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Everything posted by geisha

  1. Yes , I was hoping Sheryl would answer, she’s helped me a few times over the years. Fantastic.
  2. I won’t have time unfortunately ( or fortunately!) . I’m leaving this Wednesday morning BKK France and only have 8 tablets left. Thinking I’ll share them out to 2 a day. It could get better .
  3. Thank you Sheryl, I’m quite surprised it’s not sold in Thailand , it’s over the counter in France which also surprised me. It’s been quite debilitating for 2 days, started the Tanganil last evening at 6 pm,, seems a bit better this morning. ( took 2). Instead of the 2. X morning one evening ( tot1500’mg) daily, do you think I can share out my tablets to only 2 a day to last me ??? And should I then take the 2 in the morning, or 1 morning 1 evening.?? Thought of calling France, but will be difficult to get the doctor concerned on the phone, as it’s a very big busy ORL center. Thanks Sheryl.
  4. What’s the pollution in Bangkok like at the moment .?
  5. Hi all, in Bali at the moment but back to Bangkok Sunday 16 th. I’ve had dizzy spells since yesterday, so going on 48 hrs. Had them before about 6 months back. I take Tanganil prescribed by my doctor in France, so have some luckily, but won’t have enough . Can I buy them in Thailand ?? It’s been stifling hot here, lots of heavy rain , and 90 + humidity, so that might be the cause. I don’t drink alcohol. I’m very used to finding what I need in larger Boots. Any info welcome., thanks.
  6. Anywhere they supply restaurants, woks, fridges ,micro onde etc.
  7. Nowhere in the world can you walk into countries and do as you like ! You do not stay illegally in US, UK or any other countries either without risk of being deported etc. Why should Thailand be different ? Get a visa, do border runs, milk the system if you like but don’t consciously break the rules. There are a lot of people that need to go back to their own countries.
  8. Probably depends on the airline policies. I’ve always been asked by Emirates as I stay usually 3/4 months. This year flew with Swiss and no one asked .
  9. Thé problem is the Thai authorities do not care ! Tourist Phuket last year , Kata beach, not even street lights working, non existent pavements , how on earth do people with kids ( maybe not welcome?) or seniors manage to get back to their hotel/ condo evening ?? In front of the famous Boathouse , not even a pavement, so if you want to go to the beach in the day, a restaurant, or a meal in the evening, cars and hundreds of motorbikes rush past you !!! The drains are wonky , 30 years ago at Christmas, my leg went through the gap, so lucky it didn’t break, just a chipped bone , 8pm no lights , death trap drains. Nothings changed. Thais don’t walk/ stroll as foreigners do, so don’t care. Third world 100%. ok, so the clever ones say, TIT, you take the risk, why be so stupid to go out with a baby stroller or , take a taxi to the 15 min evening restaurant and back, total rubbish. Thailand and its expats, don’t complain about the low class of foreigners that come here, the drunks, the idiots , the barstool politicians, the wife beater clad / bare backed expats , sex tourists, that’s the type you are attracting. Nuff said .
  10. He ( she ) is back with the crazy posts !!
  11. What about crossing the road in Thailand, no crosswalks or ones that do not function. Two very serious accidents on Theppraya Theprassit crossings last month. Hit and run. I often cross there, it’s chancing your life each time , if someone stops for you it’s a foreigner. 2 nd road pattaya crossings ?? What about all the illegal car and bike rentals, no insurance etc, the jet ski accidents which have thank’god fallen due to very good bad publicity ? Private hospitals over charging by huge amounts ? I have personally witnessed the prices charged for innocent people involved in an accident , astronomical , albeit very well treated by said hospital.
  12. Now my opinion. 1 it looks staged, 2 he doesn’t look British to me, more lebanese ? 3 probably high on something, he walks straight/ knows what he’s doing.
  13. No it does not. For example I have a British passport and my residency is France. . You can have a UK passport and live elsewhere .
  14. I don’t think so because you enter Thailand on a visa exempt stamp and the evisa is from your home country not a third country.
  15. It would be easier all round for all countries if they made the 60 day tourist visa easy to apply for. As it is, not everyone bothers with it as it’s too complicated , especially the evisa application. They have closed most of the Embassies abroad , and those still open are mostly shamefully unfriendly.
  16. I had my new automatique VW start stop turned off. It’s very annoying. I would say that if the battery isn’t fully charged the car can stop. Happened to me on a main road , although I’d just driven 50 km. You can’t move an automatique to the side of road, it won’t budge. Had a lot of beeping. Towed away, they changed the battery !
  17. Well, they can’t be looking hard ! I’ve seem photos around the south end of chairs right down to the waters edge there are so many people !!! Taken this last high season , and one lately.
  18. No, he’s understood the process with onward ticket,
  19. supersomchai. Don’t worry, buy an onward ticket to Cambodia Phnom pen for example. Print it. If they say anything at UK check in,, show them the ticket and say you are going there for a visit. No problem. Once in Thailand, normally immigration do not ask to see your return or ticket. But keep your boarding card from your UK flight, sometimes they want to see it. Once in your hotel/ condo , you’re fine. After 3 weeks stay , go to your local immigration office with passport and copy details page, visa exempt entry stamp page copy, 1900 Baht cash, proof of Thai address which is the TM 30 that your hotel or condo office office is obliged to give you !!! Print. ( they do it online and best to ask for it on your arrival ) . Fill in the form at the immigration office, or get one before or download and fill in before. And your good for your 60 days. Careful not to go over the 30 days visa exempt stamp , as I said, go a few days before. All easy, don’t go on a Monday and careful of weekend closures and holidays.
  20. I gave up on evisas since they began. My home is in France, it was so easy before to apply directly at the consulats, Monaco, Marseille, Paris , Lyon. I get online visas to loads of counties from,Australia to Burma to Cambodia and the americas. Never had a problem. The Thai embassy in Paris is a disaster and so unfriendly you wouldn’t believe. So no help there. If I really needed the visa I would apply through one of two good Paris agents and pay the price. It’s bad publicity for Thailand that they can’t arrange a good visa process,
  21. Joe taxi, nice cars good drivers .
  22. Never had a problem myself, or heard of one. Except during strikes and after’covid.,
  23. There are enough Russians in Thailand to teach newcomers how to survive if necessary. They stick together.
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