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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. U.S. Population - 323.314,342

    Thailand Population - 68,082,473 (roughly 1/5 of the U.S.)

    U.S. Gun related deaths per 100,000 = 3.5

    Thailand Gun related deaths per 100,000 = 7.48

    (2013 statistics)

    So, a country with roughly one-fifth of the population of the U.S. has over twice as many gun related deaths.

    You tell me which country has a "gun problem".

    But, hey, it's always good to bash the U.S., even if you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

    It is even better to hide behind stats which compare USA and a developing country which has a corrupted police.

    I tell you both countries have gun problem, by the way as you are a pro gun it seems : aren't you afraid in your daily life as you don't have a gun here?

    It must be a nightmare for all the NRA supporters here, living in an unsafe country and not being able to "stand your ground"

  2. Yeah it was not 60 millions in one day : the same we witness today : all migrants didn t fled in one day.

    However even if we divide by 2 the numbers of refugees, it is still 30 millions, and yes a lot went to North Africa, you would have know why if you remembered there was colonies spreaded all over africa at this time...

    It is hard when the truth hit your face and some of you may have asked their families what they did during world war 2...obviously all fighting for their countries, I know

  3. GeorgesAbitbol, on 25 Feb 2016 - 12:00, said:

    The more despairing is that during world war 2, 60 millions of Europeans fled to North Africa, but they probably have short memory problems

    Could you provide a link ?

    I believe you are talking garbage.


    here you go

    want another one :


    another one ?

    You are the one who normally talk garbae or provide obscure links

  4. Guns don't need to be banned, that's what some you American folk don't understand. It's about control and restriction.

    NOBODY NEEDS TO walk the streets with a loaded AK47 or Uzi or whatever, END of story.

    It ain't rocket science.....stop trying to over complicate it, stop acting like naughty little children lol

    All that off topic of course but I would like to know more about this Dalton freak and where he got his weapon.

    NOBODY DOES walk the streets with a loaded AK47 or an Uzi unless they have a federally issued class 3 license...or are not following the existing gun laws against the ownership of automatic weapons.

    The people that follow the laws would not be considered a threat to society.

    Aussies don't understand everything either.

    Aussies don't understand everything either.

    They seem to have understood quite well : since the massacre in 1996 they restricted gun and strangely the shooting are nearly inexistant since then..now let compare this to USA...oh wait....

  5. ^^

    killing people there at nearly a mini-genocide level.

    I guess that's what you could call diminishing hyperbole. 555

    You are backing the wrong horse if you think BDS will make headway in India due to its large Muslim population. The winds are blowing in the opposite direction.


    There is a difference between a government and the citizens of a country. You ll get it one day...

    Seems like the citizens of the U.K, well the business ones that is can't get enough of Israel, Tel Aviv is now one of their top 10 business locations.


    P.s one of the comments to the article suggested plastering this news on every BDS website there is. What a great idea.

    Do you have other links rather than the usual blogs and obscure "pro jewish websites" ?

    You will also maybe learn that Tel Aviv is the place where the young and predominantly "lefties" are, where there is the biggest gay communauty in Israel, and where the organization "peace now" has its roots...Once you know that and the special culture Tel Aviv has, you probably handle this a bit better...in fact I am quite sure i read somewhere that Tel aviv students also criticze heavily the illegal settlements...

    Maybe soon Tel Aviv will be taxed as antisemitic as well

  6. @TheCruncher.


    Why don't you answer a simple question instead of riding your pc high horse?

    Here it is again>

    how would you like to have a your property rented to someone who cooks a pot of curry every day or has 15 people living there?

    And in case you think this is a tale, I experienced the "tale" already, and so did several others I know.

    Me (from my horse, not sure of the breed so can't say if it's a PC or not. Apologies for that)

    I responded to some of your post and missed the puerile question.

    You can lay down conditions regarding the number you allow in a property and standards of cleanliness. The condo building I live in lays down conditions about smoking and other odours from cooking. However they lay down flat conditions based on communal living.

    They are not based upon racist generalisations.

    Ok thanks for the answer.

    One more question please. If they don't adhere to those "laid down" conditions, which happens with a certain group of people more than with others, how do you get them removed from your property?

    Think carefully before you answer, because court would be the wrong choice.

    which happens with a certain group of people more than with others

    You mean : morons?

    I read plenty of their stuff on TV

  7. The way I look at it, it's my Condo and I set the ground rules, .....

    So, if that's what that owner's preference is, that's fine by me....

    It is called discrimination and is illegal in most countries.

    You cannot profile candidacy using race, gender or sexual orientation.

    In Europe you ll end fined or even in jail for such comment written down.

    Following the reasons we could also say : no women, no kids, no gay, no HIV positive...

  8. I'm ex-mil, I don't have a problem with how he leads, but I sense it's starting to get old and in time, the fuse on the powder keg will be lit.....again. Wash, rinse, repeat. The US, even with its ills, and as much as I hate to admit, is starting to look like an option. Damn!

    You may have notice since he arrived :

    -Thailand not anymore a place for political refugees.

    - drop of 78% of foreign investments



    -no freedom of press

    -Adjustment sessions

    -drop of economy

    -Clearly side for one part of the population and despise the other one

    The most funny in this is the "praising the transparency" of his politic...what a joke!

    I would laugh if it didn't make me cry

  9. Democrats want to unite the country? Do you actually believe that? Are you saying that Obama has done a good job at everything he has done? WOW! Johnson's Great Society caused untold problems and he got us mired in Vietnam and then made that situation even worse by telling the military how to fight the war. Carter did nothing except make mistakes. Carter and Obama are neck and neck as being the worst presidents the US has ever had with Obama comfortably taking the lead. Trading a traitor for five terrorists was a good move?

    Maybe democrats don't want to unit the country but at least we are sure that republicans and especially the Tumpet doesn't want this unity

  10. Many mass murders are carried out by knives, swords, and machetes...maybe if there were less of these around...we would all be more safe...

    Same logic for many common household products...

    If people have a will to kill...they will find the means to do so...the gun just happens to be the weapon of choice for many nut cases...

    Ban nut cases...not guns...

    You attended NRA propaganda course I see.

    Let me know if guns are designer for other purpose than shooting bullets and therefore wound or kill people.

    But even with all the evidences, stats and unfortunately deaths, you cannot open your eyes..USA don't needs terrorists.

    Guns are the weapon of choice because it is easy to handle, let people kill from distance and has more chance to hit multiple targets before getting caught.

    But you can go back to sleep, it is ok

  11. ^^

    killing people there at nearly a mini-genocide level.

    I guess that's what you could call diminishing hyperbole. 555

    You are backing the wrong horse if you think BDS will make headway in India due to its large Muslim population. The winds are blowing in the opposite direction.


    There is a difference between a government and the citizens of a country. You ll get it one day...

  12. An advertising for a telecom company shows Israeli playing football with Palestinians, the palestinians tried to do the same : it ended quickly with gaz cans...

    As ever lies by omission. Here is the context for the commercial, which was a response to Palestinian agitation. The film with the teargas is pure premeditated Pallywood.



    Giving a link to a far right Israel blog as a justification is the worst evidence you could find, thanks for this...maybe more jewllywood (damn saying "jewllywood" will make me antisemit, right?)

  13. Israel is a despicable pariah state, and thanks to the Internet, its malevolent core has been revealed to the world.

    Academics from civilized and lawful nations have a responsibility to take part in and expand this boycott so that justice can be meted out.

    This is only the beginning.

    It's the end, Western governments are rapidly concluding BDS is a movement to eliminate Israel and is nothing to do with social justice, hence there are loads of recent bans on BDS across many Countries. Incidentally 2.5% of Palestinians work on Israeli settlements earning twice the average pay of the Palestinian Territories. So if BDS got their way 5% of Palestinian revenue would be lost. I guess the unemployed would have more time to get radicalized and become terrorists though.

    Lol your points are so fallacious:

    -western governments which banned the BDS or rendered it illegal was done after HUGE pressures from the Israel lobbies in those countries. In France it was done under the Prime Minister whom wife is jewish and is openly for Israel.

    The jobs done in illegal settlements pay more than the jobs in Palestine because : no job is available there, mostly because of the restrictions and the land stolen to the arabs living there.

    They not really have any choice, they work in illegal settlements or just have no job and the pay is still far under the israel incomes, the same arguments was used in South Africa during apartheid.

    "oh look they work for us, they are well treated, of course we stole their land and give a middle finger to the world, but they are happy,..."

    So all you can come up with is the Jews control everything conspiracy theory. The Palestinians and their rich paymasters can lobby too you know.

    Another aspect of BDS incidentally is that it's indiscriminate in vilifying all Jews for the actions of the settlers it dishonestly says are the problem. This is collective punishment pure and simple, something the Palestinians and their supporters are only too happy to squeal indignation about themselves.

    I am quite ok to segregate all settlers, they are on lands which are not their...

    Why don't you mention the group "peace Now" which is constitued by jewish (yeah I know, young lefties)

    Are they antisemits too?

    I not excuse the Palestinians, I just think, like most of the world that the way Israel is stealing their land each day more is a big part of the problem

  14. Israel is a despicable pariah state, and thanks to the Internet, its malevolent core has been revealed to the world.

    Academics from civilized and lawful nations have a responsibility to take part in and expand this boycott so that justice can be meted out.

    This is only the beginning.

    It's the end, Western governments are rapidly concluding BDS is a movement to eliminate Israel and is nothing to do with social justice, hence there are loads of recent bans on BDS across many Countries. Incidentally 2.5% of Palestinians work on Israeli settlements earning twice the average pay of the Palestinian Territories. So if BDS got their way 5% of Palestinian revenue would be lost. I guess the unemployed would have more time to get radicalized and become terrorists though.

    Lol your points are so fallacious:

    -western governments which banned the BDS or rendered it illegal was done after HUGE pressures from the Israel lobbies in those countries. In France it was done under the Prime Minister whom wife is jewish and is openly for Israel.

    The jobs done in illegal settlements pay more than the jobs in Palestine because : no job is available there, mostly because of the restrictions and the land stolen to the arabs living there.

    They not really have any choice, they work in illegal settlements or just have no job and the pay is still far under the israel incomes, the same arguments was used in South Africa during apartheid.

    "oh look they work for us, they are well treated, of course we stole their land and give a middle finger to the world, but they are happy,..."

  15. More about academic BDS and the Jew hatred at its core.

    It's not Israel that deserves to be demonized. It's the BDS movement that does. More people are learning the truth about the utter EVIL the BDS movement represents.


    The BDS movement wishes to apply pressure on Israeli academia by promoting for all academics to cut off Israeli universities, thus inhibiting the essential process of academic of transmission, building relations, and sharing ideas and knowledge. It is in my stringent opinion, that to block academic extrapolation and development between disciplines and different universities around the world is the materialization of backward thinking, and it is the first step to totalitarianism.


    The BDS movement has played an integral role to spark existent antisemitism amid college campuses. The people involved think that they are following a moral cause, but in fact do not understand the hatred that they are promoting. This is no way to spark conversation between people. Martin Luther King once said: “When they criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking antisemitism.” Perhaps to put it in more simple terms a better way to say is that the hatred of Israel, is the hatred of Jews.

    Well, the Jerusalem Post would say that wouldn't they? It's just an editor's opinion. I notice it doesnt comment on why academics and artists are boycotting Israel.

    Israel wanted to use Dr King for propaganda purposes as you do now. Very interesting documents have come to light recently revealing Israel's true attitude towards him.


    It was a different pre internet information-revolution era then. He was obviously preoccupied with his own people's struggle, and quite frankly did not have a clue, like most Americans today, as to the injustice European colonialists had perpetrated against the indigenous Palestinians.

    The Palestinians were never indigenous, the Jews were, recent genetic studies prove this.


    I am quite sure the RamallaPost says the same about Palestinians...

    Please have a look at the people living in Israel and tell me how many look like they come from middle east.

    Most of them are NOT from middle east.

    We can also say that most of the world comes from the region as it was a part of the area used when human population expanded from Africa...

  16. Oh look more migrants:


    Oh no wait! those ones were "good christian migrants" who fleed the world war 2. (60 millions of refugees)

    If the men weren't living they could have defended their country.

    Damn, some on TV should check with their families before spitting on migrants and refugees

  17. Any sociologist is a leftist by definition. The truth needs to be uncovered and this is what new government is doing. there are many books which could enlighten anybody of there hidden facts because they were not acceptable by judeocommunism in soviet russia and post communism. The freedom is not easily achieved. You need to open the history, make people responsible for what they did during the reign of communism, open a pandora box of those guilty of working against their "own" country and then form new world around. Statements from some people are worth as much as the last year snow.

    What a funny statement

    So sociologist=left= communist=Russia...


    Open your eyes and see how the capitalists countries work much better those days:

    Ask the citizens of many european countries and USA if they are happy to pay the banks mistakes which clearly work against their country and for their sole benefits..

    I also would like to quote you :

    Statements from some people are worth as much as the last year snow.

    And I will add: When the winter comes, don't eat the yellow snow

  18. So let resume :

    greece is now under the water and suffer economic disaster.

    Without any ressources to help prevent the migrants to come to Greece or leave it (how to pay the police or border police), I think soon Greece will just give a big middle finger to Europe and let them flow...and Europe deserved it.

    By the way during world war 2 there was 60 millions of refugees trying to leave Europe...

  19. Why doesn't someone assassinate this criminal who has destroyed Syria just so he can hang onto power.

    Where are you going to put a polling station in Homs

    May be you did not have access to any media, but it was not him who bombed his own country and just because someone across the continent did not want or like him, does not mean he should be stepping down.

    Half of his country was not occupying EU when his was in full control, funny how things changed when outsiders decided to take controlcoffee1.gif

    Slow down. His army started the killing of innocent protesters during the Arab Spring uprisings. Nobody to blame but the commander in chief. That's true in any country. As for trying to take control, yes, there's a battle within the Islam religion. More or less Iran vs. Saudi Arabia.

    I would rather say :

    Iran vs Europe/usa/Saudi

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