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Everything posted by geisha

  1. The best comedy series on TV ages ago, Only Fools and Horses, had me crying with laughter ! Delboy buys a load of knocked off Russian dolls which he thinks are the wooden ornaments that fit one into another. They take the boxes home and store behind the sofa. What happens next is hysterical ! Still makes me cry. Google the series with the sex dolls.
  2. Oh dear, chose the right time to arrive ? I’ll bring my masks and hope back’ In Jomtien it’s a bit better .
  3. Maybe they’re not coming in hoards ? Did that even cross the ATTA minds ? Chinese holidays are over for a while.
  4. I fly business and my baggage has never come out first , in fact I think it’s often been towards the end of the rollout as you can see the crowds leaving bag in hand. There is no priority for the baggage in business , it does in with all the passengers bags. Frustrating, last year I think I waited 30 + minutes !
  5. I fly business and my luggage never comes out first , in fact seems to be at the end of the roll out !! You’re baggage goes in the plane with all the other passengers baggage. There’s no business class container.
  6. I went once , and then took my niece . She liked it. It’s the sort of place you go once, and never again. You have to have something that makes you want to go back in that business, and really, the shops sell the same Chinese rubbish you find on every street in Thailand.
  7. Ive never had a problem in Bangkok. Maybe lucky ? I will say that Phuket is the worst, on a par with Pattaya, close behind. Compare the prices you pay in Bangkok with those two , and you’ll never complain about Bangkok drivers again. Add on to that, what Bangkok drivers have to go through every day, pollution, time lost to road works and never ending queues, cheap prices and low wages while the other two laze around smoking and then charge you double or more the real fare. That’s where the complaints should be.
  8. This definitely should be done , clearly and in vue. Why are they putting it in fine print anyway ? Make proper insurance an obligation for all tourists for the time period spent away. There have been the 2 girls lately, and one more a month back , plus 2 hit and runs on Thepprasit/ Thapraya in around 10 days, and another on 2 nd road in center .it’s not always the tourists fault, but everyone should be warned .
  9. Well I don’t know if I was one of the ten, but I certainly missed you ! Glad to have you back, happy to know you are well, and as one of our posters says « if you come to the end of your tether, tie a knot, and hang on « !!!
  10. I used to live on the road going up from,Jomtien night market and those filthy buses used to leave the engines running for hours while their clients ate at the night market and bought fruit. Moved.
  11. It’s a mystery to me why they come . Is it for the weather, I never see them on a beach, yes maybe boat trips ? They don’t go to any of the restaurants I frequent , and the Thai shopping is mostly « made in China » except the designer shops that are more expensive than elsewhere . The only place I’ve seen the buses, apart from 2 nd rd, is the latex pillow shops !!! So it must be very cheap all in one deals ?
  12. I was in Patong a while about 12 yrs back. I live thé summer months in France. These thugs bought up half the back streets of Patong with their scammed credit cards and drug money., worked openly calling out to people to come in, shisha bars and dealing mostly. Seen plenty of those where I live, can ruin a place, gives a bad reputation. Their girls are bad ones too. The way they spoke to the Thais was disgusting, unfortunately I understood it all. Of course there are nice people everywhere, who live normal lives, work, bring up their kids well. That’s not the Patong « French » gang types. Wait till the knives come out !
  13. French ? Not really. A look at their names and you’ll understand. Patong is rife with these thugs ,they do what they like where they like. They need stamping out, fast.
  14. Well, got to give it to you, you have a wild imagination ! I cant remember him doing anything xenophobic a few years back, I do know he tried to sort out immigration irregularities , the « tips « asked , and a problem with the excessive investment in useless machines. Yes, he stepped on a few toes . All the latest headlines are ongoing cases ! You expect to be caught and put in jail immediately, you should know, as most people do, that’s not the way it works. Whatever, that’s your opinion, but I find you have an excessive fixation on what most people believe is a good person. Thais love front page headlines, as do the rest of the world. .
  15. What is your problem with Big Joke. You sound obsessed every time he’s on a case ! « outrageous xenophobia « ? When was that ? « great shame to the départment « for bringing fraud and criminal activity to light ? « Attacking his own » who were colluding with Chinese mafia, drug runner, illegal casinos , boiler house schemes etc ? So you are saying everyone should turn a blind eye, let the country be run by thugs , you wouldn’t mind living in a country over run with criminals so long as he doesn’t get his photo in the newspaper ? Not sure many would agree with you .
  16. I’ve booked business class !
  17. Thank you Sheryl, yes , had the injection. I was practically crying with relief the next day , felt great. Sadly it last 3 weeks and I was very disappointed. Specialist did it under the scanner too , said that it doesn’t work for everyone. I have a prescription and pharmacy stamp and I would only need to bring about 12 tablets with me as I only take a quarter.
  18. Thanks for the answers. I already see a kinésithérapie , and do light home exercises and the Mezzier method breathing . I also had the injections under a scanner to get the exact locations , fantastic outcome, lasted 3 weeks ! My doctor says it’s common. My problem is sleeping. I fall asleep , and a turn over and I’m awake in pain . After not sleeping a full night for 5 days I was given Lexomil. I only take a quarter tab. They work about 6 hrs which is great. I don’t fancy smoking,´I’m an ex smoker tho years back. I’m more worried about traveling with them. I would have enough for 45 days which is not much tablet wise. I have a doctors prescription of course and it’s stamped by the pharmacy. I was going to Bali as well but am worried about their rules too. Might not travel with them , or Chang e plan. Thanks, 40 years of working in a restaurant hasn’t done me much good .
  19. I was warned in January that if I came back even for a week , which was my plan, I would hate it. The Russian invasion pushing themselves around, beaches crammed, queues in front of restaurants and if you’re lucky to get a table an hour or so wait for food that does not come out complete, etc etc phuket is finished for me, the island that made me love Thailand for many years. Thailand is big, plenty of decent choice for a long stay. Only problem for me is I’ll miss my friends . Jomtien suits me fine.
  20. I would not drink out of a plastic bottle that has been used by some one else ! Ugh. Glass can be washed , sterilized and reused, not plastic!
  21. In Phuket I kept all my plastic bottles for the old man coming round every evening collecting. These few Baht mean a lot to these poor people. I’m quite sure we had a similar service in Jomtien from a family with a sidecar who’d go through the bins, never left a mess. The OP says they’re not recycled, of course they all are in one way or another, same as in the west. I always give them a tip or something too, what a life they have !
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