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Everything posted by rumak

  1. do people there (and visitors, retirees) need to be vaxxed ??
  2. what does a 69 year old american do all day in a small town in mexico ( i could of course ask that question about anywhere ) besides sit at the computer for x number of hours a day (also done everywehre) like your post, but if you have learned a lot from the person you mentioned...... hahahahah
  3. Well, seeing how many people believe the "story" about covid............ easy to see them believing the honeymoon story just as easily oh honey, don't forget the condom and mask
  4. i remember that time. Glad you have found what works for you (something both of us has always recommended over the "go see a doctor!" crowd.) maybe go see ten doctors, then possibly one will come up with something other than what he read in a book
  5. ya know......... I once started a thread on this lovely forum which was shut down for warning about the side effects of floroquinolones (class of antibiotics with black box warnings) . though bm2 and i agree on most things........ at the time when i told of my bad experience with Cipro he suggested I might not be in good health ???? . I stopped the pills after 2 days when tendons were hurting and i got electric shocks . All is well now . Please everyone be careful with those drugs. Some people suffer great harm (do a deep search to find how seriously , as Pharma does its usual censoring on google) As for peeing problems at night...... if someone's condition is not TOO bad, as in my case, I found that eating very very little (usually just a salad) at night keeps me from bloating, i sleep better, and usually just twice a night to pee. No drugs for me............... yet
  6. You wouldn't know what is true science if it hit you on the head. You just repeat the narrative that you choose to read . You would definitely lose any debate with one of the "crazy" virologists that you are told give false information. please stop always thinking you know the truth. like the OP, very boring
  7. i have the SAME experience . Misdiagnosis. Prescribing dangerous drugs (black box warning) when not called for. No care or critical diagnosis . So, yes, google can be your friend in these cases. ( but not as for Covid, as they Censor all opposing views)
  8. I am often baffled when as well.............. when i read your posts on some subjects. you really do think that you are always right. the expression "like talking to a brick wall" comes to mind
  9. thank you BM2. C'mon , there must be a FEW more posters here who actually see this TWO YEAR completely crazy world shutdown for what it really is .
  10. yes, if you turned the OP's post around you would be closer to the truth. he and so many have been completely duped by the fact that all the main media print what they are told to. Or they won't have a job. conspiracy theory ? such an easy way to try to win an argument. OP is a perfect example of sheeple (who think that they critically think)
  11. the one good thing is that silly mask everyone is forced to wear might help a little bit with the smoke that is now starting to arrive ..........
  12. well, you are in for a real battle if you admit that you think vaccines are ........... not good for you I know
  13. Farang here that wants to get vaccinated, but only with either Sinopharm or Sinovac; no AZ, Moderna, or Pfizer. good choice...... if one HAS to get jabbed
  14. After years of bashing anyone that had a complaint about the way things are going......... Nice to see you stepped out of your condo , gone through your tunnel vision...... and come out the other end. " i see the light ! "
  15. There you go, talking about all the whinging ( i think that british for whining, no ) usual expats who have nothing else to do but complain, complain, com........Oh ! wait a second. you are talking about YOURSELF ! 5555 Its ok roosie , we are all allowed a little outrage now and then. Just be careful you don't get the nickname Kee Bon !
  16. hmmm , not sure . but i am sure that being a bit dyslexic , so many of the people i meet have me walking away and saying " Phook Him ."
  17. Well, i did fall for the "sick buffalo" line . Gotta say, the buffalo is doing quite well now ????
  18. I just kept changing............ till i got lucky. Took quite a few tries . The guys i feel sorry for are the ones who throw all their hopes and money on one longshot . The odds are not good
  19. great to see you got 22 members here that agree with you. from the information from respected people that i read (of course can not list here) ........ I am a big big believer that the immune systems of the young, and other healthy individuals would lead to the eventual demise of this and other similar viruses. The mass vaccinations are possibly ( IMO probably) going to do the complete opposite. Warning: this viewpoint may be censored
  20. coming? well, maybe , like everything else, the guys are all online video porning with their tee raks. latest catchphrase : dahling, my buffalo has covid
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