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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. Because it is all in your mind. What anarchists? Far left? I think not. Just people expressing their disgust with a racist, bigot, lying neofascist as is their right and it is damn well their right. That they stood up for their right against Trump's brown shirt intimidation is great. They only people I see trying to walk all over the 1st Amendment are the far right and the government. All right wingers live in the twilight zone of fantasy and make believe and days that never really existed but you ain't gonna' bring back.

    We all know what your editorial opinion is.

    What gave the protesting anarchists the right to disrupt the scheduled meeting?

    We also know yours, and yet you offend us on daily basis but we don t complain.

    Strangely when Sanders meeting happen there is no trouble...

  2. I simply don't understand how the anarchists on the far left can continue walking all over the First Amendment and expect to get away with it.

    I guess what bothers me more than anything is they think they have the right to do what they do.

    Coming from someone who support trump and his fellow kkk members, i find it ironic.

    Maybe the "anrachist" think the government is tyrannical and protect the 2nd amendment... oh no wait, those who stand for this amendment are the same praising a government which spy on individuals, jail the whistleblowers from government abuses....

  3. At least our esteemed members are making it clear they are in favour of Iran having nuclear weapons, which begs the question why they are so active in a thread concerning Iranian non-compliance in an agreement which purports to stop them. Of course their agenda is completely transparent and revolves around Israel being open to attack from the entire Muslim world. Ironically many of the Arabs are quietly moving on whilst some here have not adjusted their position one iota from 1967.

    Not long now and the Iranian regime is history. Today yet another general bites the dust.


    You re lost : where in the OP or in the posts we said Nuclear weapons?

    When did the Iran had nuclear weapons?

    When the US/Europe?israel had proof ( i mean real proof) of nuclear weapons being developped?

    But for the Iran to have missiles, yes I am in favor, it balances a bit the hegemony of US and the impunity of Israel in middle east.

    By the way I am not sure if you noticed but there was some elections in Iran...

    Iran regime is far from History mate, those who believe that are the delusionals

    As I observed you are in favour of Iran having nuclear weapons. What say you the Saudis should also have them, in the interests of 'balance' of course?

    Tou should "observe" more... never said i wanted iran witg nuke. Iran has no nuke, has signed the NPT and has only regular missiles.

    Israel has nukes (around 100 from estimation and leaks) and dodn t sign any treaty..

    I guess you re cobfused

  4. Cars kill far more people than guns, and NO ONE ( that I've heard of ) is advocating that access to cars be strictly controlled.

    Alcohol causes far more deaths than guns, but it's not strictly controlled.

    Okay, besides all the argument, others already threw at you (driving license, driving tests, strict laws on driving etc.)

    I will give you another and very simple reason, why your argument is total BS:

    Car = main objective: driving around from A to B, maybe transporting stuff, people...

    Gun= main objective: shoot or kill someone

    It's not that hard, really!

    Wrong. Outside the military, the most common reason for owning a gun would probably be for hunting animals/ exterminating animal pests. Certainly is in NZ and in the UK/ Ireland.

    BTW people can own a 50 cal rifle in NZ, but there aren't any reports of people lying on water towers and shooting people with one, or any rifle. There's more to the mass shooting culture in the US than the mere availability of weapons.

    Wrong. Outside the military, the most common reason for owning a gun would probably be for hunting animals/ exterminating animal pests.

    in US ? come on please you can do better than that!

  5. - ban free speech : check!

    - Moving the kickbacks to the friends instead of foes : check!

    - Putting Thailand in the worst economical position in the ASEAN : check!

    - Giving the Junta an amnesty blanket (which was the trigger when it was for Thaksin, which I NOT approved neither, just in case the "but Thaksin" comes here) :check!

    - Be sure that the Coups are now "legalized" : check!

    - Lower the foreign investments : check!

    Good work!

  6. At least our esteemed members are making it clear they are in favour of Iran having nuclear weapons, which begs the question why they are so active in a thread concerning Iranian non-compliance in an agreement which purports to stop them. Of course their agenda is completely transparent and revolves around Israel being open to attack from the entire Muslim world. Ironically many of the Arabs are quietly moving on whilst some here have not adjusted their position one iota from 1967.

    Not long now and the Iranian regime is history. Today yet another general bites the dust.


    You re lost : where in the OP or in the posts we said Nuclear weapons?

    When did the Iran had nuclear weapons?

    When the US/Europe?israel had proof ( i mean real proof) of nuclear weapons being developped?

    But for the Iran to have missiles, yes I am in favor, it balances a bit the hegemony of US and the impunity of Israel in middle east.

    By the way I am not sure if you noticed but there was some elections in Iran...

    Iran regime is far from History mate, those who believe that are the delusionals

  7. Israel has refused to sign the NPT despite international pressure to do so, and has stated that signing the NPT would be contrary to its national security interests

    OF COURSE they won't sign it. They are not required to and signing the NPT WOULD be contrary to Israel's national security interests. The hypocrites who want Israel destroyed are the ones pushing for it.

    Strangely Iran think the same and get ready to defend itself against abuses of Israel, extra judicial killings, drones, and nuclear weapons Israel has...

    But simplest minds here are just overfed with propaganda it seems

  8. When has Israel tested a nuke? I've never heard of a country developing nukes without tests that alert the entire planet. NASA knows when the kid with the funny haircut sneezes.

    How do you know that Israel has nukes?

    In a court of law, "admissible evidence" must include "personal knowledge". That's a legal term that means you saw, you heard, you touched... you know it "personally". Admissible evidence can also be sworn statements in the way of claims of "personal knowledge" by others.

    Rumors, hearsay, ("I heard John say") and so on aren't evidence.

    Where are these claims of "personal knowledge" that Israel has nukes? Has someone seen, felt, heard, touched etc. nukes belonging to Israel?


    You must be the only person in the world to believe Israel has no nuke...


    also :

    Israel has refused to sign the NPT despite international pressure to do so, and has stated that signing the NPT would be contrary to its national security interests

  9. The Muslims supporting Trump are the TRUE moderate Muslims who are appalled at the criminals who have high-jacked their religion in the name of hate. These are the Muslims that are welcome in Western countries. Anyone who supports Sharia law or Islamic terrorism does not belong here.

    Trump supports banning ALL Muslim immigrants from America, not just those supporting Sharia law. Sharia law being quite similar to the laws of the Old Testament of the Christian bible.

    Sharia law being similar to the laws of the Old Testament of the Christian bible that were used 3,000 YEARS AGO. Trump wants to ban all Muslims TEMPORARILY - until we can figure out who is who and what is what. It might be better to be safe than sorry.

    And yet there is no legal way to ban muslims as religion is not written on passports and I highly doubt they will offer ham sandwich for each arrival.

    Following this idea they could also ban temporarly all guns no?

    This is a stupid, unreal idea which cannot be put in place, Trump knows it, the muslims know it, only the fools believe such thing can happen

  10. The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them.

    Exactly. That's why access to them have to be strictly controlled.

    Cars kill far more people than guns, and NO ONE ( that I've heard of ) is advocating that access to cars be strictly controlled.

    Alcohol causes far more deaths than guns, but it's not strictly controlled.

    Strange I thought we had to have a permit to drive a car.

    In some countries after a certain age tou have to past tests again, doctors can forbid you to drive.

    When you drive a car you follow the rules, right? I mean i could drive at 200km/hour because i am super good, but because this man killed a baby now i have to follow the rules....

    Now they make stricter rules because of alcohol, power engine, new evidences of dangerous roads... so you follow these rules right? So why not regulate more strictly the guns? Why the second hand market is not regulated in most of the countries? Why do they allow kids to learn how to shoot when they are 4, or 12, or 15? You won'think it is safe to let them drive, right?

    Cars are designed to drive you from a point to another... the sole purpose of guns is to maim or kill

  11. <<snip..


    I am not a supporter of the current Iranian govt., and I am not taking sides in your debate.

    I am just interested in the map. I've always loved maps. Thank you Rand McNally!

    Google's map regarding "major US bases," including "other NATO military sites," doesn't seem very different from GA's map. I see more installations in eastern Turkey and in the central Asian former USSR republics on GA's map. Still, there are some similarities. (I hope the link works.)


    I couldn't find one from the Dept. of Defense. I went to their site and the US Army site. You seem to know more about this than me. So, can you direct us to a map you deem more accurate or does Google have it right or fairly close?


    The DOD calls any place where they either house personnel or equipment as a base.

    For instance, your Google map shows Eskan Village in Saudi Arabia as one of their bases. Eskan Village is the housing compound for the rather small Military Training Mission (MTM) and nothing else. They have no aircraft, armor or combat personnel, other than the security staff, stationed there. Previously the MTM had another facility in Jubail but they closed their presence down and they have nothing there at present. My wife and I spent a couple of very nice 4th of July parties at Eskan Village.

    Click on the aircraft in your map of Saudi Arabia for verification.

    Next look at the map of the Middle East and you will find one named Masirah in Oman. It is described as:

    "Mainly operated by the Omani Air Force, but also used by US as a storage depot. Renamed Camp Justice"

    Any place where the US has landing rights or refueling capabilities is considered a "base", and is not necessarily occupied by thousands of blood thirsty Marines ready to rape and pillage.

    Try this site for some more information: http://www.gao.gov/key_issues/realigning_closing_military_bases/issue_summary#t=1

    The GAO explained their study in this manner:

    "GAO has designated DOD's Support Infrastructure Management as a high-risk area in part due to challenges DOD faces in reducing excess infrastructure. DOD manages a global real property portfolio of over 557,000 facilities DOD estimates to be valued at about $828 billion as of September 30, 2012. In September 2011, GAO found that DOD was limited in its ability to reduce excess inventory because OSD did not maintain accurate and complete data on the utilization of its facilities in its Real Property Assets Database."

    As you can tell, the situation isn't quite as simple as some of our more simple minded posters seem to believe.

    We all know, even a simpleton like me, that all those army bases whithout any interest only host guys who do nothing but wait and help. It is not like usa has the habit to use spy or special forces operation from those tiny place

    And here is me saying hello to this good ol" chuck'd


  12. Well just look at how many countries Iran invaded in the last few decades compared to USA/Europe.

    How many extra judicial killings/operation by their secret services outside of their borders?

    How many land stealing by Iran?

    How many drone bombings Israel and USA has done compared to Iran?

    How many american bases around Iran ?


    I'm going to add you to my 'ignore' list. That means I will no longer respond to any of your baiting, poorly written and worded posts.

    Just one last word of advice. Before you post ridiculous maps you should also find out what the DOD considers to be a military post.

    Good luck holding France together. The US can manage very well without you.

    Good, You re the one taking "the french way" with me...perfect...

    And my map is quite disturbing for your crap...and is accurate, like it or not.

    About my wording : at least i can speak foreign language.

    As you said in another topic :

    if you say crap, why can't we?

    Apparently usa can do well without you,living in thailand as the american dream probably was not for you...

    Let see how USA handle the next Trump...I am sure you will come back crying...

    I will think of it next time i enjoy free health care...

    I will not put you on my ignore list : i enjoy your poor answers


    I am not a supporter of the current Iranian govt., and I am not taking sides in your debate.

    I am just interested in the map. I've always loved maps. Thank you Rand McNally!

    Google's map regarding "major US bases," including "other NATO military sites," doesn't seem very different from GA's map. I see more installations in eastern Turkey and in the central Asian former USSR republics on GA's map. Still, there are some similarities. (I hope the link works.)


    I couldn't find one from the Dept. of Defense. I went to their site and the US Army site. You seem to know more about this than me. So, can you direct us to a map you deem more accurate or does Google have it right or fairly close?


    I am quite sure he will not answer or twist my/your words...one more time...say hello for me to him...

    As soon as he doesn't have any argument to enforce his statements he starts ranting...

  13. This old chestnut again

    "The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them."

    Idiots indeed so why would you give them access to guns in the first place?

    Those who are pro guns will always make excuses for the overwhelming amount of gun violence in the US. We can all come up with examples for whatever argument we are trying to promote. The reality is the USA will continue it's gun obsession no matter how many young and innocent people are killed.

    Idiots? You decide...

    "The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them."

    I think it's maybe because us, foreigners, do not understood the check up they have to make to have the right to have a gun, maybe they MUST be idiots to have this right

  14. Why shouldn't Iran have nukes?

    Because Iran is a rogue country run by Islamic terrorists who sponsor terror against innocents all over the world.

    Same can be said for Israel too. A rogue state acts against UN. Killing people, stealinf land, using weapons banned by UN etc etc.

    If israel has the right to have long range missles to hit iran, then iran has the right to have the same. Why this is so strange I dont know. iran did not attack any other country or kill people for decades but israel?

    They have to ban all long range missles in middle east and all nukes around the world.

    Why do you say such things :

    We all know Iran send spies to do extra judicial killings kidnappings , the nuclear warheads they have and not signed the Non Proliferation treaty , the land stealing, the drones hits...

    oh wait.......

  15. I find very funny that the ones praising the second amendment for their gun are also the same (at least here) who support the government in whistle blower Cases, government abuses of Human rights like Guantanamo, tortures, extra judicial killings, restriction of free speech,.....

    There is only one amendment that counts and can never be touched...and that is the 2nd!

    It was more about the : "i have a gun because the government may become (is) tyrannic!"

  16. How many thousands of Israeli missiles are capable of hitting Iran... just wondering.

    Spot on.


    How many times have Israeli leaders said they wanted to wipe Tehran off the map?

    NONE. At worst they have said they want to destroy IRAN'S ILLEGAL NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM.

    Yeah we all know Israel is quite on the spot about nuclear program....

    And the one in Iran has never been proven right...

  17. What I still have trouble wrapping my head around is why anybody thought they could believe Iran in the first place.

    Sure, Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran and obviously still holds strong ties to her nation of birth but why did Kerry fall for it, hook, line and sinker? Old Val controls Obama so that part is understandable.

    But, never mind. The "treaty that isn't a treaty" has never even been signed by Iran.

    There is no agreement but the sanctions are gone, never to be replaced or enforced. Iran has their $150 Billion and Hamas and Hezbollah are funded again.

    The toothless tiger in the White House strikes again as Iran continues forward with their nuke campaign.

    Well just look at how many countries Iran invaded in the last few decades compared to USA/Europe.

    How many extra judicial killings/operation by their secret services outside of their borders?

    How many land stealing by Iran?

    How many drone bombings Israel and USA has done compared to Iran?

    How many american bases around Iran ?


    I'm going to add you to my 'ignore' list. That means I will no longer respond to any of your baiting, poorly written and worded posts.

    Just one last word of advice. Before you post ridiculous maps you should also find out what the DOD considers to be a military post.

    Good luck holding France together. The US can manage very well without you.

    Good, You re the one taking "the french way" with me...perfect...

    And my map is quite disturbing for your crap...and is accurate, like it or not.

    About my wording : at least i can speak foreign language.

    As you said in another topic :

    if you say crap, why can't we?

    Apparently usa can do well without you,living in thailand as the american dream probably was not for you...

    Let see how USA handle the next Trump...I am sure you will come back crying...

    I will think of it next time i enjoy free health care...

    I will not put you on my ignore list : i enjoy your poor answers

  18. What I still have trouble wrapping my head around is why anybody thought they could believe Iran in the first place.

    Sure, Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran and obviously still holds strong ties to her nation of birth but why did Kerry fall for it, hook, line and sinker? Old Val controls Obama so that part is understandable.

    But, never mind. The "treaty that isn't a treaty" has never even been signed by Iran.

    There is no agreement but the sanctions are gone, never to be replaced or enforced. Iran has their $150 Billion and Hamas and Hezbollah are funded again.

    The toothless tiger in the White House strikes again as Iran continues forward with their nuke campaign.

    Well just look at how many countries Iran invaded in the last few decades compared to USA/Europe.

    How many extra judicial killings/operation by their secret services outside of their borders?

    How many land stealing by Iran?

    How many drone bombings Israel and USA has done compared to Iran?

    How many american bases around Iran ?


  19. So let be clear :



    WHAT'S TRUE: Politicians complained less pork was being served in Germany, diluting culinary cultural heritage.WHAT'S FALSE: Germany banned pork in any way, shape, or form.

    The move is likely to cause tensions among residents who support the introduction of restrictions on the inflow of refugees to the country.

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