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Posts posted by geisha

  1. I never  use any facial creams that are made in Thailand, you do not know what’s in them, and how they are stocked. I once opened an expensive cream only to find that it had turned into a sort of rancid butter that stank ! I bring all my creams with me from Europe where there’ are strict manufacturing laws and hygiene. You are living here, so , I would stop all creams for the moment, if you are coming to bangkok, buy at the airport duty free well known products, see where they are made ! Cheaper ones are L Oreal , Clinique very good, use sparingly, and Eucerin  too. Keep out of the sun, wear a hat. Boots in Thailand do have some good products, their suntan protections should be ok, tho you don’t need to wear that every day , only on the beach, pool , or doing sports. 

  2. Ridiculous. Pattaya and Jomtien are always dirty, and specially on a sunday and public holidays when Thai families flock to the beach , leaving behind them bags of food scraps to feed the rats and bottles of beer to cut your feet on. Let the mayor and local authorities take a walk before the trash comes round in the morning and the deck chair people haven’t yet cleaned. Then they will see the reality of the problem. Don’t forget all the parked cars and trucks blasting their music to wake up the dead, who also leave all their rubbish behind on the ruined prom in Jomtien which is covered in filthy greasy bin tracks , overflowing trash containers that stink to high heaven , even till lunchtime the next day , a lovely olfactive wake up for the joggers and people trying to eat their breakfasts across’ the road. And to add insult to injury, all those men( and dogs ) taking  a leak on the palm trees on the  sand ! I love Thailand, but you won’t catch me on the beach here for love nor money ! 

  3. Hi all´, not sure I’m on the right forum here. Actually in Jomtien/Pattaya, i was thinking of spending a few months 4/5 in Korat next October to March time. I will not be renting’ on a yearly basis. I have spent many (15) European winters on Phuket, Hua Hin (2) and Jomtien (5/6). M’y questions are, do Estate agents etc rent out on a monthly basis , do the nice condos  have swimming pools ( I swim a lot !) are they fully furnished, tv,  bed linen, kitchen etc, as you would find in tourists resorts such as I am used to ? Are there residential areas  close to town , I don’t use a car/motorbike, and what would be an average monthly rent in a nice place, 45 sq m ? Any advice and adresses most welcome, thank you ( single lady 65).ps, not interested in houses.

  4. I think he’s talking about the Paris  Thai Embassy. When I was trying to get a visa   due to MOnaco closing down , I saw this rule. They are reputed for being difficult and  unwelcoming.They also told me I couldn’t have a visa with my air ticket being valid  over three months. So I didn’t bother getting my visa with them and will do it next month in Penang. 

  5. Im in Jomtien. At the moment it’s busy because’ of the jet ski world championships. The night market is full of Russians , some small restaurants are busy, as is Kiss and Surf . Otherwise, coming back from Pattaya, from the Mata Hari, Mantra, the two nice restaurants each side of the court, then Gians, Bruno’s , Pan Pan, Indian by Nature, Lynda’s, all empty at 8.30  Pm ! Akvavit was nearly empty too. It’s been like that for a while too. No buisness with overheads can manage living only on a busy weekend or short high  Season. 

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  6. 2008bangkok , hi, I had some real looking emails saying they were going to close my account , I panicked, tried to change my apple’ id and  password , basically screwed it all up .cant get my hotmail account back with ID ,  had to open a new account to continue using all my iPhones iPads . ( i use it a lot for work’and all my work folders are on my hotmail) and don’t want to give out a new account for all my work  Needs. I spent hours on the phone with Apple and went to the store in France three times. Im in Thailand now,  my iPad is still working a message keeps popping up every ten minutes asking for my apple’ Id for hotmail. I also cannot put my SIM card into another iPhone , asks for hotmail ID, and can’t get mail on my other iPhone. A huge mess.im fed up, this has been going on for three months in France, now I’m here I want an easier method with no Apple ID. I’m not technically minded and friends who are could not fix it. At the moment, as I’m here in Thailand, I’m just waiting for Apple to block my account on iPad. They’ve done it before . That’s why I want a normal Samsung tablet.Sorry for rambling.

  7. Hi, after having huge problems loosing my Apple ID/ password which has basically mucked me up for three months, my iPhones and iPads are not working properly , even though I have spent hours on the phone with apple and  have  been 4 times to the store in France. I have decided’ to go for a Samsung 7 inch tablet , cost in Jaymart pattaya, €150. I don’t want any more to do with Apple ID s . My question is, is there a problem buying this in Thailand ? Will the staff there be able to set it up’for me, as having had apple products since their beginning I have no idea how other things work. I would use a Samsung for emails, classing the emails into folders, searching ( safari ?)and photos. I don’t use apps or play games. The size of the SamsUne is great too. I’d appreciate any thoughts and advice.( I spend 4 months a year in Thailand and traveling elsewhere. Thanks.

  8. Hi, I’m sure this has been asked many times, sorry. Wanting to go away for Christmas, extension due for 31 December , how long in advance can i apply for an extension ? And will Jomtien immigration be open on the 28/29th December ?(Thanks. I entered on visa exempt. I will be leaving Thailand on the 21 st of January and doing a tourist visa in Penang to come back in for 6  Weeks )

  9. Ubonjoe, two weeks ago, when I was trying to get a visa, Monaco had closed down end of October. Marseille has been closed for ages, Lyon told me to go to Paris. Paris, being 1000 km from my home, and taking  5 days  to process, I preferred to buy a ticket out to Phnom Penh within the 30 days to content Emirates and immigration if need be. France is a big country and to have only one embassy delivering visas is awkward for us who live far away. Also, they have a reputation for not being very welcoming. 

  10. Maybe Thailand could take a lesson from the British ? ( and most European countries ) . Radar , speed checks, heavy fines, even confiscation of véhicule/ bike why not , prison sentence when fines cannot be paid. Road rules, out 5 on a bike, sidecar etc. Alcool tests on public transport , motor bike taxis/ taxis too. Monthly checks on buses and minivans. Proper driving tests. Speed limits, license with points, loads of things to do, if the police were made to do it ! Think of the money they would make from all this ! Of course, the road police would have to be honest ! 

    • Like 2
  11. Just wondering, if you know All the beaches in Thailand and have the knowledge, why are you asking ? You've been on the East coast of Koh Chang, Surely you Know the best places to stay on the beach front ? I don't know All the hotels/ bungalows on the East side, but have stayed in Serenity resort, very nice , and one secluded place further down, Flukies . Though why I'm posting I don't know, just wasting my time I suppose. 

  12. Hi all, thanks Mattd. I called the three Cannes  numbers, and no, Amex do not do travellers checks anymore, finished for good they said. I asked why some banks in Asia still cash them, and they said because TC are valid for a long time , they can still be cashed in, but not bought.

    maybe the Thai banks still sell them , Will just resort to carrying cash with me when needed. 

  13. Hi, just thought I'd post some info . My intentions this morning was to buy some travellers checks for use at immigration in case asked proof of 20 000 Baht. I've seen this posted lately a good few times on TV. Well, I was told that travellers checks no longer exist, that Amex had finished printing them for good. ( at the moment I'm in France ) but I was assured it was world wide. So it looks as if plain old cash will have to do in future. A question, as I will have already left France for over a month, will a Bank statement from my bank in France sent by email be ok ? Of course I'll have the 20000 B cash as well . ( I spend 3 and a half months in Thailand and do not have a bank account there) . Thanks.


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