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Everything posted by geisha

  1. Re the new Asean now post mentioning secret checks into the running of Suvarnabhumi arrivals and departures. I don’t believe the mention that the immigration and baggage belt people check on hotels/ guest house details of arriving and departing tourists ! Also It should be very easy to see someone on overstay ( or are they blind and can’t count ?) and direct them to the overstay counter. There just aren’t enough manned desks and belts , nuff said. The boss should be sacked.
  2. I stayed many years in phuket Kata in the 90s till 2013.I have a lot of Thai friends who owned land , small hotels etc and eventually sold for massive amounts . Probably today worth 10 times more. None of them live on the coast or beach towns ! They’ve built lovely houses with fruit gardens etc more inland and near Phuket town. Beach property doesn’t interest them. Same all over Thailand.
  3. Suvarnabhumi is the absolute worst tourist country airport where delays for entering, and departing are concerned ! i have met many Thai travelers who are absolutely disgusted by the welcome queue they get when arriving after a 12 to 18 hour journey. What I really don’t understand is the departure queues. I have lately been warned it can take hours, with passengers running to get to their far off gates. For gods sake, a look at passport , stamp out, should take a minute and problem travelers set aside . And the baggage check, leaving ? Cant they open more counters, they don’t look at the screens anyway, I’ve watched them many times.
  4. I put a little pink post it, ( very small Size ones) when there’s something difficult to find. I also have a Burmese visa from 2019 and many hôtel check ins have given me strange looks until Î point out it’s not my photo page !!! It’s on the first page.
  5. He was a well known multi millionaire before entering politics !!!
  6. The way the Chinese behave is enough to anger anyone, we would never take reservations from them in S France after a few disasters. Maybe the Thai hoteliers , restaurants etc have had enough of them. I remember an ex condo cleaner in Jomtien telling me she was in a local big hotel, and that the Chinese had ruined the rooms, this was about 5 yrs back. There were a family in my small building the other day, despite signs everywhere ( the place is very well maintained) they smoked, drank bottled beer in the pool, made a total mess, and washed their sandals in the pool before they left ! ( there are showers ) .We all stood on out balcony’s and stared !!! They were gone the next day. Thank’God, no welcome from me. This fake news is maybe because of the reactions they have caused while being here.
  7. The Chinese crooked casino runners have totally ruined the coast of Cambodia. Taken over the old port as well I hear, but have not personally seen., If the local people were poor before,now they are even poorer.
  8. After Brexit, many Brits living in France saw their UK bank accounts closed. Try an address with family that have the same surname as you.,
  9. Some are indeed pretty, but what about the working girls on walking street ? Are they , and the owners, being totally ignored by immigration ? Surprises me with all the spot controls going on.
  10. True, I don’t see the ones who stay here as a happy smiling folk. They do avoid all contact , always have. I’m often spoken to in Russian by market stall holders, I always say I’m English and speak a few words in Thai. I don’t think I look Russian at all, strange, the Thais weren’t so keen in speaking English a few years back.
  11. These scam emails have become more frightening and threatening every day. Obviously, a few fragile people fall into their nets. These criminals need wiping out.
  12. As these people are highly placed, not ordinary crooks, it’s a delicate situation , arrested with great a deal of precautions. About time there was a big clear out .
  13. Hi, has anyone been to Suvarnabhumi lately ? I’ve been warned that the delays after check in are terrible ? Im flying with Singapore Airlines to Singapore with the 12.15 flight on Sunday 2nd of April. I was counting on checking in baggage at 9.15 am which is 3 hours before. A passenger told me that there were signs up saying for departures to be there 4 hrs before ???? Has passport control and security become that bad ?? Thanks for any feed back. I find this ridiculous.
  14. And what about the Russian children ??? Do they not have to be schooled ? Seems to me each family has 2/3 kids tagging on !! And insurance ??? i also think the Russians wanting to leave have been planning this for quite a while. I remember last year on Kata beach, groups of Russians talking earnestly for hours on end. One Russian restaurant had long queues outside .This exodus was planned.
  15. Seem to me that there are a lot of Russian places opening up, restaurants, laundries , agencies, even a massage lady told me her business was bought by a Russian man. They openly work in certain big condo complexes like the one I won’t mention not far from Jomtien night market. They might have work permits or Thai company style business, elite ? Or the new long term visa ( forgotten name) but it’s obvious they are settling in and not snowbirds.
  16. I use Shiseidô,Japanese make , best of everything , but expensive. I like a tan, but moderate . I wear a hat in the sun, and UV protective tshirts . Avoid 11am to 16h exposure. All sun loving nationalities have high % of skin cancer.
  17. Jomtien have told me in the past( before Covid) one week before, so maybe it depends on the person you see. Also, there are quite big queues . It is a very small office for all Pattaya and Jomtien. Just go very early in the morning before opening.,, you’ll never queue more than 30 mins.
  18. I have a question for Big Joke, who, by the way, I think is doing a fantastic job of getting rid of the worse elements of visitors to Thailand , and those who facilitate it. Why, is it so easy for the Russians to be welcomed into Thailand when I have trouble getting a legal visa in my country because the process is so difficult and long ?? Is it only money that counts or what ? Is it because the Russians are buying up the long standing empty condos that nobody wants, what is the reason for wanting to create Russian ghettos and all the trouble that comes with it ?
  19. I see an awful lot of stoned people walking about , the cannabis trend has taken over Thailand. Not sure this will attract the tourists the government like , and I’m sure it’s bad news for Thailand in the long run. PS, I am not anti cannabis.
  20. I have Burmese friends in Yangon and they all advise tourists to stay away. It is still unsafe and you are contributing by using their airlines and facilities belonging to the cruel government dictatorship.
  21. I’d say this, I live in a beach town south of France half the year, and the local gals would never ever wear the skimpy outfits, cling clothes, that the girls often wear here !!! It’s considered very * common*. Yes on the beach, tiny bikinis , but not the stuff many girls here wear here evenings. Look at some of the shops what they sell!!!
  22. A few of you on here know who the trouble makers are. They are thugs living of drugs money and stolen cards in France, skimming etc is second nature to them. Publish their names, then shame them. Your normal French tourist is like any other normal tourist. They don’t go round terrorizing the neighborhoods , dealing, treating their Thai hosts like dirt. I once intervened in a gang of this type , in broad daylight near 2nd rd Patong, surrounding a young Thai girl with their bikes , driving round here in circles !!! I’m a female, and speak fluent French, I took out my phone to call police and screamed at them a few words to let them know I was filming .They drove off. We had to pick the girl up off the floor in a terrible state. That’s what this kind do. They do it in France too, but at 3 am. Rob, deal and scam is their lives.
  23. Koh Chang is my favorite. Been going for many years. It’s mostly National Park and the walks are fantastic. The sea bright blue, clean empty beaches, nice people. ps, think that Mark Marc poster above has smoked too much !!
  24. Why talk rubbish ? NHS has nothing to do with travel insurance outside Uk, and all Brits know this. Travel insurance is widely used, some companies are better than others. My family have the best travel insurance and have had for many many years. So do my friends . There again , some people, not only Brits, don’t read the small print at the bottom of the policy. This is often where the problems begin when there is illness or an accident., or they have overlooked the duration they can spend in a country, as one young girl who had a very bad accident found out, when her travel insurance was valid for less days than she had spent in Thailand ( Asean now not long back) . Pre existing health conditions are also not generally covered. The small print should be large print with a Warning Headline !! Alsso, the rumor mongers here guessing he’s a bad father, drunk, talking on his phone etc should be ashamed of themselves. Look at your own perfect lives instead.
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