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Everything posted by Tug

  1. No it’s a distraction from his hitler like quotes like the enemy within and his threats to turn the justice system into a political police force.or perhaps it’s a distraction to keep folks from thinking about the outstanding stockmarket or the victory over inflation.he can’t under any circumstances let people think about how much progress we have made from the mess he left last time.
  2. I hope that animal was in lots of pain before he was rubbed out.not only did he kill Israelis he brought this calamity down on his own people…..thats a lot to answer for!
  3. Oh no that’s a technique straight out of your boys play book get folks riled up about something minor to distract from a bigger issue and or just to get the gullible all worked up,I ment what I said 100% and I think you are perceptive enough to know it.
  4. Are you inferring what I think you are?
  5. Berkeley better known to the locals as bezerkly is rite next door did a bit of partying in that town during my youth good times!
  6. Yea that moon looks orange sometimes!
  7. Oakland are you kidding?that’s got some rough areas now the Oakland hills have some really nice older homes.she grew up in a broken female run home not affluent by any stretch of the imagination.nobody handed her anything she earned it.
  8. It’s a bit of meat to get the far right looneys fired up another words attacking a tiny helpless minority for political gain sad really.
  9. Ahh she’s a bit busy with running her campaign to satisfy your need for a McFlurry……this whole dog and pony show is akin to his cartoon trading cards just noise…..
  10. Ahhh trump does an outstanding job at making himself look bad he doesn’t need any help from the dems in that regard.
  11. Another words a nothing burger,I’m looking forward to reading it.
  12. Are you conflating the teachers shower to the students shower?never heard of teachers showering with the students of any sex.
  13. Harris didn’t have a rich dada to buy her degree like trump.just because trump plays make believe is meaningless and just were are Donnie’s school records humm??
  14. I agree trump is unstable and mentally ill 🤧
  15. Thank god….low unemployment stellar stockmarket inflation tamed excellent GDP meaningful legislation accomplished benefitting our people and the environment…now you were saying?
  16. Perhaps but not stupid enough to believe what trumps says or believe he’s going to benefit the country.hes said himself hes just to exhausted to do interviews.not that I care it’s just rambling gripes and attacks on others nothing new.
  17. That odd why would the msm say he’s cancelled his ralleys?
  18. Trump’s speech was juvenile and stupid meanwhile VP Harris is out doing real interviews talking to Americans making policy statements so we’re it trump?did he have a stroke or something?canceling his events……he certainly talks like he’s had a stroke perhaps that explains things.
  19. She’s out campaigning and doing interviews were is Donnie?
  20. Aww come on Mike obviously he’s a big pussey afraid of the big orange tabby he likely needs all the kittey litter he can find!on a serious note it’s beyond belief that our politics have sunk to the level of trump/vance just beyond belief.
  21. Morals in defense of trump are you kidding?trump is a whiney bitch.hes had everything in life handed to him on a silver platter and squandered it….morals indeed!
  22. My god man it’s time to man the bunker!!lol heck to me it looks like perhaps they shared a joint lol I know that’s not true but to me when two leaders can get together and enjoy each other’s company that’s a positive thing.
  23. I just might look up that wonderful parody song (concoctor) just to remind myself of the reality of the trump (administration)Jimmie Kimmel got him good last night it’s worth looking up!it had me in stitches this morning with my coffee!!if there is anything positive about trump it’s my observation that people are paying more attention now.the voter turnout so far has been spectacular!
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