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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. But we know how these brutal dictators kept things quiet. Thus, the Arab Spring protests. Not the first time protests like this have happened in the ME. Dang if you do, dang if you don't! LOL

    Yes we do and how many were killed under their rule and how many under "our"

    How many fled to Europe and started to destroy it under dictatorship ? and how many are doing it now?

    Arab Spring would have never happened if it was not instigated and supported by you know who, for the benefit of you know who.

    End result, hundreds of thousands dead if not more, millions in refugee camps and numbers are growing

    No good either way. Arab Spring was 100% due to Gaddafi. He was the ruler. You don't see uprisings like this in Denmark, Canada, the UK. Why? Better leadership and freedom of press. The latter is a big stick.

    It's a terrible situation.

    wrong, the upraising was not 100% due of Qaddafi. If there are less uprisings in Denmark, Canada, UK it is because they most of the time are on the side of those pushing the uprisings...

    I completly agree Qaddafi was a dicator, however just look at before and after, who control the oil now, who had any interest in the fall of Qaddafi (former french president Sarkozy is one of them and is still tormented for the money he "may or may not" have borrowed from the Qaddafi family).

  2. Since most of the posters on this thread are NOT Americans, I can only suggest you refrain from ever traveling to the US to face the hazards there.

    I'm going to LA and Vegas in July.

    Will I be able to rent a gun when I pick up my SIM card?

    Of course, just grab a few bucks, go to a second hand market which has absolutely no regulation, and you can end with a pretty Uzi.

    Don't forget to make a stop in Texas: if someone comes to you and try to reach your hand to shake it you will be able to shoot him and tell the police officer you used the Stand Your Grounds wonderful law

  3. Of course he is the only one responsible of this tragedy, right?

    I mean it is not like the USA or Europe or the good ol' Saudi (a successful Daesh) had anything to do with this mess...

    Just a quick reminder :
    Under Assad reign :

    Christian : 12% of the population

    The synagogues of the Jewish community had a protected status by the Syrian government.

    I am curious to see how those "freedom fighters" will handle those two communities if they win, oh wait...!

  4. would a UN backed government save Libya when it was the UN that destroyed it?

    You can't fix stupid!

    So Gaddafi had nothing to do with the problems in his country? I think many citizens there would tend to disagree with your comment.

    Gaddafi was no saint neither was Saddam Hussein but when they were in power things were a lot quieter than what they are now. To late the Genie is out of the lamp.

    But we know how these brutal dictators kept things quiet. Thus, the Arab Spring protests. Not the first time protests like this have happened in the ME. Dang if you do, dang if you don't! LOL

    Yes we can just witness our good ol'friends the Saudi for exemple.

    What is important in this news (for the UN at least) is the word "oil", they went to war because of this, not to help population.

    Strangely very few newspapers let us know that Total took 30% of the oil fields in Libya just after it was "freed"...

  5. I don't live in Pattaya. Haven't lived there since 2005. How about you?

    What is the collective IQ of the followers of Trump? A link would be nice to prove your theory.

    You re welcome


    Sadly I can't read your editorial. I have already reached my limit this month with the Washington Post for their free reads and I refuse to spend one dime on an MSM outlet.

    I did manage a glimpse of the article before it was cut off with an advertisement to subscribe.

    However, I will provide you with a link to the SC exit interviews of last week. There is a somewhat different opinion from the actual voters themselves than from what some editorialist thinks.

    Just for the record:

    1. High school or less - Trump 45%

    2. Some college -------- Trump 40%

    3. College Graduate -- Trump 29%

    4. Post Graduate ------ Trump 32%

    Nice try but another failure.


    Answering and sending some percentages without willing to read the links i provided on YOUR request is so fun, so you, so ...well you know...it kind of reminds me how the bigots do : i don't need scientists, all the answers are in my book

    I rewrite this sentence as it can be applied to your answer as well :

    There is a somewhat different opinion from the actual voters themselves than from what some editorialist thinks.

    You have a strange way to show the stats to try to twist so let me rephrase this for you

    1. High school or less - NOT Trump 55%

    2. Some college -------- NOT Trump 60%

    3. College Graduate -- NOT Trump 71%%

    4. Post Graduate ------NOT Trump 68%

    Sure it is less interesting for you but show YOUR failure...

    well it s probably because you re a fan of Trump, this explains your answer and lack of understanding of percentagescheesy.gif

    Nice failure

  6. There's a lot of hatred on this forum for young people, for western women, and for Thailand in general.

    This story seems to have created an ideal opportunity to attack all three at once, hence the ensuing flood of bile.

    What an unpleasant place this can be at times.

    Considering the old expats still living in dream and going for 21yrs old thai gf, it comes at no surprise they now rant toward a 21 yrs old western girl. But if she was working in a bar closed by their house they would have probably enjoyed her disorientation much more
  7. There have been recent rulings against BDS in Canada, France, Germany and the U.K. These rulings are at a national level, far more important than the piecemeal isolated boycotts from academia. Governments are basically telling their student activists and loopy professors to grow up.

    That, and a stand against anti-semitism, as the core of the BDS movement is about ending the state of Israel. Somehow, to these obsessive Israel demonizing haters, Jews specifically (only Jews, of all the peoples in the world) don't deserve one nation state to demographically dominate. Most of the more civilized nations see the true motives of the BDS movement. It's true some clueless BDS supporters don't ... they should be educated. Evidence has already been supplied about the true motives of the BDS movement. It's not a two state solution ... it's for the end of Israel. If you're for that, by all means, support BDS.

    You make me think of Murray in groundhog Day, always writing the same lyings and puttin the term "antisemitism" on everything which does not follow the right wing Israel government mentality

  8. It appears that Ben Carson and John Kasich had better stay in the race. A constitutional law professor is now insisting that neither Cruz nor Rubio are eligible to be president. Neither are natural born citizens. Where were these experts when Obama was running for president. According to them, Obama is not a natural born citizen either.

    What are you on about? Obama was born in Hawaii. There was never any question that he is a natural born citizen. But Cruz might have a problem. I agree Kasich still has a tiny chance if he can win in Michigan and Ohio, but his prospects are getting dimmer. Carson, I think no chance, but I can see he can take some of the Cruz religious fanatic votes if Cruz has to exit.

    Only the few people, who like to call obama Hussein Obama, think he is muslim and not from USA..I think a couple of republicans are among them

  9. There have been recent rulings against BDS in Canada, France, Germany and the U.K. These rulings are at a national level, far more important than the piecemeal isolated boycotts from academia. Governments are basically telling their student activists and loopy professors to grow up.

    No they threaten them of legal action after a huge lobbyism from the right winged jewish organizations...Hope you don't listen to Pink Floyd too much by the way

  10. I guess when you can't refute the findings of thousands of scientists, you're left with...., wait for it, .....a whale fart.

    Pretty much, or a foolish MEME or dredge some dead carcass up from a Climate Denier blogg site. If all else fails then Fox News drivel. Or Inoffe throwing snowballs in Congress. All gets a little childish for me 'boomer'.

    You two 'believers' do know there is a feature on the forum called...wait for it..."Ignore"

    Just enter my name and, viola, you won't have to read my posts ever again.

    Meanwhile, as you both revel in your self appointed righteousness, here's a little read for you, straight from the 97%.


    Dinosaur farts may have caused prehistoric global warming
    by Tafline Laylin
    We know that today’s cows are responsible for producing staggering amounts of heat-trapping methane gas, a major driver of climate change, but British scientists now claim that dinosaurs with vegetarian diets may have contributed to prehistoric global warming simply by passing gas. Dr. Dave Wilkinson from Liverpool John Moores University led the study, which was published in the journal Current Biology. He told The Telegraph “Indeed, our calculations suggest that these dinosaurs could have produced more methane than all modern sources.”

    I am surprised you believe in Dinosaurs, it goes against all the beliefs you re fond of

  11. I always wanted to watch the fall of a Nation....coffee1.gif

    You're French. Just look around you.

    lol, the worst President in France will never rival with the stupidity of a Bush or Trump, but It gives some hint to the IQ of the followers...especially if they live in a city of light like Pattaya..

    The Pot calling the kettle black

  12. Thailand has diplomatic relations with both the state of Israel and the non-existent state of Palestine. So a meeting like this is normal.

    And yet 136 countries recognize the State of Palestine!

    Gosh yes! They have all of Africa recognising them and the Arab world and the ex communist bloc but very few democratic countries because to support Palestine is to support corrupt to the hilt murders, conmen and terrorists. Such recognition by the UN is why it has become irrelevant and degraded.

    What you re saying is basically 3/4 of the world opinion doesn't worth the "great Europe and USA"?

    What a joke.


    Now look carefully, I know it is hard but there are only two colors.

    Look at the total coverage of the green area, and they grey area


    Now tell me all those people opinion worth less than the precious "western nations" which we know are a beacon of democracy and freedom in the world..

    Do you really want to speak about the corruption in the grey countries? the freedom of speech, their "rightful and godly driven goals"...

  13. Gen Prayut also voiced his support for Palestine to reach a peace agreement with Israel based on the two-state solution approach.

    But not the approach that Prayut will allow for the Muslims in South Thailand in order to achieve peace!

    Pure hipocrisy and dishonesty.

    If you knew the History in the South you would have not written this, so please go back to the books and/or wikipedia

  14. Lots of holes in this story. "“At first, you could say it was rape, but after two times, it was okay." So the guy 'rapes' you once, but you decide to meet up with him again ... then after the second 'rape' you decide it's now ok? I think someone should explain to this lady what rape is.

    Seems more of a case of a girl working in a Thai disco overseas, meeting a former boyband star and 'catching' him, then getting dumped for a girl he can bring home to mom... followed by an attempt to publicly shame him for revenge. Quite a piece of work

    Lots of holes in this story....cheesy.gif

  15. It's not about gun control.

    Although many are quick to jump on that bandwagon and are missing the point.

    It's about self-control and the childlike mentality that is a cancer on this nation: Losing Face.

    "The high numbers of homicides in Thailand, it was reported, was often due to “loss of face and businesses disputes”, which recent deaths would appear to confirm."

    "What may make Thailand stand-out however is that so many murders we hear about ... happen over what most people would consider trivial matters, mostly concerning ‘loss of face’."

    “You see in Thailand there’s no 1, 2, 3,” he said. “There’s only a 3. In some countries you have a shouting match, then you have a fight and sometimes it goes to murder.

    Here, you can get into an argument and the next thing you know you have been shot.” People don’t like losing face, he said, and on top of that it’s easy to acquire a firearm."

    "As has been reported, losing face seems to bear much of the responsibility for murders in Thailand, perhaps more so than in other countries where ‘face’ is not deemed quite as important."

    No it is not.

    Human nature cannot prevent the people who may turn crazy easily to do so.

    Gun control just limit the casualties

    (But it is a good argument for the NRA coffee1.gif )

    Gun control doesn't limit any casualties...

    Swedens murder rate is about 90 each year* and 30-35% of them are with guns and just 1-2 each year is committed with a legal gun, rest are with illegal guns.

    *since 2005 but there was peak of 111 murders in 2007.

    You say it doesn t prevent casualties, however your exemple show the exact opposite.

    Gun control means having less guns, no second hand selling without state control.

    Less guns in circulation means less guns available to buy legally or on the black market, with higher price when the avaibility is poor.

    So thank you for your help to prove my point

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