa Ra Ba would cover at least some of the medical.
  11. Makes it so you don't have to wax/polish to keep it shiny. Don't believe claims about preventing chips and such. And dirt doesn't just fall off.
  12. When they filmed Survivor Thailand the Thai government did the same thing to them. They wanted millions more. They had an agreement in the contract that area would be restored to how it was before filming. Which Survivor said they did plus more or left it better shape than when they had arrived. So that is why there was only one Survivor filmed in Thailand.
  13. This should have a much more severe sentence than the others.
  14. It works good. But coverage is pretty low, 30K I believe. Also if you are 60 or older it doesn't cover you. If that is the case you need to switch to one of their cheaper cards. Otherwise you are paying for insurance you can't use. For Thai citizens I believe the coverage goes up to age 70.
  15. They used to give out lifetime driving licenses. Lots of people still on those.
  16. She needs to attend a class on proper pointing technique.

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