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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Good job!hope he gets 20 years in pelican bay then deported and dumped with the 100$ ya get after serving a stretch……that is if he survives in the supermax!
  2. I’ve been enjoying all of her interviews the view 60 minutes Howard stern the other woman on (were is daddy or something like that) then on the Colbert show she did just fine.now were is trump?I know he’s a laying eggs in the hen house lmao 🤣 buck buck bugek!!buck buck lol 😝!
  3. I’m not buying it everyone is exhausted by trump’s constant lying and criminal conduct.thats not even mentioning what he’s done to our women folk+his obvious threat to our democracy.
  4. Personally I’m not so outraged by the USA sharing a life saving vaccine even with putin who I view as a murderous criminal of the highest order.Its important for relations between countries.I AM outraged by trumps support indeed admiration of that evil man.Not to mention his throwing our institutions under the bus betraying our country…….
  5. Oh dear Donnie will be consumed with jealousy both of his best buds have abandoned him ……just shows how weak Russia really is depending on N Korea the most backward country on earth.
  6. Yea rite……back to reality I’m delighted in your recovery and my support for your work on behalf of others what a fine contribution this selfless man has made for all people thanks doc and a long healthy life!
  7. Wow!that’s just about the most feckless post I think I’ve ever seen here.
  8. I just finished watching Stephen Colbert on my DVR the whole show was an interview with VP Harris she was articulate funny smart answered questions dodged a few laughed when made fun of even cracked a barley pop (beer)and were is trump sitting on his couch consumed by bile racism lies and cowardice in facing the media.trump can hide all he wants from the fact checkers he’s terrified of being called out in front of his supporters.hope he didn’t sit in the wet spot left there by his V P nominee doing it to the clutch! Lmao 😜
  9. no I doubt she is nor do I recall her ever claiming to be one.I do know this both she and the present administration are smart enough to ask for and follow the experts advise.wittnes the remarkable recovery we are experiencing here( before ya start yapping about inflation it’s a worlds scourge) we have been making steady progress .
  10. Ya don’t say……thaipo I’ve been aware of trump since the 70s hes allways been the poster boy of the wealthy arrogant a$$hole the only difference now is he’s old and slipping mentally .he’s definitely not the man to have at the helm.
  11. + lots of those congressmen and senators hate trump if the threat is removed they will be freed from trumps influence and act more in the country’s interest im sure of it.
  12. Oh they know helicopters search and rescue I’d venture to guess the USA is #1 on the planet in that regard if you want to throw stones what happened to your country’s navy’s ship ran aground capsized and sank in clear weather during the day?thankfully no lives lost….. the constant belittling and snipes do get tiresome……rite now we are facing another hurricane….sad
  13. She’s been on Howard stern the view 60 minutes tonight she’s going to be on Steven Colbert…….we’re is trump?Ive seen all of them she accounts herself well far better than trump btw just were is old Donnie?scared of getting fact-checked thats were ……meanwhile Harris polling continues to improve.
  14. I’m with you Mike my personal worry is that old ugly masoginy rearing it’s ugly head.the woman folk are certainly fired up and so are a lot of us guys who love our women,wife’s,daughters,friends,and coworkers…….lets get her done and put this ugly chapter behind us.
  15. Oh thats gonna help the republicans win elections NOT!!!lol the republicans are so done…..the women vote and here’s a clue us guys vote as well lots and lots of us don’t like what theses republicans are doing to our woman folk!
  16. That’s our Donnie run up the debt and guess who gets to pay more for everything……here’s a clue it ain’t him or his rich pals!let’s turn the page ditch this albatross and let the republicans rebuild their party we need them for balance.
  17. I watched it they both did just fine it was refreshing to watch normal people with good ideas being questioned.but pray tell what happened to Donald’s interview?don’t want to be fact checked I suspect big chicken!
  18. What hogwash …..now if he’s broken some laws he’s liable last I heard it’s leagle to support your candidate of choice.
  19. Meanwhile gov Ronnie is having a bit of a snit refusing calls from the White House……real mature leadership there ehh?let’s all hope the hurricane doesn’t live up to its expectations.
  20. No it’s trumps track record if you think I wished that catastrophe on my country you are deeply mistaken
  21. 2 hurricanes in 2 weeks! Batten down the hatches!can’t wait to hear the gop denials about climate change……..
  22. Climate change is obvious no doubt about it Florida is about to get clobbered again by a cat 5 !! 180 mph winds!! This one went from cat 1 to cat 5 in less than 48 hrs.nice post rickudon it does indeed take time to assess assemble and dispatch men and materials.we have experts for that and they are doing their jobs.its nice to see an administration supporting them and letting the experts do their jobs.meanwhile our Donald is busy spreading misinformation division and vitriol that’s obviously not helpful,perhaps he thinks it helps him……sad
  23. It’s called abdicating abandonment surrender left in the lerch welching and a few others the Ukrainians asked for help we and the rest of the free world responded want the war to stop get putin out of Ukraine simple
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