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Everything posted by geisha

  1. You didn’t read my post ! Macao is very much under the eye of China. The money used for these drug/ gambling set ups in Cambodia and now Thailand is black money , taken out of China illegally. The Chinese government are trying to stop this untaxed money leaving the country. They already have their people on spot in Sihanoukville trying to weed out these Chinese mafia.
  2. I also thought there were big restrictions on Chinese leaving China ? So these Chinese ( young by the looks of it) were doing what in Thailand,, holidays ? Doubt that . Also Zero Dollar Tours usually mean Cheap package Tours . Unless they have invented package tours including drugs and gambling ???
  3. Probably a lost cause not worth fighting. You did not have written permission to leave, and it looks as if the school closed due to Covid shortly after. ? You are claiming pay for the 4 months you did not work, and were not in Thailand. ? A bit late in trying to make a claim in my view.
  4. Flying from France Nice every year on Emirates, I have always been asked for my onward flight regardless. Never at immigration. I always had a cheap onward flight to satisfy .
  5. Macao is near China and a easily contrôlable. Thailand is still more or less anonymous to the Chinese government who are actually trying to stop the money flowing OUT of China.,
  6. Who said Gen Pol Surachet ( big joke) or anyone, is getting away with this ?? These Chinese cartels need to be stopped. They have ruined Cambodia and are trying to get their finger in anywhere that will take back handlers. I’m quite sure that Gen Surachat is up for it.. I’d like to see those invaders out. ( ps Big Joke is nothing to do with the word Joke as in the English sense funny ha ha)
  7. Agree , Thailand was known for being a cheap and friendly holiday in the sunshine. It’s definitely not been cheap for a few years now, and since Covid, inflation, Ukraine war , etc hit this spring , potential tourists are staying close to home., Don’t forget , Spain, Italy France , Greece etc have great weather and good infrastructure with easy transport, car, bus, train plane. And these countries were packed to the rafters this summer. Not forgetting places like Morocco and Tunisia where you can holiday package for really cheap rates , if that floats your boat. For Thailand to attract the wealthier tourists, they’ll have to take another look at their infrastructure !! Non existant or dangerous pavements, pestilential drains, ramshackle third world beach towns ( eg. Phuket is falling down all over the place due to business closures). The poor Thais living hand to mouth and reduced to begging . Great publicity for the country. As someone said above, the government had 2 years to clean up the place and help their people. They totally ignored this. Reap what you sow !!!!!!!
  8. Nothing to do with masks . You must be one of very few that give up their chosen destination because many of their citizens wear masks !!
  9. The worrying red stamps are the ones you get when you overstay your 30/45 days , or your visa. So don’t overstay and you won’t get one.
  10. Why would a legal brewery with all the correct controls and a licence be illegal and dangerous ? what does craft beer have to do with Marijuana and the loss of control. ? who allowed the production and sale of marijuana in the first place ????( laugh emoji). why is prostitution everywhere and yet craft beer illegal ? why don’t the government travel to first world countries and see how normal trade is done , and how normal people live ?
  11. It’s all corruption. Surly they can find out who owns the place ? And why does a new club/ business be allowed to get away with * front* names ? Aren’t there laws at all ?
  12. I wouldn’t either. If I need a taxi late I go to a nice hotel and order it there. I do that when going to the airport , just get the concierge to do it. Of course, I’m not out in the early hours of the morning. I’ll never forget in KL , late flight, stopover in hotel. The taxi took a short cut, back road, no lights, I was terrified , shaking like a leaf, thought my days were over. But he was just taking a shortcut. I’ll never forget.won’t do that again.
  13. I would visit Central phuket Floresta . There are a few nail salons, and I should imagine some of the best on Phuket. I would not go to the smaller ones. Go and ask. I know the ones I’ve visited in Central malls elsewhere are very good. Not cheap but quality. If you don’t have your own transport you can take the local bus direct from Chalong to Central Floresta. ps, there are two sides to the mall, don’t miss the newer one. There’s an inside connecting bridge.
  14. Thanks ++ treetops. This was the one I used often and it is updated to 08/22 so still operating! Great news.
  15. I suppose it’s just logical that for safety reasons you should not overload the overhead compartments.
  16. Hope they are off the streets soon ! Imagine your holiday in a nice pool villa and 5 men storm the place shooting !!! I like Mr Surachat, he always get things done.
  17. Putin is terrified ! Every one saw the photos a few months back on the table as long as a football pitch ! He doesn’t trust anyone, not even his own dogs bodies of generals.
  18. There are quite a few videos around. One shows the two guys out of the car., Then drinking in a nearby bar.
  19. Did you see the videos ( pluriel) ? The Thai was a tiny bit of a guy. The French guy was three times his size ! Nobody does that .
  20. Most people who have good jobs buy when they’re much younger, they don’t wait for retirement ! By the age of 45 to 55 you should have your house paid , savings in the bank and a decent life. No scraping by. I come from a « normal » family in the UK and all my young nieces and nephews who are under 33 have their own houses, decent to very good jobs . You learn from your parents. I live in the south of France, good job, bought my first property at 30 , second at 40, third at 50 where I still live.. Retired now of coursé, no way I have anything near 80k $ a year ! Still live a great life, 4/5 months in Thailand ( renting) plus other holidays , can do and go where I want. No ties. And if I did have 80k a year, I wouldn’t be holidaying or living in Pattaya or Phuket !! PS I am not talking about todays youth who just might have it harder !!
  21. Yes, they always stapled the receipt into my passport in Jomtien. I left it there. Once , arriving back in France the immigration officer was quite shocked by the habit.
  22. Exactly, those names are badly spelt in my opinion. There is a very undesirable community of legal immigrants who have French passports. They are wreaking havoc in France, robberies, they run the drug business in France. These 2 sound like they belong to those thugs ( for lack of a polite word). They make a fortune in EU but cannot spend it there. I’ve seen so many in Patong for example, they do and live as they like, and nasty with it. One of my Thai friends said a few years ago, why so many bad French man in Thailand ? I just told him to look at their names and then he.ll understand ! They should be locked up for a long time and Porsche confiscated.
  23. Burma, thought they were still struggling , bad times. I know you’ve lived there, I’ve been many times . I follow a few Burmese I know on FB and haven’t had any positive news, I was also told not to come even if I could get in . Your thoughts ?
  24. Hi, a friend of mine is going to Thailand next month to visit family. She is not used to traveling alone. Does the Fast Track Service still exist ? I have used this in the past to get to a waiting car quicker. Her older brother cannot pick her up so it would be a perfect solution, plane to car. Thanks.
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