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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. Don't let facts get in the way of your usual 24/7 ranting. More settlements were built under Sharon, Barak and Olmert than under Netanyahu. Justifications for Arab terrorism have always been based on disingenuous nonsense rather than face the fact they want Israel gone period and never wanted a two state solution in the first place.


    Sharon, Barak and Olmert were also wrong and we also see that under their government it was also a mess.

    As long as they still think they can settle wherever they want nothing will change...

    Ranting is for you being against settlements? well a huge part of the world is ranting now, in fact a vast majority of the world is tired of this middle finger they give each time they settle more and complain about the violence against settlers... Majority of the worldwide countries, by aknoledging Palestine as a state show how they feel...But as usual you prefer to ignore facts...

    It is quite difficult to have two states when one state phagocyte the other on daily basis...

    Israel is a racist state and its violence equal the one done by Palestinians

    Facts are harder for those in favor of illegal settlements than those against, but rant again, dude...

    Phagocyte? White blood cell?

    Maybe there is no equivalence and English does not use this word as a verb, but you get the idea...I hope

  2. It's all part of Israel. 1 state not 2. Either the separationist Palestinians get on board and become part of the solution rather than continue being the problem.

    Nah. Read the history. I gave links already. (And I don't mean Old Testament fairy stories)

    Israel is as much a part of the problem than the Palestinian, the day they will open their eyes will be a great day

  3. Don't let facts get in the way of your usual 24/7 ranting. More settlements were built under Sharon, Barak and Olmert than under Netanyahu. Justifications for Arab terrorism have always been based on disingenuous nonsense rather than face the fact they want Israel gone period and never wanted a two state solution in the first place.


    Sharon, Barak and Olmert were also wrong and we also see that under their government it was also a mess.

    As long as they still think they can settle wherever they want nothing will change...

    Ranting is for you being against settlements? well a huge part of the world is ranting now, in fact a vast majority of the world is tired of this middle finger they give each time they settle more and complain about the violence against settlers... Majority of the worldwide countries, by aknoledging Palestine as a state show how they feel...But as usual you prefer to ignore facts...

    It is quite difficult to have two states when one state phagocyte the other on daily basis...

    Israel is a racist state and its violence equal the one done by Palestinians

    Facts are harder for those in favor of illegal settlements than those against, but rant again, dude...

  4. It's all part of Israel. 1 state not 2. Either the separationist Palestinians get on board and become part of the solution rather than continue being the problem.

    Israel doesn't want 1 state, otherwise in 2 generations there will be more arabs than jews...and Bibi is quite afraid of that.

    Now to have two states you also need to stop stealing the land and settle, and encourage settlements and continue to think you can do that without any problems from the other side.

    The fact that so many people criticize Israel is because, as they repeat, they are a democracy and therefore have to power to elect a government which will stop those settlements and land stealing...so far it didn't happen

    The voice of the people in a democracy at work. Like I said there is only 1 state.

    Do you think that Thailand will let the southern part sucede just because they want to?

    Thailand and Israel are completely differents situations

  5. It's all part of Israel. 1 state not 2. Either the separationist Palestinians get on board and become part of the solution rather than continue being the problem.

    Israel doesn't want 1 state, otherwise in 2 generations there will be more arabs than jews...and Bibi is quite afraid of that.

    Now to have two states you also need to stop stealing the land and settle, and encourage settlements and continue to think you can do that without any problems from the other side.

    The fact that so many people criticize Israel is because, as they repeat, they are a democracy and therefore have to power to elect a government which will stop those settlements and land stealing...so far it didn't happen

  6. Let those who disagree, foot the bill.

    Then, see how many would still raise their hands to question.

    It's easy when using someone else's money.

    Remember the bombings in Libya, Sirya, Irak,.... It was YOUR money who was spent to bomb them... Did this work? No, did this brought freedom and stability? No, Did these actions fuelled the migrations ? Yes..so you already paid to have them flee in Europe and USA...

    It is easy to condemn people migrating when you are responsible for their migration...

  7. They should also ask them to wear a kind of distinctive symbol on the chest to recognize them, maybe a kind of yellow star or purple triangle...

    Do they think this will stop the migrants? do they think they will collect money or items worth the work of people who would have to seize these.

    They should focus on the tax evasion which cost around 160 milliards of euro for an average EU country each year

  8. They di however magically disappear through coups...

    Actually the coup may have ensured that maybe Ms. Yingluck will have her day in court to explain all about her wonderful RPPS and why the 'self-financing' scheme was allowed to lose 500 billion Baht.

    Of course the Shinawatra publicity campaign will try everything possible to distract. Obfuscation in full progress. The 'but, but, but the others' replayed as usual.

    5555. Classic, you mean a bit like your post rubl ? I of course wasn't referring to the accountability of Yingluck, she was accountable to the electorate at any time during her term as PM. I am talking about the responsibility and accountability of the current rulers, as it did disappear.

    Apparently this does not pose a problem to you, as you appear to only want responsibility and accountability for certain kind of people.

    You know the word for persons like that, and why no sane person. would take such persons seriously.

    Typical shin lover response.. accountable only to the electorate.. justice is not a popularity game. Everyone is accountable to the law however there would have been no trial for the massive off books (not included in the countries budget) spending of the rice program. That is negligence all over the world spending the same amount as the health budget and hiding it calling it self financing. (that kind of financial negligence would result to a trial in most civilized countries). But no you want there only to be a trial in the eyes of the public.

    The junta is far from perfect, but at least they got YL for a trial, there are many thing wrong with the junta but this is not one of them. Going after a PM who after being warned by the world bank among others that this was not financial sound still kept on saying it was self financing.. when one of the people on the rice program came out with figured bullied that person and wanted to prosecute that person (instead of accepting she was wrong in calling it self financing and not taking it up in the books) Thus leaving Thailand with a massive extra debt. The health budget for Thailand could have been financed with it for 2 !!! Years.

    Everyone is accountable to the law

    Not the Junta apparently who granted themselves Amnesty for past, current and futur actions they will take

    But as long as they put in jail all the other ones (and by other ones i mean the Shin) it seems to be ok with you.

    I am quite ok to have the Shins in trial, as long as the main goal the Junta gave for their coup is maintain : justice, close the gap and internal confrontation.

    So far the Junta chased the Shins and what else?

    About justice : abhisit and Suthep, can sleep well, no worries for them, they are on the good side of the fence.

    Corruption? sorry not for this time, the RTP is still the same, the people complaining about corruption are "adjusted"

    Censorship? Yes please much more

    LM, yes please much more, and let's now included the pets in the law

    Debt; Let's double, triple the military budget

    Safety : let offer the offenders a reduction for new year...

    You can't blame the Shin and praise this Junta without being out of your mind...I am sure you re not, right? right?

  9. Only guess and speculation?

    Well it seems Gerald Hurst who was a chemist and fire investigator, not really a "far left" guy...

    "Nationally known fire investigator Gerald Hurst reviewed the case documents, including the trial transcriptions and an hour-long videotape of the aftermath of the fire scene, and said in December 2004 that "There's nothing to suggest to any reasonable arson investigator that this was an arson fire. It was just a fire."

    In 2004, Hurst was asked to review the case of Texas death row inmate Cameron Todd Willingham, who was sentenced to death after a fire in which his three children died. By that time, Hurst's work had contributed to ten exonerations. Hurst was contacted only a couple of weeks before Willingham's scheduled execution. He issued a report in which he criticized the conclusions of the original fire investigators in light of more current fire investigation knowledge. Hurst said that the fire had not been a case of arson. Hurst's report was faxed to the office of Texas governor Rick Perry on the day that Willingham was scheduled to die. However, the execution proceeded because Perry was unconvinced that the report provided a basis for a stay of execution.

    In 2006, the Innocence Project brought together a group of arson experts to review the Willingham case. The panel agreed with Hurst's conclusions. A 2009 review by the Texas Forensic Science Commission found that the original arson determination had been made using "flawed science".[9] Hurst was featured in Incendiary, a documentary film on the Willingham case.

    He was sentenced by a judge, a judge which has attracted a lot of doubts upon him for this execution.

    Of course having all those left guys, like the washington Post investigation (a newspaper well known for its regular "Che" covers coffee1.gif ) is just a dust i the well oiled laws of the country. It is not like executed were afterward recognized innocents, but too late unfortunately...

    And this condemnation is still under high scrutiny, and not only by left guys...

    I appreciate your read my link but I highly doubt you spent time to read them carefully and ask yourself why so many results in google show up against this execution..

  10. Meanwhile has Texas become crime-free overflowing with Walmart Guns and liberal application of Capital Punishment?

    Quite the contrary, It is not a deterrent to crime. Two wrongs do not make a right. It is applied in a way that is fundamentally racist.

    innocent people have and will continue to be put down by the State, and it drags America down to the level of the lowest of the low nations

    of human rights abuse. (Saudi, China, Iran).

    It is a failed policy that serves no good purpose, .

    Care to cite some examples of innocents put down by the state of Texas in the last 25 years?


    Did you miss the word "innocents" put forth in my post?

    He was convicted of murdering his three daughters by a jury of his peers and conviction was upheld through 12 years of an appeals process.

    Now try and find something that is relevant.

    Now try to google this name and see if he was really considered guilty beyond any reasonable doubts:





    I even copy the headlines so you can try to read them here, as clicking on links seem to hard for ya:

    Texas Executed An Innocent Father After Prosecutor Hid Evidence In Kids’ Arson Deaths"

    Executed But Possibly Innocent

    Cameron Todd Willingham - Innocent and Executed

    Texas Executed an Innocent Person

    Rick Perry executed an innocent dad after prosecutor hid evidence in kids’ arson deaths: Texas bar

    Is this enough or will you hide behind : "I trust my country and no death penalty have been given wrongly, especially in Texas where the truth and the moderatio always prevails...!" ?

  11. If there only were a few million more of people like him, who are willing to stand up for what's right for the population as a whole instead of what's right for them, then Thailand would be a much better place.

    They did and the government of the time used their terrorist branch to murder THIRTY of them on the streets and injure hundreds more. Now we are in this mess to try and stop it happening again for this 'better place' you mention.

    Quite a contrast to what happened to these people don't you think ?.

    Where were these hypocrites then ?. Or are you conveniently ignoring that as usual ?.

    And you?

    As usual defending the army, you re right it is not like they previously killed students in Thamassat, and it is well known and History prove it : Army did always a good job for this country...this one is no exception....

    It is not like the army is threatening the students and lecturers in universities, or extra judicial killings or abductions, or LM trials for the only good of the established ones...nooo.... the army is all you need.

    You re probably a part of the 99.4% happy with the army..

    EJ, you really should start by applying to yourself what is written in your signature before writing the same thing over and over

  12. Meanwhile has Texas become crime-free overflowing with Walmart Guns and liberal application of Capital Punishment?

    Quite the contrary, It is not a deterrent to crime. Two wrongs do not make a right. It is applied in a way that is fundamentally racist.

    innocent people have and will continue to be put down by the State, and it drags America down to the level of the lowest of the low nations

    of human rights abuse. (Saudi, China, Iran).

    It is a failed policy that serves no good purpose, .

    Care to cite some examples of innocents put down by the state of Texas in the last 25 years?


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