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Posts posted by geisha

  1. I have three Vietnamese cooks. They rince all rice well, your dosage is right , one cup rice to 2 water. Turn on rice cooker. When done, open, and turn the rice around ( mix it ) close again for 5 minutes. It should not be sticky like sticky rice, or dry and individual grains like Uncle Bens. ! Just right. My experience with these cooks over 33 years.

  2. Was posted a good few times before on this subject, The water is filthy!

    i have seen a video taken from View Talay . It shows a huge cloud of black water going from near the shore out into the bay. The foreigners who showed me said it was often like that in the morning. No swimming there , or Pattaya, for me. 

  3. People around the area must know where he lives etc. Some questioning would help, and also the police.He sounds as if he needs urgent medical help. If you could find out his nationality you could contact his Embassy and at least report it, and somehow get him to a hospital, or call the emergency services to come and pick him up. Are there any charities locally you can call ? Thanks for helping.Hes someone's father, or brother and needs all the help he can get to stop the suffering.

  4. I've compared prices of my favorite French perfumes, sunglasses and bags .Duty free shops have way higher prices than regular shops in Europe ! Even at Dubai I am surprised to find Duty free articles so expensive. So why buy Duty Free ?

  5. Hi, I'll be going to Penang end of January 2018 to apply for my second SETV. My questions, how long does it take, should I use an agency , and any general advice on Penang as I haven't been there for 20 years ??? I'll fly from BKK and back, and stay there 5 days. Ill take plenty cash just in case too. Chinese New Year starts on the 16 th Feb so I should be ok for the visa, Right ? Thanks. 

  6. I sort of do this too, only Europe side is France for me. I think you get the best of both worlds, a good warm summer, European food , doctors, check ups etc. Then a hot winter, missing the rainy season , and all the delights of Thailand. I would never live permanently in Thailand. I love arriving in Thailand, and I love leaving too!

  7. I'm just wondering if the authorities ever check the water cleanliness( laugh) levels?This is law in most countries, and where I live, south of france, it is checked regularly.Most  of our beaches, which definitely have more tourists than Thailand, get the Blue Flag award every year. There are water treatments centres everywhere, boats and yachts do not throw their waste into the sea, heavy fines are put on those breaking any law. It's a great pleasure to swim in these beautiful clean waters.

    The local authorities, and higher up in Bangkok, have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to tourism ! Completely third world ! I'm quite sure if scientific tests were carried out in Thailand , most  beaches 

     would get a bad result, with Pattaya area leading the list ! 

    Disgusting lack of governing.

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