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Posts posted by geisha

  1. People who spend 3/4/5 winter months ( for example) are tourists too! 

    Not retiring to Thailand, tourists, who spend money every day, fill up the condos they have bought or rent, use the hospitals, hotels and restaurants, supermarkets , cinemas and markets. Everyone here knows these nice condos ( 20/30'/ thousand baht plus a month ) with their pools and gyms, filled to the top with either retired ( or not) Europeans who want to spend the cold winter months of Europe in Thailand. I don't think these people are a threat to thailands work force, and do not belong in the criminal category. Yet  there is no visa for them. I don't think it's up to others on TV to decide who can stay in Thailand and how long ! If you do that, then I would say that the average person retired , or living in Thailand permanently spends far !!! less than the ones staying 3 to 5 months! 


  2. Well I wish Apple good luck  if they open in Bangkok. Where on earth are they going to get the staff, bi lingual at least ? How will they manage the Genius Bar ? How about the Apple help service over the phone ? I live in France. Due to two technical problems, I planned a phone call fro Apple. Dead on time, they called, ( once from Ireland Cook, once from France ) and walked me through the repairs. Are they going to beable to offer this service in Thailand ? While in my Nice store, there were a German couple who were having an appointment there, in German.

    i hope this is going to work in Thailand, but I have my doubts.

  3. Hi all, just booked a one way to Phnom Penh for 2700 Baht. For the 27 th December. Giving me 27 days in Thailand for emirates and immigration. Ignoring this flight out, I will then do an extension of one month, which will take me to my real week in Penang on the 21 st of January where I will do an SETV.

    wow, a three and half month stay has turned into a complicated rigmarole! In all my 33 years to Thailand I've never had a problem. 

    I have no idea what is happening in France with the consuls ? Other countries, like Britain, seem to have quite a few consuls and seem helpful. Next year , I'll do my visa in Britain on my annual trip home from France. Thank you all for the info. Cheers Ubonjoe.

  4. Hi all, just found out tonight that the Thai consul in monaco has closed down. I need an SETV. I am a thousand km from Paris. I have just looked at Rapidvisa agency , but the delay says 14 days , and I'm leaving on the 30 th November which means cutting it a bit close. Does anyone have a quicker solution ? Details, I am leaving on the 30 th November, return the 13 th March (3 and half months). I've already bought a flight to Penang for the 21 st of January, staying there 6 nights, and was planning on getting another visa there . Now what should I do? Chance that Emirates will let me board with no visa and a return 3 and a half months later ? Will I have a problem entering at Suvarnabhumi? Or should I just go to Paris for 2 days tho that will cost me a lot ? I'm calling Paris tomorrow but have heard that they are not very helpful at all with a take it or leave it attitude ! Any help will be most welcome . Thanks.

  5. @Andycoops@portroyal 

    Wow, you sure sound like nice guys. First, I spend 5 months of the year in Thailand for the last 33 years. I eat what I like .Also, As bkk6060 said, the better restaurants ask for reservations, though maybe some people don't know that ! Why waste your time here being ridiculous? 

  6. Hi all, I'm thinking of spending Christmas in Bangkok . I would like to have a traditional Christmas lunch or dinner after having eaten Thai food for quite a while. I don't mind the price especially for a great Christmas menu. I'll be alone , which I know can be awkward as many restaurants don't really welcome single customers. Any recommendations welcome. Thanks. 

  7. Most women I know have been " pawed" or had to listen to unwanted sexual talk in their lifetimes.( Im putting this in nice words !) Why should they put up with it ? Why do certain men do this ? This might not be sexual harassment , or agression, and most women I know can take a joke , but men, don't take it too far, keep your hands to yourself and watch your language. 

  8. Im sure it has to do with the individual who does your visa application or the Immigration officer when entering. I'm an older lady , never had an overstay, always on visas , spending 3 to 4 months through the European winter in Thailand. So obviously I have a visa and extension, or a second visa in my passport for every year I come here. I was once taken aside on arrival at Suvarnabhumi by an IO and spoken to not too politely. My passport was about 7 years into the ten, it had visas for every year I had been in Thailand, and he didn't like it ! I renewed my passport after that.I always have plenty cash , statements from my home bank and rental agreements with me. So, any thoughts on this?

  9. What I can't understand is how masses of Nigerians ( or Africans ) can openly work, and go about their business in Bangkok without any hassle from the police ? There's even black  girls on the streets, and yes, quite a few Russian ladies too. Isn't it obvious to the immigration police that they are not " tourists" ? And is it so easy for them to get SETV visas, where others , for example in France, have to produce return air tickets, bank statements etc ! ? And no, Im not naive ! 

  10. I really think that the authorities that be need to be taken on a tour of the most populaire tourist beach destinations. They might be shocked into reality ! First qualifications are pristine beaches with clean water , clean and orderly streets and roads, smart restaurants ,,shops and bars,

    good hotels, safe transport choices, law and order, qualified staff . Only some good hotels are on this list . Foreigners living here just take for granted the filth, disgusting drains that stink, and the general " don't care " attitude of the people.New tourists here don't find it so " exotic" and Thailand has a lot of bad press abroad. Those who do come here in masses, Chinese, Russians, neighboring Asian countries ( India/Malaysia etc) come because they get cheap packages. Others come for the pretty girls and boys. Not many are attracted to the " beautiful scenery and nature " anymore, the one time wonders of Thailand are long spoilt. 

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