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Everything posted by geisha

  1. Hi, thanks, apparently the walls are completely dry and no sign of mold. The bedroom aircon works great no mold. They’ve lived there 15 yrs. What we can’t understand is why the technicians from 2 different companies have no idea where it’s coming from. Thanks, if it’s the motherboard it’s probably cheaper to replace the aircon. Didn’t know there were anti mold air cons ??
  2. Oh good lord, they’re not on this forum. It’s an aircon problem !!!!
  3. Hi, I never cease to be shocked . I’ve had a few platonic friends ( not bar workers) while living in Phuket , and not one had their children with them. All parked off to the grandparents. My advice, definitely contact your lawyer and get the ball rolling immediately. As someone else said, get CCTV , voice recording and never let the woman alone with your child. If you ever must , take along a trusted friend who sits a table away when meeting.
  4. hi all, need some ideas here.,My friend has 2 aircon at home. One in bedroom , cheap make, no problem. The Daikin in living room is relatively new, 5 years, and this one has the mold and stink. They clean it regularly, maintenance done by 2 different well known firms, Last maintenance they took it apart, and could not find the problem. 2 months after it was back to mold. They are all baffled . Before they chuck it out, is there a hidden reason somewhere ? Thanks. ( ps they say it works well in spite of mold and stink ) .
  5. Yes, that would be my worry having no stamp to prove exit .
  6. So how do other more tech savvy countries, like Singapore etc, manage ? If you are on overstay the Machine reading would not let you through. I like having my exit stamps as it’s easy to follow up dates . It’s a reminder and proof for someone going in and out regularly.
  7. Very true. I’ve worked my whole life with Vietnamese and Cambodians and also a few Thais. I listened to many heartbreaking stories , of rape and robbery , especially at the camp near Hat Yai. The Thais have always hated the Vietnamese , Burmese and Cambodians . When we employed a Thai , the ambience sunk to zero , and they hardly exchanged a word. To be avoided. Back to fishing, the waters around Vietnam have very low fish populations ,( mostly due to Chinese incursions) so poor people are forced to fish elsewhere ie Thailand / Indonesia etc. I doubt very much the * hundred boats *.
  8. I’m assuming your exit date will automatically be registered on their computers ?
  9. When I first came to Phuket many years ago, a group of us foreigners of all ages and nationalities used to hang out on the beach in Kata at sunset on the beach chairs and have a few Singa’s , our Thai friends would join in , bring snacks etc , they taught us the 2 worse words ( photos above) and had a great time getting us to use them on unsuspecting passers by !! The Thais love a joke , and they were the best times of my Thai life. Sadly , many here don’t agree. I still see my Thai friends once a year and we’ve all grown old together. There’s insults and insults , no need to cause pain or suffering.
  10. I have as i like to go on long weekends . Never had a problem myself. I know some can get a bit stroppy , in Phuket for example they’re very in your face. There are often quarrels on the ferry landings for example . I always call my own ride when there. It has to be a legal taxi tho as otherwise there’s a big fuss. When In Bangkok, I stay in a 4 * hotel, and when I want a taxi they call a normal meter taxi for me .
  11. The tourist police are there to translate when problems arise . They aren’t from one particular country, German, English speaking countries, Scandinavian. There are already Chinese speaking Thais in the police force. This is an obvious way of worming Chinese Police into Thailand . i really hope the Thai newspapers speak up for themselves concerning Taiwan , and this new alarming news.
  12. The longer he leaves this the more he is in danger of getting caught out and jailed. Then the big misery begins in detention, which apparently is not a bundle of fun according to quite a few stories on here ! He could be kept for god knows how long, and the cost of getting out , the stress , the flight etc would be huge. I seriously doubt going the illegal way as some have reported is a good idea. Probably costs a lot, and if he got caught out then what ? i suppose only serious criminals go down that road .
  13. Is it really racism to call someone by their nationality, example as in running * Indian nightclubs* ? Just a question.
  14. Question, why do they not ask you to fast for 12 hrs before blood tests ?
  15. Of course rape is a horrible crime, but a person has to be crazy to invite an unknown man / woman into their home to spend the night and not expect some kind of unwanted outcome. She could have been beaten, robbed, murdered , and very lucky she wasn’t.
  16. Always good to avoid leaving a full / expired passport to the last minute. I was extremely lucky getting my latest passport days before the Covid pandemonium set in, and at the same time my sister died .
  17. That’s the ones i was thinking about , probably worth the higher price, tho the rice barge one looks more authentic.
  18. PS if you read , bring a kindle with you as good books are expensive and not so easy to find your choice and Kindle books in English are great , from new arrivals to older , super cheap prices or even free.
  19. Definitely bring good sunscreen with high SPF, good shoes that fit you, any nice clothes you think you will need , any meds and prescription from your doc, and you may as well get all the vaccinations while you’re there . Good health insurance is the number one necessity though . Check out the international companies while in UK and compare to Thailand before you decide to retire there. Expensive but necessary.
  20. I find Bangkok pavements and crossing a road in Bangkok much better /safer than in Pattaya or Phuket for example. The main tourist beach road with the 5* Boathouse Hotel and access to beach and all the restaurants has no pavements at all ! Racing traffic , You take your life in your hands there, and imagine tourists with a stroller or wheelchair, impossible.
  21. When I spent my long winters on Kata beach Phuket I often heard this story of getting money to live if you don’t work, you are paid to have children, and when you are old you get free money every month. I did try to explain through a good Thai friend who spoke near perfect English, but even my Thai friend said he’d heard this from tourists even tho he knew it wasn’t true. I suspect a good few of the first tourists/expats/snowbirds actually did a bit of bragging about the life they had back home. I know lots of people thought I was well off as I spent 5 months in the sunshine every winter.
  22. Sorry lads, you obviously don’t know your etiquette. Bowing is a sign of politeness and a hand kiss is a respectful way to greet a lady. Usually used by diplomats, politicians etc. It’s a gesture not a real kiss. Still practiced often in certain circles and countries. I know many older men who still respect this greeting.
  23. Wow, I’m flabbergasted ! Who on earth are these people ? Who on earth attacks the police , what were they hiding ? So many questions. I can’t believe they’re just spoilt rich kids which India has a lot of. Quite frightening really .
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