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Everything posted by geisha

  1. It was in a big shopping mall, not an independent shop !!!
  2. Then you obviously have a problem ! The Hua Hin reports the German being “ confused and aggressive “ and wandering around until the police apprehended him. He has also attacked an Englishman . There were witnesses!! Your anger at this is not normal..
  3. An idiot , maybe showing off to he people he was with. They didn’t look impressed .
  4. I’m angry at the government/ law makers in Thailand who allow these bucket cocktails and cheap alcoholic drinks to be served everywhere. Nothing is controlled , no hygiene and no rules . I know, as you all do, where to eat and drink, but tourists from western countries have no idea what’s going in those drinks/ food preparation. Same with the cannabis shops, no checks, no control, leading to crazy/dangerous situations affecting foreigners and Thais alike..
  5. It’s handy to check your blood too. I was very low on potassium, I had 2 perfusions ( 2 hrs each) to get my levels back to the norm. Very dangerous. I also take a magnesium before bed to help sleep. My go to drink is fresh coconut water, love it and settles my stomach. Bananas, papaya, plenty water.
  6. An old man told me years back that when the Russian arrived the locals would send messages to neighboring villages to warn the people to hide the women and kids, especially girls. Savages he said.
  7. Definitely !! Doesn’t look like drink, maybe drugged, certainly not normal. Why don’t they call the police immediately instead of posting and then having to find the person ???
  8. The last paragraph relating to the Thai father who murdered his 10 year old daughter was yesterday’s headline news. Also on ASEAN.
  9. Yes. Maybe a few foreigners will take a lesson from this. They do not always get what they want in Thailand, and some people just cannot be bribed. Let all those behaving badly, including the Russian lady who kicked a pregnant Thai lady , the stupid young Kiwis, and all those drunk , disorderly, and frankly disgusting people , know that they are not wanted in Phuket or anywhere else in Thailand. Send them the right message.
  10. I don’t believe his story . How can anyone who pretends to love his daughter, a little girl, murder her , why ?? Maybe a mentally deranged person, I don’t know.
  11. I must say I’ve been surprised at the record time it takes a Thai lady to become pregnant !
  12. Has anyone seen/ met a foreigner/American who has a beach business in Thailand ? I vaguely remember a French man who had a beach in Pattaya about 20 yrs back which was really his girlfriends/ wife. Otherwise, being a former beach lover ( not in Pattaya!) I have been to many beautiful beaches all over Thailand , if not all, and have never seen a foreign run beach/ activity. I think in Phuket there were surf shops that rented their boards out, that’s all.
  13. And how is he going to get there from Bangkok ?
  14. Since Covid , caught in Phuket 2022, I cough. A strong dry cough which is very annoying. It comes in bouts two or three times a day. Seen multiple doctors etc nothing works.. They seem to think that it’s long Covid too.
  15. I confirm. Be very careful. Spent a few weeks in Bali last year, it was. Around 41c. Very stupidly, I decided to walk to a mall to cool off and taxi back. I love to walk. Do I regret it. Heatstroke and ended up in hospital. I’ll never do that again.
  16. Spent a few weeks there about end of 90s. Lovely people, good English. Wanted to do a week trecking in the jungle.Went to Hilton and managed to get a lady guide who had family up river.Magdalene. We left Kuching by car, then a canoe up the river Skrang, stayed overnight near the Penans tribe, and higher up the ancient headhunters.,Wonderful. I took cigarettes, aspirins, various medications, disinfectants, plasters and bandages, some cakes, pens and paper,kiddie books , etc as presents as everything food and mat was free, no charge. They gave me evening parties, dances by the elders, how to smoke the heads to keep the skulls nice, blowpipe hunting, fruit and herb gathering, I had the very best time of my life and I will never forget it. Wonderful people who are unfortunately left out of any help in progress , at least at that time, maybe it’s changed. The traditional longhouses are a wonder to be seen and I consider being allowed to spend days in them with the people a treasure.
  17. Is that the Siam Royal View resort ?? Was interested but much too far from anywhere, very secluded, and huge complex.
  18. Singapore Sling, and Aperol Spritz , but only using the good stuff. Years back I used to go often to the Cockpit Hotel in .Singapore. When the Raffles closed for refurbishment, the bar staff were employed at the Cockpit. Fantastic groups every evening there too. Every time I turned up, my Sling was input in front of me, no need to ask. Had some in Europe but no good, so stick to an Aperol Spritz easier to get right with a good Prosecco .
  19. Been talking with my friends , and all of us are normal weight and always have been. We eat almost everything, and know when to stop. We have a glass of wine or 2 sometimes, or rice/ potatoes even an ice cream now and again.,Just eat healthy regular meals and no snacking. Of course, I cut out the sugar ( especially in Thailand) go easy on the salt, and eat everything reasonably. So easy .
  20. Plenty of room for those senior military runaways in Thailand. From the big article on ASEAN a few days ago, Russians , Chinese and people from Myanmar have bought up huge quantities of condos ! ( Thai condo market dominated be Russian Chinese etc ) . Who would have thought ? It’s absolutely heart breaking what has happened to the Burmese people. I really don’t understand why the west hasn’t taken bigger steps to help them , they should have at least been banned from the illegal gems trade which apparently keeps this present rogue government going. I’ve spent a lot of time in Burma and I love the country, some of the kindest people I’ve ever met.
  21. A lot of the problems in Thailand are due to lack of education. I actually heard an office girl saying that the group of young foreign people earned “ millions “ so it was easy to afford the rent ! I was also told once I could lend someone money because I was “ rich “. Many have no idea on geography or history , even from their own country. Lots don’t have a lot of etiquette. It is what it is, I got used to it many years ago, quoting the famous Trink “ TIT”.
  22. So do I . I’m often traveling far and still need cash as most of the places I go to hardly use cards or phones outside the main cities . I also don’t want to be part of a world where everything is digital. Doctors starting to do it now, complicated. Banks are closing everywhere , scam calls and scam sites abound, millions of people loosing their life savings . AI is going to become popular which will open doors to more rip offs and misery. I’ll stick to my cash, I do have cards , I use them for expensive bills/ items hotels flights. When the electricity goes off , the card terminal fails, I’m ok.
  23. All numbers etc leading to bank accounts ? Not illegal ?
  24. Sorry to say but it’s usually drink or drugs involved . Also, sounds like mostly tourists/long stayer, not so many expats.
  25. We wouldn’t put up with foreigners/ tourists or locals behaving like animals in our own country would we? It’s true things are getting well out of hand in Phuket, and maybe other areas too ? News seems to be focusing on Phuket. I believe that foreign proven criminals should be sent home. No wasting money locking them up, deport with a big red stamp in their passport. Id love to know what is the reason so many come here to thieve/ deal / be violent ?
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