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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. Rubl: "When someone takes the trouble to reply to a post of mine I think it polite to respond."

    I have responded to a post you made twice but never go an answer. Is this question too difficult even for your upbringing?

    After 19 coups/attempts what exactly about the present junta makes you believe that anything will be better?

    Nothing personal, my dear MZurf. It's just that upbringing, education, experience and forum rules have also taught me to ignore leading and/or baiting questions.

    Especially when you don't know what to answer

  2. It is true!

    In Schleswig Holstein, a state in the north of germany.

    The Schleswig-Holstein CDU parliamentary faction leader Daniel Günther justified for the controversial initiative of his faction to ban pork in public canteens.

    It is in the german press.



    What kind of nonsense some of "our" politicians think and deal, incredible.

    Muslims in our countries have to adapt to us and our culture and not vice versa!

    Apparently, we are no longer masters of our own house.

    Are you a bit thick?

    On what planet is ONE polititian, from one federal state and one party, justifying some BS- initiative, the same as "Germany bans sausage"?

    Apparently the only thing you are no longer master of, is reading and understanding!

    The compliment I can only return.

    Or you can not read the German original sources?

    I find your lack of German language comprehension disturbing

  3. Do not believe you ---you full well know what the gist of my post was, if it does not suit your anti PM agenda you are not interested.

    It would be a laugh a minute if the posters that have a positive attitude re the PM stopped posting----you guys would be floundering and have no one to reply to. At least we try to dangle carrots for you to bite on, give us credit for that.

    The PM is asking certain media people to be more fair with reporting------same as I am asking you to be more fair with you criticism.

    DO YOU UNDERSTAND--if not Google it.

    someone has a positive view of the (self-appointed) "PM" ???

    could I say majority-----on Thai visa forum-------and nationwide. your lot hog the forum --hundreds are fed up with your crowd slagging the people attempting to rid the nation of cancerous people. day in day out.

    instead of fair criticism your minority is spoiling this open forum of friends with this anti PM barrage-------but it is your intention--OK...up to you.

    Majority are happy?

    Dude you should go see North Korea, Russia and whatever Dictatorship around the world, you will love the polls there too : they are all happy!

    you could make me laugh if it was not so dramatic to read your comments

  4. Who are the opponent's? Is there anyone left to oppose the status quo?

    The OP mentions "Without naming names, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha accused a group of people".

    Reading between the lines one might find Thaksin, Ms. Yingluck, Pheu Thai and the like.

    Having the recent news it's also include :



    Some monks

    Foreign investors

    Foreign countries

    Foreign diplomats

    People who don't like dogs (remember this one?)

    people who don't like to have free speech

    people who don't want a single gateway for internet...

    Huigurs (or whatever the spelling is)

    Muslims in the south

    ....it starts to pile up a bit no?

  5. Most of the civilized world has affordable healthcare. Big whoop, That is just the candy coating for the socialist's poison pill.

    try that with pre-existing condition.....

    Well for example as a Canadian I was covered even before I was born. I don't think there can be any pre-existing conditions

    But I believe even newly arrived Canadians are covered for the same things as Natural born ones.

    Canada and USA are not the same for Health care if I remember correctly.

    Just try to do the same as an expat here for exemple and request a health insurance :

    If you mention any pre-existing condition they will refuse you or tell you they will not cover any expense related to the condition.

    Not sure if this is relevant for canadian but have a look :


  6. Trump is much SMARTER than you guys on here that knock him.

    WHY? Would he tell the Democrats what he is going to do in detail.

    I hope for the sake of America he gets elected.

    I wish we had someone like him in Australia.

    WHY? Would he tell the Democrats what he is going to do in detail.

    Because when you want to be elected you have to tell the people who will vote for you how you will proceed and not just promise them

    free elctricity,free food, free BEER, free BACON..don't ask how, just vote!

  7. Until I read this article, I would not have considered voting for Trump.

    But now the sounds of all those elitist Europeans and Arab camel-herders squealing in fearful horror at the prospect that their cosy, cushy wealth may be under threat from this American nationalist have converted me to Trumpism.

    Long live the Trump.

    Someone who calls Arabs "camel herders" would not have considered voting for Trump? Who do you think you are fooling? It's clear you are exactly the kind of voter he is targeting. And to make it perfectly clear, the kind of voter he is targeting is a bigot.

    So, quite a large number of bigots out there, judging by the polling results.

    If calling an Arab a "camel herder" is a sign of bigotry, I gladly embrace the intended insult.

    Seems you embrace racism as well, another part of the people voting for Trump

  8. Do you know of many international sporting competitions which forbid national symbols? Especially competitions organized by national sporting associations?

    Don't tempt me as I have some links ready for you about sport events in Israel and palestinian flags...

    We are discussing an international sporting event, involving multiple countries. Only one was singled out and discriminated against. The relevant international sporting organizations issued a directive (linked previously) which condemns and forbids these sort of things.

    Without going off-topic, you'd need a link describing similar Israeli restrictions toward Palestinians, relating to an international sport competition hosted by Israel.

    Even if this was the case, by the way, it would not justify or legitimize the Malaysian conduct - we are often reminded by certain posters that two wrongs do not make a right. Right?

    You re asking me a question right?, I tell you I can provide you an answer, simple as that!

    Does this bother you?

    Yes there are international events hosted in israel where the palestinians cannot go or their flag was spitted on.

    I don't say it makes it right, just read my previous answers to be sure of that...but do not ask me something, then telling me the answer i would give will prove your point or is off topic...

  9. Incidentally, the word professional gets tossed around a lot. A true professional is someone with a terminal degree. Without citing the degrees - doctors, lawyers, certified cpa's, scientists, engineers with adv degrees, teachers, etc.

    People building websites and managing social media, spammers, content scribblers are not professionals.

    If they are good at what they do and earn a living doing it, they are professionals.
    Unfortunately, this is the common wisdom as and it is 100% wrong. Let me guess, you don't have a college degree but think of yourself as a professional?

    Tradesmen, technicians, anyone in real estate, 98% of people in insurance, 50% of people in finance, general accountants, office staff, hair salon girls, it gurus and global nomads are not professionals.

    You mix professionals and educated...

    Simple Definition of professional
    • : relating to a job that requires special education, training, or skill

    Are you able to build a website?Are you able to understand trade exchange? are you able to create accounting reports, fill them, find the best way to lower the taxes from a company? are you able to do a proper hair cut?

    All those require specific training, skill, knowledge... and make them professionals.

    Those who can do that are professionals...but I think what you write is more linked to jealousy than real opinion.

  10. Amazing to see the topic changing from visa denied for foreign journalists to BBC and the red shirts!

    The Junta doesn't want to have bad press so instead of trying to fix the problems they just mute the voices of foreign journalists.

    This is one more proof that the Junta goes closer to the past Myanmar "government" actions.

    Thailands was a hub of free press in south east Asia, it is now a red dot of shame on the map

  11. Twisting word as always :

    The competition require that no one have their flag or country symbol on their board or equipment

    Israel athletes refuse


    Israeli athletes not go to Malaysia.

    I believe it was a restriction placed only on the Israeli athletes, not a general one.

    There are certain models which do not normally carry prominent flags, but definitely not all.

    Flags are usually in evidence on athletes sportswear, TV coverage and when presenting medals etc.

    If this was only for Israeli then I feel sorry for the Israeli athletes, but in this case the article is poorly written.

    It is presented as a general rule. If it is, then it is their choice to not go

    Do you know of many international sporting competitions which forbid national symbols? Especially competitions organized by national sporting associations?

    Don't tempt me as I have some links ready for you about sport events in Israel and palestinian flags...

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